Palin speech excerpts already on the net

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There are already excerpts from Palin's speech out on the net.

Here's one excerpt:

"Before I became governor of the great state of Alaska, I was mayor of my hometown. And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves. I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer,’ except that you have actual responsibilities."

Here's the link. Scroll down a bit.

For some reason, after reading these speech excerpts, I had the odd urge to stand up and scream "FIIIIIIIIIIX......BAY-ON-ETS!!!!!!!"

Not sure why......

Ever wonder

if in all these speeches by all these candidate if there is any actual words of the speaker and not simply some PR write with a bit a political savvy. It does not matter who it is they all seem to have to publish the highlights before they actualy speak. Why don't they simply publish a letter for the convention book and be done with it?

But in this case I'll snicker at Palin's one liner. She got a good one in this time. I just hope she can accept the same kind on bantering when it is thrown at her.
I just hope she can accept the same kind on bantering when it is thrown at her.

When? When? You're kidding right? She's stood up to more scrutiny and more attacks in one week than Obama has had in his lifetime. Let shameless nutjobs look in your uterus (or other organ if you're sans uterus) for a few days and you'll feel what she's been through.
Face reality HKuser

sine the first day Obama has been the subject of continued bombardment of him, his family his religion and everything else about his life. Among those issues are:

the continual reporting/posting of his affiliation with his church,

the insightful ongoing posting on how he is a Muslim,

a bombardment of the stories regarding his birth in Hawaii,

continual reference to both his name Obama and Hussein as indicative of how he will overthrow the country and give the US to Islam

He's been the subject of thousands of political cartoon and photo-shop pictures depicting him as the leader of everything from al Qaeda to the anti-Christ.

A never ending series of argument over how he is inexperienced at anything dealing with politics, economic strategy, international diplomacy or military knowledge.

Meanwhile Palin has jumped into the race as a complete unknown who should expect a vast amount of questions being posed over an unknown political career. Comparing a week work of nastiness for Palin to the years Obama has had in this election is simply making an incomparable comparison.
toybox99615, you make a point about attacks on Obama.

But you totally ignore a crucial truth.

In the case of Obama, the vast majority of these "attacks" have been spawned by bloggers and largely ignored by the "mainstream media" or MSM.

The MSM gives no credence at all to the rumors and attacks against Obama.

Not only do they give no credence, they play defense for Obama against the attacks.

In the case of Sarah Palin, it is the MSM making the attacks. Check Tuesday's front page of the New York Times for three, count'em, THREE stories on Palin's daughter, etc.

When's the last time you saw three, count'em THREE stories on the front page of the NY Times about rumors on bHo?

You haven't.


I don't have anyway of tallying stories on the front page of the NYT. But the reality is when you jump into something like the VP nomination and you are basicly a complete unknown you have to be ready for the flack.

The stories on BHO might be started by blogger or other malcontents. Nevertheless they seem to make their way into almost any of the forums you care to visit where politics are discussed.

I'd prefer all the stories about any candidates family be eliminated. But our free press would not go along with that idea. Meanwhile Sarah is making her debut using a set of one-liners. She can't expect a free ride once she open that door.

I've been waiting to see a cartoon depicting Commander in Chief Palin to show up. But so far I have not seen one.
I know as much about Todd Palin and his DUI as I do about the illicit drug use by Barack Obama. A First Dude DUI 22 years ago has no relevance but Obama seems to have had a free pass on his drug use.

I was also heartened to read today that Lindsay Lohan has spoken out on the Bristol Palin pregnancy! She is an expert on family problems, after all!:p
You have to be blind or brainwashed to not see the pass Obama has been given. When a real question was finally asked in a debate it made headline news because it had taken a year for him to have to answer a real question.

To say that Obama has had it tough with the press you have to be blind or a liar. Palin has been under attack since the announcement. Her own daughter has been dragged in by the same media who them questions Palin's parenting for choosing to rum with five children and a pregnant daughter. MSM are showing what trash they are and are going to turn people against O
Thusfar, Obama has been the main beneficiary of public sympathy for being subjected to vicious attacks and unwarranted speculation. Based on the attention she has received since her debut, Palin should catch up quickly.

Public sympathy translates into votes in November. :D
We'll know soon, but I think Palin will come out swinging--she should.
If she appears to let all this family stuff bother her, she'll look weak.
If she comes out like the tough woman that she is said to be, she'll look strong and like a leader.
She needs to give Biden a little preview of what he'll see in the debates---and he'll have to figure out how to walk that tight rope of appearing not to bully a woman,(remember Hillary) but also give good answers---going to be tough on Biden.

She is getting a standing ovation, that has been going on for two or three minutes. Rudy just tore bHo a new one, it was awesome.:D
Moderators have already issued warnings once today against this specific childish behavior in the L&P section.

Oh what are you referring to?

The dems had FDR, JFK, LBJ and now BHO. Barrack Hussein Obama if I want to emphasize the Hussein part that he shares with such notables as Saddam what is wrong with that, I don't like him.
Im watching too...why arent the stands full,,,everyone is packed on the floor but the "stands" are pretty empty...:(
hockey mom..pitbull...lipstick ?
I'm watching the speech live.

She's a throat-cutter, baby.

The Dems have woefully underestimated her.

They thought they could Dan Quayle her?

Oh man....She even just zapped Harry Reid.

She's hell on wheels.

She's no shrinking violet. I'm admitedly biased but I do believe she hit a home run. Great speech IMO.
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