PA shoot this weekend!

I enjoyed the shoot. I wish sighting in that muzzleloader hadn't taken so long, I really wanted to try the AR at longer yardage.
Maybe I'll get a decent buck to make it worthwhile.

I'd like to join, looks like a decent place to shoot, especially for the longer ranges.

Good to meet you guys!
David Park-You wouldn't happen to know what caliber hit you would you?

I was happy to see Water and Wings followed threw and reserved the tables for us. We should make the next shoot a Rifle shoot or a Pistol shoot. That way we all hang together a little more.

Where's Dinosaur??? I mean Mr. Personality?

Thanks for the pointer -- I had to host the party at my place though. Although your place sounds a lot nicer than mine, I couldn't fit a TV bigger than a 32" in my apartment so that's all I got. :( Would have been nice if the Eagles won.

Soda, I'm pretty sure I was wounded by lacquered 7.62x39, as there was plenty of it laying around.

I think I found an explanation for my occasional failures to feed over at the FAL Files. If the magazine lips are too sharp, they can dig into the brass cases. I noticed deep scratches in some of the jammed cartridges, so it seems I'll have to smooth the lips on a few mags, especially the "new" one that came with the gun.

I ordered a sight tool (and some other stuff) from TAPCO, so hopefully I'll be able to finish sighting in the FAL sometime.
Anyone hear from K80Geoff??? Looks like he never made it make to NY, maybe he is held up in PA somewhere. :p
We have t o have another shoot real soon. This one was rather un eventful. Everyone showed up at different times. Lets have a Pistol/Sporting Clays shoot ???????? THe rifle range is going to get a little too busy now so its pistol and Clays? ANyone???????
I think we should designate the shoot as either a Rifle, Pistol/HD shotgun or Shotgun shoot. We need to find a range where we (TFL that is) are the only ones there. The range got too crowded this time.

I bought a little bit of everything and got to shoot only my rifle most of the time. The shotgunning was a bust (OK I forgot the roll of brown paper:o Mea Culpa!).

Those guys on the PISTOL range with AR's and MAS whatevers were verry annoying and their range etiquette left something to be desired. At one point that clown with the French MAS whatever was firing across the range from right to the left side.

We had no way of knowing who was TFL, I am almost sure that some people showed up and left. Maybe we all need to get TFL hats or MOLON LABE hats and (UGH) name tags :barf:

C'mon you guys in PA, find us a private range.

OK I am as much at fault for this as anyone, If we are going to have a shoot someone will have to do some organizing and set up a table or something. I guess I will volunteer next time :rolleyes:

Dead, whatinhell were you up to:D You were walking kinda funny and grinning too much!

I know a few people around the area. Will have to ask about other ranges. I know they shoot, just dont know where. Maybe you could just bite the bullet and buy some land in PA???? :D

Oh and ummm I think I had too much coffee Sunday. :)

We do NOT need to wear name tags, just need a sign that says "TFL here, say Hi!". Or just walk around asking "Hey are you with TFL???"... That worked for me, at the first shoot. Then, again ONLY TFL was there that day in the cold/rain. :eek:
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Buy some land....yep I will but I have to get out of NY first. Sell my house, sell my business, move and start up a new business.

Trouble is some of my customers don't want me to leave:mad:

How many acres do you think I will need to set up a small range for informal use,and a 5 stand:D

Without any yuppie tree huggers in the area.

Dead coffee?....yeah right.
Come to think of it, as I was leaving I saw a small range on the left side of the road leading to the PA turnpike. Spotted targets on a backstop and heard gunfire.

That is just what we need, a small range about 5 firing points. Enough to shoot informally and get to yap with other TFL'ers.

Some place Soda can't hide in the corner with his FAL and take one shot every 15 minutes:p
Well we did have 4 tables 5 counting the one I held. But it was way too crowded and everyone kept showing up at different times. I'm going to look into other ranges but I doubt we can rent them ALL TO OURSELVES. I if we do anything in the next two months lets go some place other than W&W just to be different.

I do know a place that is very secluded but its on back roads and not an easy place to give direction to. My friend has a cabin up there and we could hang out on the land there and cook up some grub if we had too. Its a state run range but NOBODY uses it. But during hunting seasons its a typical "Sight in your gun range".

I found two matches for that town in PA. I think you are talking about the one off of 222 right? Just a few miles west of Quakertown. Will see when I can make it out there. Should be before December. Will figure it once I get back from my trip :)
The range is in Eckville PA. And its all back roads and farm land. Very difficult place to give directions. The only thing that I hate about it is.............

3rd limit for rifle and handguns

Anal Game Commision people:mad:

The worst Game Commission guy that use to patrol that range got beat up a few years ago:D He use to fine everyone for everything until one day someone popped him in the jaw :)

I have looked around at other places but they are all gun clubs and we aren't members so forget about being able to rent them to ourselves.

Geoff- What kind of business do you have?
I have access to a range...........

I know I haven't been to any of the shoots as of yet but I have
access to a range in N.J. that TFLers can use without anyone else
present. I belong to a gun club in Barnegat N.J. called the Buckeye Gun
Club right off of 72E. You would have to leave all of those evil assult
weapons behind but for rifle, pistol, or shotgun shooting there would be
no problem. It has a 50yd range but also has a 100 yd range if need
be. You could have easily 5 shooters on the line at once. Next to the
range is a hunting lodge (a rancher) that has working facilities for
food (bring or buy your own) and the restroom along with a fireplace.
All that the club would ask for is a donation for using such
facilities. It would be ideal for just the TFLers of N.J./Del./
P.A./N.Y. to get together without all the other range hassels. If you
or anyone else is interested in doing something to that effect contact
me and we will set it up.
I'm up for some shooting with my Colt 1991A1 and my Beretta 92fS. Anyone else up for some pistol shooting in NJ with Ray? Lets do something at the end of this month?????????