PA shoot this weekend!


New member
OK Lets keep this alive. Who is coming and what are you bringing?

I hope somebody shows up! Even though it will rain (the K80 curse:D ) we can still shoot as the firing points are covered.

Somebody better bring an M1 carbine, haven't shot one yet.

Let's check in PA TFL'ers.

Are we going to have a moderator this time, I know one of you has bailed out already.

Geoff Ross
M1 carbine on the way.......

Thinking about bring a Bulgarian Makarov too. Not sure about the AR yet seems that alot of people will be bring one. MAY have P32 on me. DAROGUE1---4 days and counting :)
So who is the Moderator this time???

I will be there....... Bringing a shower of hot steel for K80, to fend off the rain. (Make sure to bring plently of wood for this) :p
Oh Please!!! I still have scars from the burns I received from hot brass from the last meet!

Unless one of the Mods from Va shows up we will be without leadership from TFL :rolleyes:

I am bringing my Mak (EG) too and my AR. Have to teach these young'uns how to shoot one in case they get drafted:D

Geoff Ross

:eek: You know I bet you are still finding some steel casing in your shoes. I checked the weather, it is look NICE!! :)

Hopefully I can figure out what an AR is??????? :p
I just Private Messaged MAL H so hopefully we can put him in a guilt trip. Just a word to all you new guys out there. This range is good for all weather. If its cold you can go in and warm up with Coffee or Hot Chocolate. If it rains, the benches are well protected.

I'm bringing the FAL, SKS, Mini 14 and maybe my Colt 45.
I'm still coming, and bringing the FAL and Mossy 500. I really want to pattern the 500 since I finally found some more choke tubes. I also want to see if the Super-Glue holds. :eek: :D

I'll also bring my SIG P239, but I'm saving most of my 9mm for training next month. Thanks to Ammoman, I now have 1000+ rounds of 7.62 NATO, but I think I'll leave some of it at home. ;) I also have some .45ACP if anyone else brings a .45.

SodaPop, if you can convince Mal to come, he's welcome to ride with me. According to MapQuest, I should take I295/95 north to I476, and that will get me there in 3.5 hours. Sound about right? How much more time should I allow for traffic on 95?
I am still hoping to attend. I have a pretty big deal going on at work on Sat but if it goes OK and I do not get called back Sunday, I am in.
I am still planning on bringing at least one of my FAL toting friends.
I can also bring an old Colt 45, a Camp-9 (only if someone wants to try it), my "new" 870's (Geoff, I am counting on you to help me pattern these things) and a Glock 19 or Sig 228.

Is there a set time? Some of us church-going types may be late. How much cash do I need? Is there grub available?

One more thing.
Anyone out there have a vent-ribbed 26", 28" or 30" modified barrel for an 870 for sale?
What would one of these meets be without Soda Pop and his fabled FAL :D

You had better not bad mouth my AR after your latest escapades :p

OK Looks like I will be bringing my roll of brown paper so you guys can shoot patterns with your Shotguns and go home and count the holes :eek:

Geoff Ross
yeah I know tell me about it.

I never bad mouthed your AR!!! Remember I was fending off all those Mini 14 bashers. You said it yourself that it had to be broken in.
We'll find out if the FAL Saga is over!!! I'll probable end up shooting a Horseback rider and have it taken away.
Oh and Everyone try and be there by 11am. Hopefully by 1pm we can get in a group shoot. I'll be there at 9AM so anyone that wants to get an early start can come then.
Got your PM SodaPop. Sorry, but guilt trips don't work on me. My wife has tried them for over 33 years to no avail. :)

Seriously, I will be working this weekend, and the next, and the next... I sincerely would like to come, but no can do. I also wanted to go to the Bull Run meet last weekend but couldn't for the same reason. There's no rest for the weary. Have fun and play safe.
I will also be bringing a small sampling of Federal's tactical low recoil 00, 000 & #4 if I can make it there.
I read on another thread that you were asking if anyone had tried it.
Listen Up!!!

Since many of you seem to want to do some Sporting Clays. I want to make sure we are all going to meet up around 1pm. I absolutely 1000% want to make sure we get a good group shot with everyone in it. Things are pretty spread out and I don't want to have to go out looking for everyone.

Like I've stated before I'll be there from 9am onward and you can all come out whenever. Just make sure if your out doing sporting clays you plan on being back by 1pm. Lets all meet back at the Pistol Range at 1pm. I'm not going to ring a bell and have to wait for all of you kiddies to get back.:)
Should I bring an AR too??

Two days and counting. Hopefully will be there around 10am. Time change on SAT night gang. Remember to set it back! I will be there! I will be getting a new computer SAT so I may be offline so I just wanted everyone to know. See you all @ W&W on sunday. DAROGUE1
Soda, I'll try to get there by 11am, but it depends on how early I can get out of bed. I'm definitely up for sporting clays, but I really need to pattern the SG first.

darogue1, thanks for the time change warning. I forget every freaking year. :o

I'll be the tall skinny guy with the tan MOLON LABE hat.
Whoa!!! I get to put the clock back ah hour come Saturday!!! Doesnt that mean one more hour of sleep???? :eek:

Now if the trunk on my car would just open, I would be happy :mad:

Hopefully I can work something out, short of a crowbar!!!!

See you all at the front ;)