Our economy


New member
Every channel you turn to, the media is slamming our economy. It's going down the drain, look at the dollars value for crying out loud!

What is causing this? Is this something that usually happens around election time? Is it confidence in our leadership?

This is a far reach, but is there a possibility of depression otra ves?
I believe the definition of a recession is two or more quarters of no economic growth....so far that has not happend.

Listen carefully to the liberals and biased media, they're warning of "potential" economic downturns, does not mean one has occured. This is always done during the political season because James Carville and the Dems had such success during Clinton's run by using the phrase...."It's the economy stupid".

People are feeling more of a crunch because of rising fuel prices, yet the economy is still growing. Since when have the media gotten a story correct?
I truly believe some of it is true!

We are seeing the seeds that Bill planted on his watch. They are trying to pin it on Bush. How many jobs went to china because of his actions? We are becoming a Consumer Nation. You can't spend money you can't make. It is all coming to a head.

The next time your at WalMart or what ever, pick up ten Items and see where they was made. You will be lucky to find one made in America!

What to hell do we make any more? Hambergers and Frys?

Just My Thoughts:)
If you remember the last few elections....

At some point s few months before each of the elections, according to the news media, our economy tanked. It is truly amazing how we can have a good economy for years, and then shorty before elections the economy goes to hell, according to the news media. Then after the election the economy "recovers", particularly if the Dems win.

There are some things happening recently (housing market loans and large increase in oil prices) that have affected the numbers, and will likely continue to do so for a while, but I believe what we are hearing right now is the beginning of the usual left wing media's "the economy is in the toilet" rant that they always trot out to make us vote for their candidates, who are, of course, the only ones who can "fix" things. Just as their campaign push has started much earlier than usual, so now they are starting the "economy is crap" push early. Usually they wait until late summer or early fall, so their message is fresher in the public's eye.
The news media will ALWAYS print the bleakest picture possible. Always!!! For some dumb reason, it's what sells. People will always look for someone in a position of authority to blame for their situation. Reminds me of my grandpa always preaching to vote Democratic if you want to keep your job. Well, he always had a job no matter who was in the White House.

I'm still amazed at how quickly our economy sprang back after September 11th. I know I'm making more money than I ever did. Wonder if I should give the credit to the president? Sounds kinda dumb, huh?
We are seeing the seeds that Bill planted on his watch.
OMG!!! The really do come out of the woodwork.

How long does someone have to be out of office before they stop blaming them. Stop watching Rush and realize that Clinton did not have that big of an impact on the economy. Congress has a much bigger effect than the President.
It is truly amazing how we can have a good economy for years, and then shorty before elections the economy goes to hell, according to the news media. Then after the election the economy "recovers", particularly if the Dems win.
When during the last several years has the economy been that good? Average income is declining, standard of living is declining, the middle class is shrinking, job creation is almost non-existent except for minimum wage service jobs, health coverage is declining, home foreclosures are at record highs, gas prices are at record highs, the govt bowed down to credit companies and made it near impossible for citizens to file bankruptcy, small businesses continues to make up a smaller and smaller part of the economy, etc....

I must be missing the good stuff.
Media has successfully predicated 2 out of the last 10 recessions...sooner or later you'll get one right. They primarily look at foreclosures and the S&P, while financal advisors actually look at the whole picture.
When the market drops, it always recovers....so keep your investments spread out and you won't go broke over night! In fact, during the last crash, I ended up coming out ahead? My guys good!

Scott (media makes money the old fashioned way....they scare you) B

It has been said a recession is when your neighbor is unemployed, whereas a Depression is when you are unemployed!

I began purchasing silver, food, and ammo about two years ago. When I began buying silver, I could purchase a 10oz bar for $60 then go down to Wally-Mart and get 2 or 3 boxes of White Box 9mm, all for a $100 bill.

That same silver today runs me $160 and the ammo is about $15=$16 per box...I expect Stagflation. Where salaries remain the same, but goods and service's will shoot through the roof.

Now, oil production countries are not going to continue to sit around and watch the buying power of the dollar continue to drop. They will be converting their "cash" into hard assets...gold, silver, iron, industries, etc.

I had mentioned a year or so ago for people to start getting ready...kinda got flamed on that one, but time will tell.

As an aside, I work in the LA Harbor. I see what ships are coming in with goods, and which ships are sailing back to China empty...this is the most scary part of all...we have 1,000's of cargo containers sitting around here that are just rusting away. It seems it is cheaper to build them in china, ship there here full of goods, and leave them, than to ship back the empty containers...I do not expect any turnaround in my future. I see the socialist trying to get more money out of my pocket and give me less and less in goods and services for my tax dollars.

Our Hospitals here in CA. are going broke. Our schools are lacking books, our jails are over crowed, our fire, police, emergency services are swamped.

No, gentlemen we are going the way of Rome. For a glimpse into the future, just Google "French Revolution + Inflation" or See what happened to Argentina in 2000. Pretty scary stuff.

Now imagine what the "illegals" who have been working in the construction industry are going to do when there are no JOBS. Are they going to go back to their countries of origin...doubtful, as one told me IT IS BETTER TO BE POOR IN AMERICA THAN IN MEXICO and he had no intention of ever going back.
I'm not a fan of Newsmax but here ya go.

The U.S. economy has entered into its first major recession in 16 years according to David Rosenberg, chief North American economist for Merrill Lynch, who declared the downturn in a research note to clients released on Monday.

Mr Rosenberg wrote: "According to our analysis, this [recession] isn't even a forecast any more but is a present day reality."

He points to the four key barometers used by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NEBR) - employment, real personal income, industrial production, and real sales activity in retail and manufacturing.

He wrote that these "seem to have peaked around the November-December period, strongly suggesting that we are actually into the first month of a recession." l

Same story different source.

But top economists from two of the major Wall Street firms - Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs - say recession is likely already here.

The tipping point for both economists was the report released last Friday that showed a sharp jump in the unemployment rate in December, coupled with little growth.

"Friday's employment report strongly suggests that an official recession has arrived," wrote David Rosenberg, North American economist for Merrill, in a note this week entitled "Recession a reality."

He wrote that history points to a recession when the average length of the work week fell in back-to-back quarters, as it did in the third and fourth quarters of 2007. And he said at no time in the past 60 years has there been a half-percentage point climb in the unemployment rate from the low point without a recession following. The latest unemployment reading stands at 5.0 percent, up from 4.4 percent in March.

I'm not an expert but I do know the Bush years have not been good to the average working family. There seems to have been a defacto recession for people who work for an hourly wage.
Key Words: Seeds Planted!

I know he could not have done it all by him self! What people don't seem to know is that it takes 6-10 years for the effects to be realized!

I myself Lost a $12.00 a hour job that went to Vietnam!

You think things are down now! Wait until the Chines start to really come on line and GM, Ford all become history! Oil goes for $150 a barrel!

Who Really thinks raising the minmum wage helps any one. You Gain nothing, because the price of everything is raised to cover it! How Lame!

I was better off way back when making $1.40 a hour then I am now making my sorry $7.50! Bread was .15 gas .35.........I had more buying power. They have just inflated the economy and made prices unreal.
My suggestion: If you haven't started to look at how to sustain yourself without the use of all the modern conveniences, get to it. Me? the "old fashioned way" of doing things in general has become a serious hobby. I kind of have a feeling those skills will become more of a necessity in years to come.
Not sure if we have hit a recession yet, but these items lead me to believe we are heading there. I don't see us turning the corner any time soon.

1. Housing Market
2. Gas Prices
3. Consumer Product Price Increases
4. Weak US Dollar
claude783 said:
....Our Hospitals here in CA. are going broke. Our schools are lacking books, our jails are over crowed, our fire, police, emergency services are swamped.

Let's be honest, your states situation has more to do with California giving away goods and services to illegals, then calling them dis-enfranchised immigrants.
I'm doing the best I can about self sustain! Mobel home falling down around my ears! Five acers, 3 dogs, Wife that keeps the homefires burning, 7 year old son that loves to hunt.

I can do with what we have. Sorta like camping out at home.
If a recession isn't here, it sure is looking like it, IMO. Has anyone shopped for groceries lately? Check out the prices for basic things like eggs and milk, compared to what they were a year ago. Good-paying manufacturing jobs have all but disappeared from this country, following cheaper labor overseas. Imported food isn't just luxury items anymore. At the rate things are going, "service industry" jobs (stocking shelves, cashiers, etc) will be all that's left eventually, ones that can't be shipped off to India (like phone-in customer service). I kind of doubt that government will do much about this situation, Democrat or Republican.
The products produced in America aren't of high quality, so how can the industry make money in the competition of foreign industry? The hot housing market was a bubble that burst. Turnes out the new houses aren't of high quality either, not worth their price tags. Every other person employed to do manual labour in America is an illegal, a person with no schooling, no sense of quality control. Who wants to buy inferior products? Who can make money selling inferior products? Down the drain the economy goes and up the street violence goes. Amexico, here you are.