Open carry in Florida?

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To the OP

I used to live in FL. Both St. Johns county, and Charlotte county. Many of my friends had CCW Permits and one of them got in a jam because he went to dinner in Placida and his 1911 was showing. Customer with a cell phone called 911. The Dinner show was free! He was arrested though the charges were was after all Charlotte county. I carry concealed in IN. WOuld I ever carry open, no absolutely not. I like the "shell game", the element of surprise. If I was an armed criminal, the first shot is the guy with a Gun exposed. He would be the greatest demonstrated threat. That's just my opinion. I agree everyone should have the right to OC. I think an OC no CCW law is just silly, unless you're a criminal, then it's like a threat assessment :o
Constantine - I think the point is that restrictions only take guns out of the hands of the people who care about obeying laws.

Whoa whoa whoa!!!! What are you talking about??? I'm far right conservative it's scary and hurts inside. When was the topic of "restrictions" brought up to me? Don't get me started on this topic cause I'm the creator of it in my own head. I don't get where you got that from pops! I'm going to read back and try to understand. Don't recall that being a topic that I've even spoke of on this forum.
I used to live in FL. Both St. Johns county, and Charlotte county. Many of my friends had CCW Permits and one of them got in a jam because he went to dinner in Placida and his 1911 was showing. Customer with a cell phone called 911. The Dinner show was free! He was arrested though the charges were was after all Charlotte county. I carry concealed in IN. WOuld I ever carry open, no absolutely not. I like the "shell game", the element of surprise. If I was an armed criminal, the first shot is the guy with a Gun exposed. He would be the greatest demonstrated threat. That's just my opinion. I agree everyone should have the right to OC. I think an OC no CCW law is just silly, unless you're a criminal, then it's like a threat assessment

From everything I've seen and know, THIS is EXACTLY how it's done. Most Civilians and Citizens do not have the mental capacity and physical hand to hand combat training and even stressful situations training to handle open carry and what it does. You're even more of a target. Again this is not the wild wild west. Disagree with me all you want. I know there is a lot of people who also agree with me. Element of surprise is the way to go, We've been at it for a while.

Undercover police and Police Officers that are OFF duty, carry concealed. Why do you think that is?
Eric -

I hear you saying a lot about the state of things in Miami, but let me tell you about the restrictiveness of NY. It's a lot more than FL, especially in NYC, and it's not like a a happy little eutopia because of it...

What do the laws of open carry have to do with crime in New York and Florida where neither have open carry?

What could I have possibly said to lead you to say that?

All I'm saying, is in my perspective of everything I've seen and know it would not be good for Florida (Miami). If you agree with something or oppose something then tell me about New York, indulge me. Don't know much about it. Not claiming anything that I don't know especially a whole other state or city.

Come on gentlemen stop reading what's in between the lines and not even there!
I was in the middle of a robbery once.

If someone open carried while there, the gang members might have shot the guy outright.

Concealed carry is great because it keeps people from knowing you have a gun when circumstances are better for it to be concealed.
airfoil said:
If someone open carried while there, the gang members might have shot the guy outright.

Concealed carry is great because it keeps people from knowing you have a gun when circumstances are better for it to be concealed.

BUT... if someone opened carried the "gang members" might have picked another time and place rather than risk a shoot-out.

Open carry is great because it makes people who might otherwise rob you look somewhere else when if it were concealed they might rob you not knowing you were carrying.

Hm..... See how this works? It goes both ways... and nobody knows which one is right when, or how often or more often.
the ugly Hawaiian shirts or other coverings.
I'm flabbergasted, Hawaiian shirts ugly,:( OMG never.:eek:
Thats all I own for button up shirts.

Pros and cons to both ways. If the FLA law is going to be like other states if you choose to CCW you will need to have the permit to do so.
As the current Florida law reads, you must have a permit to carry concealed, unless you are employing one of the very few exceptions.
The proposed bill amendment, simply adds wording for the ability to open carry, also, but you still must have a permit.
BUT... if someone opened carried the "gang members" might have picked another time and place rather than risk a shoot-out.

No offense dude, but I was there. You were not.

They actually got into a shootout at the next place they robbed, in which at least one of them was killed.

Open carry is great because it makes people who might otherwise rob you look somewhere else when if it were concealed they might rob you not knowing you were carrying.

Or it allows you to be a target to someone who's fixing to rob the place. I'm not saying I'm against legal open carry at all; quite the opposite. I personally would never really want to do it myself though.
Not a good thing!

I am just so sick of hearing about this Open Carry crap. We as gun owners should be concentrating 100% on holding on to our Gun Rights and forget about pushing this Open Carry Issue. I can write an essay about how Open Carry is the wrong thing to do but I will not waste my time because If you really think about it and still don't get it, then there is nothing anyone can say or do to change your minds. Not only is it stupid and foolish but the main thing is that it is totally unnessarry for anyone in this day and age to walk around with a gun on their hip. We as a people have to understand what is going on in our society and how far we have come as civilized people and then just try to grasp on to those thoughts. I will end my argument by asking the advocates of Open Carry a question. Why did Wyatt Earp have everyone check their guns when entering Dodge City. Gun's were much more a necessity in those days than they are today, so why ban them while visiting his Town. Just food for thought!:rolleyes:
Don't take this the wrong way, but, you should really open a history book, before you start citing historical anecdotes.

I say that we, as a people, were much more civilized then, than we are today. Somewhere, somehow, over the last 150 years, we have distorted too many facts about who we are. We have allowed others to dictate principle and massage facts to acheive their desired result.

Back during those times, a man with a gun, was just a man. If you took his gun away, he was no longer a man, but something else.

Inalienable rights have been eroded to the point that, by definition, they can't be called that anymore. And you think that now, we are more civilized?

I beg to differ.
Not only is it stupid and foolish but the main thing is that it is totally unnessarry for anyone in this day and age to walk around with a gun on their hip. We as a people have to understand what is going on in our society and how far we have come as civilized people and then just try to grasp on to those thoughts

It's not the civilized people we have to worry about.
I am just so sick of hearing about this Open Carry crap. We as gun owners should be concentrating 100% on holding on to our Gun Rights and forget about pushing this Open Carry Issue.
Open carry is a big part of the “right to keep and bear arms” movement. If you think it’s a bad idea, don’t do it, but a lot of us think we need to "push this open carry issue" in order to secure our Constitutional rights.
AirFoil said:
No offense dude, but I was there. You were not.

They actually got into a shootout at the next place they robbed, in which at least one of them was killed.

No offense dude, but that's one instance. Basing all behavior, or all opinion, on the outcome of a singular event is not wise.

I'm not saying open carry is the way to go. I'm not saying concealed carry is the way to go. I'm saying there are good arguments for both.

Fact is, no one knows what those gang members would have done if they saw an open carrier.

They got into a shootout in the next place? With a concealed carrier? Maybe if he'd been open carrying they would have not robbed the place. Maybe if he had be open carrying they would have shot him first.

There is simply no way to know and thus no way to claim one method is better than the other.
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Open Carry

Has been around for a few years, right?
Can anyone verify an incident were an ordinary citizen, in the USA was targeted first during a crime?
There has been a much speculation as to what an anti-social person would do in the afore mentioned situation. Does open carry and, lets say wearing a photographer's vest, fanny pack or ugly baggy Hawaiian shirt make me or you a target?
Open carry florida

I agree with constantine,i was born in florida and the farther you go north in florida the more southern you get.
Miami is just a diffirent ball of wax .the cops stay out of some areas because the git shot at on any given night just for the hell of it.
To all you bad asses ill give you directions to git to opaloca,liberty city or little havana.
To injoy your tour go at mid day that way you can see who is lining up the bullseye that your open carry is the flashing light,there are many interesting people in these locations that cant be found in anyother city and im sure they will be glad to meet you.
I lived in Miami from 1953 to 1989 and what Constantine stated was one of the main reasons why I left. I worked at Miami International Airport and had to endure being sniped at and stoned (having rocks and stones thrown at me on the expressway--ha ha) at night when I went work during the two famous riots in the 80's. This was pre Martinez, so getting a CCW was practically impossible, and were issued county by county anyway.

I travelled heavily armed (Hi-Power in glove box, AR 15 and Model 12 Winchester in trunk) when I went to work, lack of CCW notwithstanding. The standard joke at work was, if there was trouble, come see me to get armed.

Growing up in Miami in the 50s and 60s as a kid was really nice, but, sadly, it became the manure pile that it is today.

At any rate, I now live in a state where people are generally pleasant to one another (barring Phoenix and Tucson), gun laws are very liberal (in the good sense), and nobody freaks if I walk into Walmart wearing a gun on my hip or if it "prints" through my pants.
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I`m for gun rights period, I have a second home in Naples. Most of the year most people walk around in cutoffs and sandles, now I can see, down the middle of the Mall 5... 20 somthings walking with a big chest and their Glocks, and 1911`s and 454 casull`s strapped to their chests, Give me a friggen break........

You want to lose gun rights just have what I`ve stated above start happening all over this country.
I`m for gun rights period, I have a second home in Naples. Most of the year most people walk around in cutoffs and sandles, now I can see, down the middle of the Mall 5... 20 somthings walking with a big chest and their Glocks, and 1911`s and 454 casull`s strapped to their chests, Give me a friggen break........

You want to lose gun rights just have what I`ve stated above start happening all over this country.

As has been stated, on here numerous times and backed up by governmental data, BG's don't carry openly. Not even where it is already legal.
How do you forsee this suddenly taking place here, when it hasn't anywhere else?
It comes down to the CHOICE, to carry openly or not, but to carry, nonetheless...

Me, personally, I don't want to wear two shirts and a belt, in mid-summer, in Florida. And I definitely don't want to leave home without it!!!
I'm surprised the history of open carry bans has not come up in this one. There were incidents.

May 2, 1967: About 30 armed Black Panther members entered the California legislature to protest consideration of outlawing the right of private citizens to bear arms. There was no violence, but the spectacle is well remembered and brought the group into public light..

Brought the group into public light and sent the guns into hiding. Like many prohibitions, this one is not so much about the objects as the people. You know the people I'm talking about. Other people. Those people. It should not surprise most here that this aspect of gun control has racist roots.

Wanna change the whole mood of that quotation above?

Feb 15, 2011: About 30 armed Second Amendment rights advocates entered the California legislature to protest consideration of yet another law restricting the right of private citizens to keep arms.
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