Open carry in Florida?

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Freedom now!

As I have read, when they allowed shall issue CCW licenses, it was predicted that crime would increase. Wrong. When the "assault rifle" ban ended they predicted an increase in crime. Wrong. Bring your gun to work and
leave it in the glove compartment? No incidents.

I think the 2nd Amendment is pretty clear.
I think we are moving in the right direction towards reclaiming our rights.

Personally, I would like the option of open carry.
If ever there was proof that an armed society is a polite society, this would be it.

The amount of screening that goes into obtaining a CCW license means these people are just not prone to poor judgment or senseless violence.
I grew up in Hialeah, I live in north central florida now. Me thinks that the difference between the people is not as extreme as some folks think. There are folks every where that may initally freak out at the sight of a pistol or rifle, but as they become more common place, those same sheeple will get used to seeing them.
I'm a little late to this one, but I live in Tampa and I'd be all for it. Personally I'm a fan of concealment and surprise over openly carring but the right to do it should be there. As far as ever being shot at, or ****ing contests- had bullets coming at me twice in public- it's unpleasant to say the least. Doesn't for one second change my belief that there is no problem with open carry. It's legal in plenty of other states that it works fine in.
Personally I'm a fan of concealment and surprise over openly carrying*** but the right to do it should be there.

I agree with you 100%

However, I'm willing to retract or change my previous statements and opinions for the fact that I probably did not understand it fully...

Will this "open carry law" be an option between that and concealed? Or will you only be allowed to carry open carry and not concealed.

If it's for only open carry, then all that I have previously said will be terribly for Miami-Dade alone in my eyes at least. If there is an option between the carrier to either carry concealed or open both being legal, than I am okay with that to a certain point.

I still stand by it being a ******* contest here in Miami regardless and the fact that EVERYONE especially the ones who are alien to a firearm will
get scared and see it as the devil in the form of a took sadly.

NEWS UPDATE : One police officer died on scene, and the other female officer was undergoing surgery as Jackson Memorial Hospital when she died. The scum who shot and killed them both was killed.

Just thought I'd say a follow up.
CC is more of a challenge in Florida with guns that don't fit in your pocket (given the hot weather). I am in favor of this law, I think it would be great to carry IWB and not worry about the ugly Hawaiian shirts or other coverings.

Born and raised in Brevard County, and Im for open carry. Just like everyone says, not so much so I can but so the right is there. I mean, how many other states allow open carry? The world is not gonna end if your allowed the right to open carry here too.
Constantine, it is simply amending the current law to, INCLUDE open carry.
AND, you must still have a concealed permit, to do so.
The bill is also addressing several other deficiencies in the current law.
Ive never heard of a ONLY open carry state, that doesn't allow concealed carry.. that sounds pretty screwy to me.

No one makes you live in Miami, and I don't think the whole state should be affected by one cities troubles.. Besides Miami-Dade county does whatever it wants anyway..
Ive never heard of a ONLY open carry state, that doesn't allow concealed carry.. that sounds pretty screwy to me.

No one makes you live in Miami, and I don't think the whole state should be affected by one cities troubles.. Besides Miami-Dade county does whatever it wants anyway..

To each their own buddy, you don't me or what bounds me to this city nor do I feel like sharing. Sorry, but for now and a long time this is home. Just saying. Thanks for your concern though.

LOL at the second part...True, it helps and hurts us. You can ask 10 Police Officers about one law and you will get 8 different answers.
Although, I'm not sure if this is current, Here are the states that permit open carry, but do not allow CC.

This from Wikipedia:
A No-Issue jurisdiction is one that does not allow any private citizen to carry a concealed handgun. The term refers to the fact that no concealed carry permits will be issued (or recognized).

Illinois, Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia are No-Issue jurisdictions. While technically May-Issue under state law, Hawaii and New Jersey are also No-Issue jurisdictions in practice.

Taken from, Wisconsin, Hawaii and New Jersey (with permit) are open carry, while being a no issue (practicing) state for CCP.
And Tampa

Had a similar incident in Tampa last year. Folks carrying hidden or exposed wouldn't have changed the course of events.
I favor the Open Carry though I may carry anyway but hidden/concealed. North Miami, Liberty City. Suitcase City in Tampa. Any different?
Punks and thugs are a fact of life everywhere. Nothing special about the bangers in Dade that can't be found in Hillsboro, Pinellas, Manatee, Polk, and etc.
I have to agree with Marlin here that as terrible as that situation was, I doubt that people open carrying will make things worse. I have to tell you Constantine, I'm a lot more to the left than most people on here, but after reading some of your posts, I have to ask; Are you serious? I hear you saying a lot about the state of things in Miami, but let me tell you about the restrictiveness of NY. It's a lot more than FL, especially in NYC, and it's not like a a happy little eutopia because of it...
P5 Guy - statistics pops, check out who the winner of Florida is..Or even better suited loser. There is always worse or better. Not the same.

Eric - Sorry brother, didn't get the last part. What makes it not a utopia?
hey smoakingun, "hate" is a strong verb that folks of a certain political persuasion often use to describe someone with a different opinion ;)

Constantine - I think the point is that restrictions only take guns out of the hands of the people who care about obeying laws.
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