Open carry in Florida?

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New member
I saw this article this morning when I woke up this morning...

I think everyone thinks it's a good idea because it will keep you out of trouble if you inadvertently "flash" your concealed weapon.

In the event it is actually passed, how do you feel about it from a
tactical perspective? You do lose the element of surprise, but on the other hand it allows you to carry a full size handgun that is ready to present in seconds.

I also think that criminals like easy marks and won't bother with someone with
an open carry gun.

Your thoughts?
I think the way to look at it is that it gives you the option of how you wish to carry, without the attendant issue of having to worry about "printing" or always having to hide your firearm in every conceivable posture you might find yourself. Depending upon your location, it's quite possible few others will pay any attention to it - particularly if other citizens elect to carry openly.
I can't wait...
The freedom of larger frames and more comfortable holsters will do nothing but enhance accuracy and speed, God forbid, that time ever comes.

And, I whole-heartedly agree that the wolves will more than likely look elsewhere, than to target an open-carry.

If I do happen to get into a conflict with a "banger" should I turn my hat and gun, also, to confuse him?
I think it's stupid, childish, and asking for trouble.

We have enough with trying to hide it and already worrying about if someone notices it. Cause let's face it, people...Regular every day non-gun people. Are afraid to death of firearms. Guns scare them. We are going to openly carry out massive pistols in the open, in publix, shopping in the mall...All the places we already do but with everyone looking at you? No one will EVER be at ease with that here. Guns SCARE people..Period. You don't know who will lose it when and start shooting **** in the middle of nowhere. It's just one massive ******* contest to me. ESPECIALLY here in Miami, where everyone is already "sizing" you and "trying" you. Now you want to have guns to provoke those little wannabe thugs that think they're hot ****? Come on people this isn't the wild wild west. There was a limit to 10 rounders when Clinton was in office and guns aren't seen like how we see them. Bad hands = the gun is bad. Good hands = the gun is a tool and self defense weapon for good.. Average person will ALWAYS see it as bad no matter what.

Actually seeing the guns all around you left and right will make no one any less or more comfortable. Police will be on edge, civilians will be on edge. Everything will be like a zoo.

Okay, I know krav maga and some goju-ryu hahahaha great...good for me..What other civilian or citizen will know what to do if they're carrying and some tatted up Vin Diesel look alike reaches for your guns knocks the **** out of you and takes it? They have a weapon in the hand and red in their eyes.

Stick to the element of surpise. There is NO NEED for open carry, we're doing just fine without it.

Extremely against this massive state wide ******* contest.

Actually seeing the guns all around you left and right will make no one any less or more comfortable. Police will be on edge, civilians will be on edge. Everything will be like a zoo.
Soooo, the other 43 states that allow open carry are just one big zoo to you?

Regular every day non-gun people. Are afraid to death of firearms. Guns scare them.
Which is why polls show that more Americans do not support more gun laws?

I think you have your facts, and perspective on life, very confused...
And I'm sure you BOTH live in lala land where they have gum drops and butterflies flapping around crapping out flowers.

YOU both probably don't know or have ever seen any kind of traumatizing events.

EDIT: If you're both so "intelligent" behind the computer than be useful, instead of actually seeing it for yoursleves use the computer (again) and read up on the statistics of Miami Florida, Miami Gardens, Downtown Miami. I have a reason to feel this way. You guys clearly don't. Keep the little snarky opinions to yourselves if you disagree don't take a stab at me. We've all been through different hardships.
While I respect your right to voice your opinion, Constantine, I must admit that I believe your views to be highly slanted, based solely on your geographical location.
Up here in West Central Florida, our "P***ing contests" as you so eloquently put it, are done with our trucks and our 'tobacco spitting".

Most everyone views guns as a tool, around these parts, and those that don't, rely on those of us that do, to keep our neck of the woods, from becoming like your neck of the woods.
I see your point, and I wish we didn't disagree, but my view is that it is my right to carry, therefore it is my right to decide how to carry.
The old adage, "out of sight, out of mind", isn't an all-inclusive commandment.
In this context, it is merely a fear response of those that fret about visions of worst-case-scenarios.
When I see someone who is openly carrying, I always assume that they represent some form of law enforcement.
To me, that is the whole point of open carry. It is a statement, that says, I respect the law. I respect my, and my fellow citizens', rights. And I will not tolerate those that don't respect either.
It is an extension of that respect and belief, that prompts me to carry, in the first place. And, open carry, simply keeps me from having to repeat that mantra to every individual that I happen to come across.
I watch CSI: Miami, does that count? :cool:

Well at least I have some entertainment for the afternoon. Have fun gents...

(And BTW, there are a looooot of places in Florida that are not Miami. Just letting you know, since you are all about US not forcing our ways on YOU.)
I see where our lines cross....Now I see as clear as day. Different folks different strokes...Or whatever.

You gotta see these people who carry down here, they're hoodlums that have a CCW. No joke intended, all seriousness. No integrity, no sense of intelligence. Nothing, if a few of you guys stayed down here in a bad neighborhood for a week you'd understand, I promise. It's ridiculous how they give a CCW to a little wannabe thug and he thinks he's a legal gangster. My buddy personally arrested 2 that were doing an act of "self defense" when their drug deal turned belly up. Nothing is as it seems here.

Sorry I do not understand you. Let me try..

There are 9 planets in our solar system? Even though Pluto is demoted as a moon.

Same page?

EDIT: Oh and LOL @ CSI: Miami

Cute show, there's a show called Miami Dade SWAT Comcast on demand has it, may just be a local thing. Under "TV Series" or "TV Entertainment"
I feel your pain.
When I used to work for AAA, we would occasionally, get a tow down your way.
I always dreaded those trips, because it was usually like 2am when I would get there and have to unload a customer's vehicle and get back to the Interstate before one of those "worst case scenarios" occured. I was always on my toes, when I got below Lauderdale...
Eh...Sorry you had to do that. They LOVE hitting innocent people and ones who can or can't defend themselves, no ones safe. Not even the police.

Is there anyone else on this forum from Miami? I remember speaking to someone who was on here. No kidding. But anyways, sorry to get off topic.

This is about open carry and how it will affect people and where.
ahem. Pluto is a dwarf planet, along with four others that I bet no one has ever heard of...

Ok same page now. Continue...
I moved to FL IN 1985 .I am fore OPEN CARRY .That will make life easier when CC trying not to print.CC SINCE 1988.
I’ve lived in Florida (Brevard County) since 1985 and have been carrying every day since 1988.
I have no particular desire to open carry, but I do want to right to open carry if I feel like it.

My opinion is, you should be able to carry any firearm “in common use”, including shotguns, ARs and AKs if you feel the need.
Walking around Lowes with an M-4 would be a tad over the top, but it ought to be legal.

If you think standing on the sidewalk and preaching your personal political philosophy is a bad idea, don’t do it. But don’t tell me I shouldn’t have the right to do it if I want to.
If you think open carry is a bad idea, don’t do it. But don’t tell me I shouldn’t have the right to do it if I want to.
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