Ole Nasty....

Brent..Are u looking at the attatchment on my first post or last? Because if its the first..I agree....If its the last..I don't....
^^^^^^^^ here's KEG's picture^^^^^^^^^^\\

If you've ever seen one hide from you in the brush, its kinda cool how low they can make themselves, snout stretched out and all. You wouldn't think they could hide that good.
Well, he is black has some red tips. Looking at his teeth and hoofs he has spent most of his life, if not all, in a soft soil area. Out further west their hoofs are worn more and most of the cutters broken from the rocky soil. Most of my pigs don't even have the crust.

That looks like many of the pigs I encounter, but I'm no expert on the domestic origins like Hogdogs is.

I call em black, red, brown, polky dotted, black with big white stripe and so on LOL....

The all red ones seem to me to be closest to what folks call Russian. The piglets of the all red ones are mean little bootyholes, to a point of being comical.

That completes my knowledge of pig lineage. LOL . There are far better experts on pig lineage than me on this forum.
They really don't have Russian in them they pretty much revert back to thier natural state.

Rick..will feral hogs at some point..revert back into an animal that looks just like their Euopean/Asian cousins? If so..how long will it take?

U said this..so I asked this.../\/\/\
Time for some high speed LEAD POISON.:D

Thats what we call a piney wood rooter S.GA .
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I'm making assumptions based on my own observance of wild pigs, I read that there is no real difference between European pigs and domestic. The traits were all bred into them.

I see them in all stages, it is my understanding that the appearance depends on how many generations they have been wild. I think hogdogs is more correct. You could have a near Russian population, then here comes a polky dotted sow and screws the whole mess up.
LOL..I think U and hogdogs are probably bout right....I am trying to learn more about these hogs....I think our riverbottom hogs have been more remote and seem to carry more euro-traits...while on the other end of the county..there seems to be anything and everything....
When you look at Eurasian hogs in their own region, you will see what I call a "more tannish hue" overall. Or you will see a "Bluish" hue overall.

Tipped hairs can be a sign of out crossing but to what??? A red Duroc bred to a black female? A couple generations later of mostly black genes and the black can take back over.

With Eurasian crosses you have to remember that even if the parent was a pure russian, these piglets will be watering down the russian genes if not limited to future breeding with pure russian bloodlines.

So with the very limited population of pure russian DNA donors... and the nearly unlimited number of pigs with anything less than 50% russian genes... You won't get a hog that could pass scientific scrutiny as a "pure eurasian" in our lifetimes if ever.

There are some "indicators" of possible russian bloodlines bred into the feral stock. One is a sneaky little "hybrid tooth"...


Scroll down to the "how old is that pig" to see the tooth.

I have doped up, sewn up, and buried up dogs wrecked by pigs of many colors and sizes... Tooth size be danged, the dog wrecker I worry about is what I call a "teenagger thug punk" sort... Any color but these spanish pigs live up to this real well, about 140-170 pounds not terribly old (hence the teenager), 3/4-1 1/2" teeth... These gems are athletic and know it... they are badazz and they know it and they will turn and fight a dog at the drop of a hat... Their agility and tenacity and downright winning intentions make them badder to me than a 400 pound old warrior hog... He can whoop 'em too but usually he wants to slash the swords and run if possible.

Breed matters naught to me... In fact, if you could keep the eurasian out of the mix, your butchering duty could be easier and tablefare better... We bred these domestic lines for various reason and tuff meat under a thick hide ain't them...

All this talk about pig hunting makes me....

JEALOUS! There are not any pigs around here, and as far as I know, they are not much of a problem in any neighboring states. I know it is somewhat self centered, knowing how damaging the hog can be, but I sure wish I had the opportunity to hunt some hog!:D
hogdogs...the hogs that come off my riverbottom place have that hybrid tooth....I will try to post a pic....I even took a pig with that tooth of the place where the black hog pic came from....He had a different look about him and I bleached his skull.....What I understand the boars in europe and asia have some difference in color..appearance..depends on what region....Just as or deer are smaller..the closer U get to the tropics and larger to the north....same with asian boar....
Most of ours have the hybrid tooth too. But for the most part ours are either heavy black old spanish blood or any ratio of other european/american domestic lines.

I requested permission to use a fellow hog dogger's pics from louisiana where he seems to have several "pockets" of hogs with HEAVY eurasian traits... When he agrees, I will post to show what I feel is the difference in just a feral domestic and a eurasian predominately...

Would love to join in the fun

I don't wish we had hog problems like that up here in NE, but I do wish I had the opportunity to hunt them like you guys do down there... Kind of a double edged sword, I guess. Frankly, I wouldn't care whether they were domestic, eurasian, spanish, or any other stock, just as long as they fit in my smoker:D
These are what I feel exhibit euro traits...



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I've had some like those except I haven't seen any with such pronounced hackles or whatever they are called on pigs.

I suspect that Florida has some of the oldest lines in the pigs there.
Those are all Louisiana hogs... The majority of russian influenced populations are directly related to the "Gentlemen's" hunt clubs of the late 1800's and early 1900's when tycoons were all the rage...

Our Fla population began the day a spanish explorer first unloaded his boat on our beaches...:D

Florida would have more russian influenced hogs if AC were already common when the tycoons were playin'...
