OK, What is the UGLIEST gun you ever laid eyes or hands on?

Tough one. Some contenders IMHO:

-S&W Sigma .380...the Pot Metal Wonder.
-H&K P11..we used to have them in our unit...it looks like an overblown polymer G3 grip with a coke can mounted on it.
-Japanese Nambu.
I gotta go with the Astra 400/600 series also. They Look like a broken shock absorbers an have trigger pulls that only Bill Ruger would love.

This is harder than which is best. Glock's aren't ugly. To be honest I use to think they did look stupid. When the Sig 220 first came out it didn't sell much because of it's looks. All the HK pistols looked weird making the new USP's look great. The Old Slabside and HP dissuaded me from getting close to them until I shot them. The ones' I can't see why new technology engineers designed, are the highpoint. Is that a battery powered laser or something?
Why are there so many look alike copies of the Glock from other manufactures these days...There is a good reason to copy an ugly gun as others have found...IT SCARES THE BAD GUYS AWAY. Clearly a winner!
Any BULLPUP rifle I have ever seen makes me think..."Now that is an ugly gun" However, I think that rediculous looking French commando bullpup abortion (I think they call it a Foo Foo, but who cares) takes the cake. It's the Gamma Goat of rifles!

I think the M-14 family is about as handsome a rifle as has ever been made. They look like....Freedom!

"Keep your head down and your powder dry"
I agree that the Glocks are pretty d**** ugly.. Maybe thas why I buoght 2. Na thats cause they work, and I shoot them well. The ugliest gun I've ever seen was a pos striker fired 9mm sold for about $100.00 may have been the afore mentioned Rokag? or what ever. Then again there was an AR15 knock off in .22 cal cheap as shoot.

p.s. Who brought the venerable Colt Woodsman into this horrrible forum?
I'm not a Glock fan but the smaller they get the better looking they get.

Saw a gold Desert Eagle, that was @$@)&#)(_ ugly!!!
Yeah, even though Glocks are my personal favorite, I'll admit they're not pretty. But if you're saying they're the ugliest, you probably haven't seen a Hi-Point or one of the S&W Glock wannabes. The lines of their slides don't even look parallel to the frame ... sheesh.

Does "shall not be infringed" mean something different to YOU?
Sorry Glock owners, although beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

gun control is bullet placement;)
Most any Mauser pocket pistol comes to mind.

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts, it may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up.
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
Vector, hands down!!!!!!!

BTW, I will gladly provide a good home to all of those "ugly" Rugers and Glocks out there that may be unwanted or abandoned by their current owners!
HK P7M13

My ruger p89 is big and beautifull, and accurate, aithink most guns look like guns form follows function.

The P7M13 is extremely ugly a huge fat ASS grip with a tiny Lorin .25 slide on top.

UGLY UGLY UGLY and at 900-1000 dollars UGLY price too.

Master Blaster