OK, What is the UGLIEST gun you ever laid eyes or hands on?

1 vector
2 hi point
3 desert eagle

And house......that's phaser not laser........get it right ;)

Star Trek nerd and proud of it
ah....now this one's easy,,,,its the one Im trying to buy...lol...but once I get it if i do it then becomes a "good shooter" and absolutely wonderful...lol..,.fubsy,.
Wow, so nobody likes Glocks. I look at mine during sex, it's an energy booster.

I think all Rugers are the Red-headed stepchildren of guns.

I was also surprised to see the hand-cannon Desert Eagle get mentioned also. That thing will kill you from looking at it.

Someone also mentioned the USP, why????? bad-ass shiz.
Sigmas suck too.

"PERSONAL PREFERENCE, that's what it's all about. Respect it and live by it." me 1999
Wow, so nobody likes Glocks. I look at mine during sex, it's an energy booster.

I think all Rugers are the Red-headed stepchildren of guns.

I was also surprised to see the hand-cannon Desert Eagle get mentioned also. That thing will kill you from looking at it.

Someone also mentioned the USP, why????? bad-ass shiz.
Sigmas suck too.

"PERSONAL PREFERENCE, that's what it's all about. Respect it and live with it." me 1999
" It's any Glock. Geez, what were their designers thinking?"

That's easy: they were thinking "function not fashion", and they succeeded! They made a gun that just plain works, and after looking at all the other pretty pistols, the Glock is the one people actually carry.

I would vote for the Ruger pistols. Yuck...and they are big and blocky too, too big for what they offer. They have neither "fashion" nor "function", except as a boat anchor. I don't consider those other POS's like Lorcins and Hi-Points to even be "guns", so I can't vote for them. At least I have enough respect for the Ruger to classify it as a pistol.
Whats that french thing they have rechambered in .308 that theyre trying to sell in shotgun news? that is one coyote. Supoposedly a decent shooter tho. Then again, if you turn out the lights who cares who you bring home, Ha Ha!
Once again i am going to go against all odds but i disagree with most of you that say the mini-Glock is ugly, it is K.I.S.S and that makes it beautiful!! I personally think the Beretta's are ugly. They are so bulky and down right UGLY!!

when the govenment comes for you weapons, give them the ammo first
Righto, Glock man be da'man. Glocks shoot you when you look at them because they're some badassmotherF&*$in' lookin guns.

"Get rid of that Nickel Plated Sissy Pistol, get yourself a Glock" Tommy Lee Jones / U.S. Marshalls

[This message has been edited by SIG (edited December 08, 1999).]
Some one said the 1911 was ugly?

Where is my Advil?

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
While scanning the thread, I thought it is for real, and it comes to my mind that the ugliest is the "Liberator" but then even the Glock, Daewoo and 1911 are also ugly as mentioned already.

For me the ugliest revolver are those Paltik made in Danao / Cebu City in PI. A friend of mine in the 70's has .22 and .38 caliber. I had shoot the .22 caliber Mark S$W at 90 degrees angle upward and didn't fire, I point straight on my shoulder level, it did not go bang, then I point to the ground it fired it all.

Another .38 Paltik danao / cebu made marked S&W, i tried to hit a log fence with the size of a regular man. If I aim straight to the target it goes 1 foot away. Second shot I did, I position the sight on the 9 O'clock sight 1 foot away also, I did hit the center.

Paltik are only good for point-blank shooting.

These are the ugliest gun I saw but I heard a hearsay they are being exported and marked foreign made trade mark. (BEWARE!!!!!)of clones S&W and Colt Clones.
Ugliest gun, eh? Well, looking over the posts here, Glocks seem to be winning. I'm not a Glock "lover", but I don't think they're that ugly. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and when it comes to guns, a high reliability and/or accuracy factor(s) can do a lot to make up for bad looks.

Yeah; Glocks, Nambus, Ruger autos, the Webley-Fosbury (sp?) auto-revolver, The "Broomhandle" Mauser (I always thought it just looked wicked, not ugly) even that Godforsaken H&K VP70Z, all are pretty ugly guns, but none of them hold a candle to my all time favorite gun to hate-the Styer GB18. This misbegotten son-of-a-boat-anchor looks like a cross between a Makarov and a deformed pregnant rat. It had the same balance properties of a reciprocating saw, and the reliability was somewhat (massively?) short of that of an Edsel. I never found out about accuracy, I couldn't get it to fire more than 2 or 3 rds without some sort of misfeed. It had every feeding malf possible. I think it was the result of the "more is better" high-capacity 9mm syndrome. 18 rds in a pistol magazine is too much. Styer only offered them for 2 or 3 years, I believe around '79 or'80. The one I saw was in '81. Good ridance says I.

Shoot straight regards, Richard at The Shottist's Center http://forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=45acp45lc
Excluding the junk pistols which I don't know enough about to identify, I would say the ugliest pistol currently being manufactured has to be the Beretta Cougar in any version, but especially the short-grip mini. All-time, it's a toss-up between the Cougar and the HK VP70Z, with the Whitney Wolverine a close runner up.
Thanks for backing me SIG! i think we are the only two people who know what they are talking about!! :) I will remember to look at my GLock during sex too, that is a GRRRR-E-A-T idea!!

when the govenment comes for you weapons, give them the ammo first
No Kiddin' man. What the hell is up with all of the negativity around Glock looks????

I remember getting my G-30 and bringing it over my friends house, he could not stop looking at it. It was the looks of the gun. It's a Bad Mot%$#fu*ker!

Glock Glock and heed the following "Get rid of that Nickel Plated Sissy Pistol and get yourself a Glock" Tommy Lee Jones
That Japanese .45 cal, broomhandle Mauser looking pistol I saw in Shotgun News, with the mag forward of the grip, is one ugly mug.
OK, this is not really a "gun" but I vote for the blasters the heroes used in the original Star Wars movies. These were Mauser broomhandles (already ugly) with big silver bullhorn-shaped pieces on the muzzles (True Fugliness.)

And Glock guys, settle down. We're not debating good vs. bad, just ugliness. Glocks are fugly. So are F-4 Phantoms, combat boots, bulldogs, and Rosie O'Donnell (oops, forget that last one.) But they're all cool. The ugliness is part of the mystique, so just enjoy it.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron