OK, What is the UGLIEST gun you ever laid eyes or hands on?

Personally I consider all firearms to be beautiful but...
the ugliest pistols I've laid my eyes on:
(ugly 7, uglier 6,uglier still 5,.... so on)
1.The Japanese Type 94/T94
2the Double deuce by Steel City Inc.
3.the Hi points
4.Lorcin(all models).
5.The HK VP70Z
6.All Glocks,S&W Autos(except S&W 99)
7.All HKs
The latest SOF has an article called "Guns of the Kyber Pass" about the homebrew firearms "cottage industry" flourishing in Pakistan's back country.

Picture a giant scaled-up homemade-in-sheet-metal Broomhandle Mauser able to take an AK47 mag and fire 7.62x39 if you're bugfuuuck crazy enough to try. No stock, mind you, just a classic broomhandle grip.

THAT to me even beats the Liberator. And there were lots more ballistics freakshows...check it out!

Does anybody remember that POS the Rogak 9mm
Don't know if spelling is correct,but the "gun" is in the running in this beauty contest
Hmmm, funny, but I've never thought of my VP70z as ugly. Big and bulky, yes, but not ugly. I guess after no missfeeds in 10 years, it's grown on me. And Pete80, the one with the shoulder stock is the VP70m, which fired a 3-shot burst - there was a selector switch on the stock (m is for military, z for civilian).

Let's see, ugly... I'll vote for the Nambu. Yuck.
Hmmmmmmm. Seems no one remembers (or maybe
ain't a geezer like me) the L.E.S. Rogak.
Many poison control centers use the Rogak
to induce vomiting by looking at it.
Astra 400/600 without a doubt:


Glocks aren't ugly, utilitarian looking, but not ugly. Keep in mind, I don't own a Glock, but it is for reasons other than looks.
For semi-autos, almost any Glock. For revolvers, has anyone looked at some of the NE and H&R revolvers? Woof. Kind of like Rosie O'D, except I'll take any of these ugly guns over her (well, OK, maybe not the Glocks).
I have to join in with the Glock opinion. Of course IMHO, I think most autos are really lacking in style (performance issues aside) but Glock really takes the cake. But how can anyone call the Desert Eagle ugly? True that 10" barrel looks a little odd, but all the 6" models are sexxxxxxy :)
Vectore definately is one ugly gun and from what I heard is as about reliable as it looks. The S&W sigma is ugly too. And the old outdated Broomhandle mousers look like something from Star Wars. :)

"what gives a government that arms the whole world the right to disarm it's own citizens?"
Present: Vector. Past: LeMat revolver of Civil War vintage; .42 bore cap&ball with an under barrel designed to function as a shotgun.Practical as all get out...carried by North and South...looked like every part on it was an afterthought...was apparently one heck of a good fighting piece. SERIOUSLY UGLY.