Obtaining an alien firearms license - WA State


Hello everyone,

I'm a relative newbie that's beginning to look into purchasing a handgun for home defense.

In researching concealed carry permits and the like, I realized that as a resident alien (Green card status), I would need an alien firearms license permit in order to own a firearm.

That looks like it could be a problem, however. I'm hoping some more experienced people on the board could clarify the following for me.

The WA state's Department of Licensing web site has a notice that reads:

"Special alert for alien firearms license applicants --
We are unable to issue alien firearms licenses at this time. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has told law enforcement agencies it is against federal law to use federal databases for background checks if the agencies share the results with a non-criminal justice agency such as the Department of Licensing. This means law enforcement agencies cannot perform the background checks required by state law for issuing an alien firearms license. Without these background checks, we cannot complete the application process or issue alien firearms licenses."

I've searched for more information on this, but have come up empty-handed.

Does this mean that I cannot obtain a permit? Is this situation permanent?

Thanks for any info you can share.
Correct, no ETA on when the DOL will be allowed to issue them.

I just called them BTW, and that is the information.

So I guess I make plans for storing elswhere at the end of the year... I probably will not have possession of them until I get my citizenship in 2010...

Hey look, gun controls works, they effectively disarmed 5 (Two Canadians and three Americans in my family) law abiding citizen by the end of the year...

look into a Utah CHL. From what I understand, they have full reciprocity with Washington State and since you are a resident alien you can do the course and get the licence. Check with this guy to be sure.

Good luck!
The Utah license will not help.

Step #1 = AFL

Allows you to retain modern firearms and ammunition

Step #2 = CPL

Allows you to carry concealed

If #1 expires, you are no longer allowed to retain firearms or ammunition, not even a single .22LR...

Cap n Ball here I come!
So let me get this straight. In WA, you can't even purchase a firearm unless you have a license?

Wow, when did Canadian law find its way into Washington State?
So let me get this straight. In WA, you can't even purchase a firearm unless you have a license?


Since I'm a law abiding resident alien, I will not be able to purchase nor store any firearms or ammunition upon myself or at my residence.

Nothing, nada, zip, zilch etcetera.

Non-law abiding on the other hand will do what they wish, just like they already do. :barf:
MD, thanks for the info. It's not what I was hoping to hear, though.

I hope we're still allowed to rent and shoot at the ranges. Ten years ago I took a basic handgun safety class at Wade's in Bellevue. I shot there on the weekends occassionally. It was a lot of fun - I hope that's still an option for me.

I'll be giving Wade's a shout to doublecheck.

Thanks again for your help.
Some more info

I was searching around a bit yesterday and found that there was a bill introduced this past January that addresses the application procedures for an Alien Firearm License.

Info can be found here:


Seeing that there are a few other WA state greecard holders in this forum, I thought you might be interested.
Wren I've got mixed messages on this issue now, DOL says they cannot do it, Senator Morton emailed me and told me to contact my sheriff, sheriff's office said they were aware of the problem and they can do the paperwork.

I'm going to go to the Sheriff's office and give it a try, from the way it has been described, the DOL is not allowed access to background checks, but the sheriff is allowed to do the check and then contact the DOL..

Confusing, but I'll be the guinea pig on this.. hopefully my $79 will not be wasted...
Interesting - I thought going through the DOL was the only route.

Well, let us know how it goes with the sheriff's office. Good luck!
Can't get to the sheriff until after payday next week... also my local sheriff's office is ~40 minutes away, kind of the reason why I'd rather be armed for "just in case", sure we have a Marshal, but he's only one guy...
I received the denial by the DOL a few days ago.
That's after they had me jump through all the hoops.
My local sheriff will try t fix the problem wit the DOL. He obviously received the FBI background check.

I also talked to an attorney, who mentioned that this is a civil right violation by the DOL.

This will become very interesting. :cool:
I sent email to my sheriff and under sheriff, I even called them and received no reply...

I was forwarded an email from the DOL, saying they could not do it.

I wish anyone who pursues this good luck..

I'm pretty much out of cash for a new license, so my gear will be staying at my buddies house after 8/20/2007...

I guess WA State figures the 10th amendment lets them stand on clause 2 of the 14th...
Sorry that didn't work out for you. Here in Georgia I had NO problems. Never before heard of a Aliens Firearms License. I got the same one everyone else has. Got my CCW in 6 weeks without problem, and my 03ffl in 8 weeks. Since I need no permits/papers to buy guns there is no problem there either.
Maybe you need to move to a friendlier state!:D (I know, probably not feasible)

Please email everyone on this list right now and ask them to support ESHB 3148.

For all legal residents, green card holders etcetera, please contact or email everyone on the list and tell them you do not want to be discriminated against like I did.

from Joe Waldon

Under RCW 9.41.170, resident aliens residing in Washington must acquire
an Alien Firearms License (AFL) before being allowed to possess a
firearm. Washington is one of only a couple of states that still retain
this holdover from “immigrant Jim Crow” days, despite the fact that
resident aliens already must pass a background check before acquiring
resident alien status.
Possession of a firearm by a resident alien,
without an AFL, is a felony.

Dear Senator

Please support ESHB 3148 and ask that it come up for a vote today. ESHB
3148 corrects a technical glitch that places hundreds of Washington
residents at felony risk. The bill passed unanimously from both the
House of Representatives and the Senate Judiciary Committee. Vote “AYE”
on ESHB 3148 TODAY.

The Legislative Hotline number is 1-800-562-6000

If you don't know what "Jim Crow" laws are.. they were mainly disciminatory laws against African Americans, but the term can also be applied to any group that is discriminated against, read here:



Big deal. I don't see the problem. Get the license and then buy what you want. Become a citizen before you start demanding citizen's rights and hurling Jim Crow BS around.