Obama's incredible accomplishments...

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Oh for pete's sake, this
Now it's starting to smell like money.
is inuendo. Can you make a simple statement of fact for once?

This is smelling like BS. Can I speculate about McCain being a "Manchurian candidate" since he was held in captivity by a foreign power, too? Is that what passes for legitimate inquiry here?
"In April 2008, Soros hosted an event in his apartment that had guests such as David Brock of the self-described progressive watchdog group Media Matters and liberal commentator Paul Begala. Brock described that the plan intends to raise $40 million to run political advertisements against the presumptive Republican nominee, Senator John McCain, through a group called The Fund for America and Progressive Media, whose key backer, according to politico.com, is Soros."

Well, this is coming down to a matter of perhaps timing, as much as BO made his 15 minutes, using his race.

I'm reminded of a line,

"Absent real leadership, people will drink the sand, not because they want to, but because no one else is talking."

I guess I'm just skeptical, because the last time this happened, it was the Kennedy's, a bunch of rum runners made psuedo-royalty, in their own minds.

John F. Kennedy, thanks to his Dad's ties to the mafia, managed to carry a certain New England state, and, from there, it was off to the races, winning in the narrowest margin ever. We all thought God's son had just been elected.

JFK, in his wisdom, appointed his brother AG, who then went after the Mafia, using the government to do it.
NOT a bright career move...
The big secret you are looking for is that it is individuals that are sick of where the country is going contributing mostly <$200.

Yeah.... Like Oprah, and the rest of Hollywood. :rolleyes:
Guys: Get over Harvard. They have a night school, where for about 50k, and, one year of night school, you too can hang a sheep skin on the wall that says,
"Harvard M.B.A", or whatever. All it takes is MONEY.


You can stand on one finger and spin for all I care. I hear lots of stuff about BO and his ties, money, etc. on the conservative talk shows. They do a better job then I of connecting the dots.

This is a fact finding mission for me, just as Palin is.

Since I like math, and, I have a bit of knowledge of statistics, it just seems highly unlikely that this guy would get to where he is, in the time he did.

Reminds me of the sprinters from Jamaica. They have 2.8 million people, and, if you've been there, 99.9% of the people are thin, laid back, and, not exactly what one would call star track material. The fact that they now dominate a couple nations with over 2 billion people combined, in sprints, I find a bit suspicious, just from a
probability standpoint...Likewise my mathmatical intuition
on BO's assention...
Most top tier law schools are next to impossible to flunk out of. The cut is made at admissions time. Lower tier schools bring in big classes and then make the cut on grades flunking out a big chunk of the class. Harvard is in the former category. From what I know about law school admissions, if you are in the band of LSATs that the school is willing to look at, not automatic reject, not automatic accept, then things like race, overseas living, second languages, school connections, etc do make a difference to the admissions committee. Obama would have been an attractive candidate to the committee on those factors of he was not an automatic accept. Also, if he had interviews, he can be persuasive and ingratiating, a people person. That helps a lot in where you go and what you do.
No doubt BO is smart, going to Harvard sums that up but his biggest accomplishment in his life was getting Oprah to support him financially and use her holywood connections to make him known. Without that he would still just be a smart guy that went to Harvard and is against the 2nd amendment

Good point: forgot about that. There is enough money there to easily match those numbers. I'm sure Obama and Oprah
created these ties without race playing ANY factor in Oprah's decision...
Back at you Socrates, but right now, you've still got nothing. Have fun playing with math and conspiracy theories.
Don't need to. Got the answers I was looking for. It's not above someone like Oprah to finance, and get her friends to finance, the first possible arab muslim president ever. It would also explain why Hildabeast's money raising was down, since that was money she and Shill Bill had prior.

Plus, you have a whole bunch of other folks that don't want to put the blame where it should be, with a democratic congress.

I can't help but think the drafters a bright bunch. Create a figure head, with little power, and, let him take the heat for them, when they screwed up as congress people...
Oh. That was just his step father. My bad...

I was just reviewing all of the same rhetoric I see in presidential elections. Presidents-candidates acting like they have the power of kings..:rolleyes: BO is more of the same. The power is in congress, not the presidency. The problem is in Congress, not the presidency. Bush had all but what, two votes from congress approving the war. If it isn't run the way they want, they try and throw him under the bus...

From his rhetoric, he wants to revise the tax codes. Like he can...Too bad, because if did what he says he'll do, I'd be pretty much tax free for the rest of my life...
Let's add some focus here...

I don't really care about their education levels. They all went to college; great. Some got graduate degrees; great. As I tell my college students, no one in my working life has ever asked me what my grades were at college or grad school. All they wanted was the evidence that I had graduated.

Therefore, I propose that, instead of of fussing about their education, we start listing the major political candidates' life accomplishments. We'll alternate between the parties, and I'll even go first:

John McCain: McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill
Sarah Palin: Revived and got approved a long-stalled natural gas pipeline from the north slope of Alaska to terminals in southern Alaska

Obama Facts:

1. Voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people who use firearms in self-defense.
2. Refused to sign a friend-of-the-court brief in support of individual 2A rights in the Heller case.
3. Member of Board of Directors of the Joyce Foundation, which is a source of funds for anti-gun organizations and "research".
4. Supports mandatory micro-stamping
5. Voted against the confirmation of 2 of the 5 Supreme Court Justices that affirmed an individual right to keep and bear arms.
6. Endorsed a complete ban on handgun ownership
7 Endorsed a 500% increase in the federal excise tax on firearms and ammunition.
8. Voted to ban many types of rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.

And that's just his a portion of his record on the 2nd Amendment.

McCain Facts....
I'm more than willing to post my thoughts on McCain on another thread since this is about Obama's, not McCain's "accomplishments".
This isn't about Obama's short comings. It's about his strengths. I see those as first and foremost:
He and his wife are a fantastic team at begathon. This is a term coined by my girlfriend, that raised a lot of money to run for political office. She's smart, pretty, and a woman, and, that worked in her favor, and she played it.

BO has used EVERY advantage our society has given him to his advantage. How many people have managed to play a Law review election into writing a book on being black in Harvard, and, parlayed that into a being recruited by CHLS, and given a fellowship, and office to write a book, about how he got into Harvard, and got decent grades in a situation where no one can fail, and, won a popularity contest for Law Review President? :barf:

I've done a ton of stuff, way more interesting than anything he could have written at that point in his life, yet I would never have thought of getting paid by a law school to be a lecturer, and go to Bali to write a book about myself when I was in my late 20's.

This guy clearly sees the world in a totally different way then most of us do.

I would still like to know how this guy managed to get the press to pressure an LA judge into opening a 10 year old, confidential, sealed divorce file, assuring he would become a senator, running pretty much unopposed, after Jack Ryan was forced to resign.
In 1990, while dealing blackjack at a charity event, Jeri met investment banker and future political candidate Jack Ryan. The couple married on June 15, 1991 and had a son, Alex, on August 15, 1994. Throughout the marriage, Ryan and her husband took turns commuting between Los Angeles and Chicago for their careers, but finally divorced on August 27, 1999. Although Ryan mentioned (in an interview for Star Trek) that the frequent separations had been difficult for the marriage, the reasons for the divorce were kept sealed at their mutual request.

Five years later, when Jack Ryan's Senate campaign began, the Chicago Tribune newspaper and WLS-TV, the local ABC affiliate, sought to have the records released. Both Jeri and Jack agreed to make their divorce records public, but not the custody records, claiming that their release could be harmful to their son.

On June 22, 2004, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Robert Schnider agreed to release the custody files. The decision generated much controversy because it went against both parents' direct request and because it generally reversed the early decision to seal the papers in the best interest of the child. It was revealed that six years previously, Jeri had accused Jack Ryan of asking her to perform sexual acts with him in public, and in adult clubs in New York, New Orleans, and Paris. Jeri Ryan described one as "a bizarre club with cages, whips and other apparatus hanging from the ceiling."[3] Jack Ryan denied these allegations. Although Jeri Ryan refused to comment on the matter during the campaign, the document disclosure led Jack Ryan to withdraw his Republican candidacy for an open United States Senate seat in Illinois (which was eventually won by Barack Obama).[citation needed]
This isn't about Obama's short comings. It's about his strengths. I see those as first and foremost:

To be frank, Socrates, the facts that I posted are "accomplishments"...even to some members of this board, I'm sure.

However, I respect your definition of "accomplishments". I misread what you were really after.
Post Turtle

Accomplishments? You mean like voting "present" a lot during roll call votes? My take is that Obama is first and formost a post turtle.

Now you ask what is a post turtle?

Well, sometime when you're out driving you'll see a turtle stuck up on a fence post, his legs kind of waving around. Its a mystery but you usually stop and take him down so he can go on with his turtle business.

Well you know damned well the turtle didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there and he can't get down. You may see some tire tracks or a place where the grass has been mashed down but that is all you find. So then you have to ask what sort of dumbass sumbitch put him there?

So that is the question, what sort of dumbass sumbitch put Obama up to this? Well we can rule out Jesse Jackson, who's already said he'd cut his nuts off if he could. This leaves the the rest of the usual suspects. Whoever it is all we have to go on is a set of tire prints in the ditch out by that fence. :p
Accomplishments? You mean like voting "present" a lot during roll call votes? My take is that Obama is first and formost a post turtle.

Now you ask what is a post turtle?

Well, sometime when you're out driving you'll see a turtle stuck up on a fence post, his legs kind of waving around. Its a mystery but you usually stop and take him down so he can go on with his turtle business.

Well you know damned well the turtle didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there and he can't get down. You may see some tire tracks or a place where the grass has been mashed down but that is all you find. So then you have to ask what sort of dumbass sumbitch put him there?

So that is the question, what sort of dumbass sumbitch put Obama up to this? Well we can rule out Jesse Jackson, who's already said he'd cut his nuts off if he could. This leaves the the rest of the usual suspects. Whoever it is all we have to go on is a set of tire prints in the ditch out by that fence.

That's funny, I don't care who you are...:D

But, you have to realize that even though he didn't get up on the post himself, his strengths are he can get folks to contribute enough money to keep him up there, and, to pick him up, and carry he and his wife around in a 747...
He can also get people to take a bunch of pictures of him, and, pay for having tons of those pictures to dominate the media, and, they actually take about 100 pictures of the turtle, and, pick the best one, so he presents himself well to the rest of the turtles...

He can also manage to present himself as one thing, when in fact, he's really another, that being an Arab, not a black turtle... But, he uses the black turtle race card to win a Harvard Law School popularity contest, and, be named president of Harvard Law review. Then he writes a book about how famous he is, as the first black turtle at Harvard, when, in fact, the real work was done about 50 years ago, at Berkeley,Boalt Law school, by other, REAL black turtles, named Swan and Thelton Henderson. By the way, the Swan turtle was one of my law school professors, and, he introduced me, and a few others, to Thelton Henderson, a famous 9th circus judge(Think save the Dolphins, and, the affirmtive action opinion, overturned in Baake) You see, I've been to the REAL turtles, respect them, and just don't like fake turtles...

In other words, this turtle could sell an eskimo a refrigerator, or an Arab a heater...
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Something smells, and, I'd like to get to the bottom of it.
He's getting a tremendous amount of money for his campaign. That should be from public record, but, the suspicion is a lot of it is coming from out of the country.
Is it rich relatives, or causes, from Kenya, or Indonesia?
Is it ties to rich Muslims?

Well, they recently seized over $600,000 that had been raised for Obama in Nigeria. So it certainly isn't out of the question.

Nigerian police seize Obama gala funds
The idea of a man with an African father attaining the world's most powerful political office has fueled "Obama-mania" across Africa over the past year, and Nigeria, the continent's most populous nation, is no exception.

Buses and cars in the crowded streets of Lagos carry "Obama '08" bumper stickers, while militants in the oil-producing Niger Delta have even called on the U.S. Democratic presidential candidate to mediate in their conflict.

Not to mention, if Bush is sponsoring giving 50 billion dollars over 5 years to fight aids, most of which will end up in dictators bank accounts, if our past contributions are any indication, what do you think BO might give em? 200 billion, a trillion, what's the limit in giving away tax money.? After all, Bush and Obama earned it all, right?

When you really think about it, with the number of millionaire black people, just start with the NBA, and NFL, and keep going, if that kind of mania affects Nigeria, what do you think it does here?

By the way, I don't mean this as a critique, but, as a person in the right place, at the right time, taking advantage of the situation, and playing his cards right.
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