Obama's incredible accomplishments...

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I hope Hussein doesn't expect someone else to pre-chew his food for him when
he becomes president.

One could say the same about McCain in light of his advanced age.

Test scores are confidential unless disclosed by the person who took the test. So, why don't you ask "Hussein" about his scores, and while you're at it, ask Biden, and Palin, and McCain about their scores too.

Unless of course, you have problems with personal privacy and believe test scores, grades, tuition payment data, and other student records should be matters of public record for all.

What were your scores? What was your tuition payment schedule? Did you receive any Federal or private assistance? What were your grades? Why is your data any more sacrosanct than some candidate's?
BTW, if you want to continue to refer to Obama as Hussein, you will be stomped on by mods as childish. You are already being perceived as such.
99.98% on SAT's. Perfect 600 in math on SAT's. 595 on english. Combined 1195 out of 1200.
ACH TESTS: 590-595-600. The odd part was, I didn't care, and didn't try on the test, since I was already into the school I wanted to go to. I also, went to a JC first,CC for two years.

Combined score over 2750 gave me my pick of any California University, and, they disregard your grades. Went to U.... Transfered to S...College, and, graduated in Philosophy Magna Cum laude,

Took the LSAT when I was 44. Scored 150, IIRC. Could NOT believe it. Scale is to 180.

My first year in law school I tied for the highest grade in my Law schools year end comprehensive examination. I was on Law Review as well, and, have a J.D.


Obamas' scores are a big secret, apparently.
This Is The Best:

Here's the best indication of past commitments and taking a stand I've ever heard: As reported by press, while in the State Legislature, Obama voted "Present" ("Abstain") close to 150 times.

Now here's a guy you want to have in the foxhole with you. Or facing down Putin.

(Very good and intelligent piece on this and other matters concerning Obama:

From what I have read, Obama's father was 12% African Negro and 88% Arab.

That makes Barack 6% black and 44% Arab... :rolleyes:
Took the LSAT when I was 44. Scored 150, IIRC. Could NOT believe it. Scale is to 180.

My first year in law school I tied for the highest grade in my Law schools year end comprehensive examination. I was on Law Review as well, and, have a J.D.

You are showing that your poor test scores did not correlate to poor grades or success in Law school. Why did they let you in with a mere 150?
By the way:

Some of you folks should know that when you enter into positions such as the presidency, you change status from an 'average' citizen, and, become a 'public figure'. This changes your status with the law, as far as tort suits, in some area...

I'm NOT a public figure, and, come to think of it, I shouldn't publish my schools...
Here's the best indication of past commitments and taking a stand I've ever heard: As reported by press, while in the State Legisalture, Obama voted "Present" ("Abstain") close to 150 times.

Now here's a guy you want to have in the foxhole with you. Or facing down Putin.

You need to do some research as to what "present" means in IL legislature. It obviously isn't what you think it is.

Think about the fact that McCain says he is for raising minimum wage but voted against it 19 times due to pork added to bills. The "present" vote is like that.
Some of you folks should know that when you enter into positions such as the presidency, you change status from an 'average' citizen, and, become a 'public figure'. This changes your status with the law, as far as tort suits, in some area...

I'm NOT a public figure, and, come to think of it, I shouldn't publish my schools...

I agree you shouldn't have disclosed anything. I for one would have accepted your right to privacy.

Obamas' scores are a big secret, apparently.

Well congratulations. You did well.

Want to know mine? Well, you aren't going to find out. You know why? Because they are private.

Not a big secret, just private information protected by law. Just like Obama's. Just like McCain's.

Now, how many guns do you own? Do you have leprosy?

Don't like those questions?

You are showing that your poor test scores did not correlate to poor grades or success in Law school. Why did they let you in with a mere 150?

Unless you have some unique ability, you become one of the thousands applying, and, you end up in a less prestigious law school. For example, even though I had two uncles that went to Stanford, I didn't get in. Guess they needed to make bigger contributions...

We had one student from my college get into Stanford Law with horrible grades, C, and, very low LSAT scores. His unique ability? He played the tuba, and, they didn't have a tuba player for the marching band...

If you haven't noticed, money, family fame, and the potential to be a huge contributer after graduation have a lot to do with admissions at such schools...

Once you are in at Harvard Law, my understanding is, that like Stanford, and Boalt at Berkeley, no one is flunked out of school, on the presumption that if they let you in, they never make mistakes...
I do wonder about the indonesian step father, and, I don't know anything about him...

I should mention that most/many law schools fail 20% of their incoming class, each year.
You need to do some research as to what "present" means in IL legislature. It obviously isn't what you think it is.

Think about the fact that McCain says he is for raising minimum wage but voted against it 19 times due to pork added to bills. The "present" vote is like that.

Yes that's the point. Voting "No" is a vote, a position - others agreeing or not is the risk of placing a vote..

Voting "Abstain" ("Present"), is a non-vote - and is purposeless as far as representing those who depend on you for decisions - and near 150 Abstentions means something. Especially in a position held "on the way to bigger and better" etc., like his 2 years as a Senator. And I'm sure Illinois must have a Yea and Nea vote available as well. As it was in your example, for McCain -

Obama has a notable history of non-action, within the positions he's held - most of them briefly. This is not the best history for someone about to "Change The World" - or even for candidates for President who want to do less lofty things - like a good job. I'll take that as a reasonable goal if the person expresses a reasonable chance of accomplishing it.
Did Hussein score well on any admission test?

I attended an Ivy League school, and I sort of sympathized with people who
got in with the help of affirmative action. They were clearly struggling, and
some of them were miffed that they were not afforded the same kid glove
treatment once they entered school.

I hope Hussein doesn't expect someone else to pre-chew his food for him when
he becomes president.

As I said, Harvard Law School is a no fail school.
It's also apparent someone was in OB's corner to get to law review...
Once you are in at Harvard Law, my understanding is, that like Stanford, and Boalt at Berkeley, no one is flunked out of school, on the presumption that if they let you in, they never make mistakes...

Possibly, to some extent. I know that Harvard Medical is ungraded and is pass / no pass. However, I suggest that president of the law review is not even in the same ballpark. There are people vying for that position with tons of power/money/ability. Lacking power and money, one is left with ability as the sole criteria.
It's also apparent someone was in OB's corner to get to law review...
Which law review candidate doesn't have anybody in their corner?

If you want to minimize Obama's educational achievements, you can't complain when I maximize McCain's. But then, I don't really think it matters, as we have two men both far away from their college days and we know their current abilities and positions on issues.
I never thought I'd end up coming to Obama's defense about anything, but here I go: His father attended Harvard, although he never graduated from there. Perhaps (because I do not actually know) Barack was under some sort of legacy program. Regardless, he managed to become president of the Harvard Law Review, so he definitely has the ability to pass the LSAT with a qualifying score.

Yes, one can get into a school with a lesser LSAT and then earn their way onto law review. But that is not the only way people get onto law review. Many start off with very high LSAT scores.
I don't know why OB made it to Law Review. I would like to.
I think his strengths are his presentation, looks, and speaking ability. He also seemed to have developed excellent management skills in between college and Law School.

Something smells, and, I'd like to get to the bottom of it.
He's getting a tremendous amount of money for his campaign. That should be from public record, but, the suspicion is a lot of it is coming from out of the country.
Is it rich relatives, or causes, from Kenya, or Indonesia?
Is it ties to rich Muslims?

His success all indicate situations that are famous for being influenced by large amounts of money, and, financing for the presidency is NOT protected by privacy law...

I know one Dubian prince that is quite capable of financing
BO's complete life out of spare change...
Something smells, and, I'd like to get to the bottom of it.
He's getting a tremendous amount of money for his campaign. That should be from public record, but, the suspicion is a lot of it is coming from out of the country.
Is it rich relatives, or causes, from Kenya, or Indonesia?
Is it ties to rich Muslims?

His success all indicate situations that are famous for being influenced by large amounts of money, and, financing for the presidency is NOT protected by privacy law...

12 years instructing at UofChicago because of some large backer? That's really out there..

Hmm, you should start with The FEC.

The big secret you are looking for is that it is individuals that are sick of where the country is going contributing mostly <$200.

Rich relatives/causes from Kenya? WHAT? Maybe from his half-brother living off $1/day? ;)
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