Obama's incredible accomplishments...

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His success all indicate situations that are famous for being influenced by large amounts of money, and, financing for the presidency is NOT protected by privacy law...

So go find out and report back. As things stand now, this is all speculation and implication, which you basically want everybody to chime in on and contribute their own speculations and implications. That, and throw in a few gratuitous remarks about rich Muslims ... no playing to xenophobic or racist fears there.

Who cares about princes from Dubai you claim to know? Seriously, all you've done so far is character assassination without presenting a shred of evidence.
Something smells, and, I'd like to get to the bottom of it.
I agree with you that something smells about his background. I'm just being objective about his entry into Harvard and his becoming president of the law review.

However, I recently saw a televised biography of him, and what struck me as odd was absolutely no mention of any jobs he had ever held other than "community organizer" and "law professor." Also, no one could give any addresses for him during parts of his life (one of which I believe was during his Harvard days). I would have thought he'd have to list his employment history and his address history before he could qualify for the IL bar exam, or even to apply for Harvard in the first place. Curiouser and curiouser.
Yes, one can get into a school with a lesser LSAT and then earn their way onto law review. But that is not the only way people get onto law review. Many start off with very high LSAT scores.

It appears that has nothing, nor do his grades, with Harvard Law Review. Apparently Harvard's Law review is determined by election, first time I've heard of that, so, figure out how Obama won an election for law review....:rolleyes:

The publicity from his election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review led to a contract and advance to write a book about race relations.[21] In an effort to recruit him to their faculty, the University of Chicago Law School provided Obama with a fellowship and an office to work on his book.[21] He originally planned to finish the book in one year, but it took much longer as the book evolved into a personal memoir. In order to work without interruptions, Obama and his wife, Michelle, traveled to Bali where he wrote for several months. The manuscript was finally published as Dreams from My Father in mid-1995.[21]

You don't make the jumps he's made without help. He's been brought along by handlers and groomed for this role.

Assume that hidden puppet masters are pulling Obama's strings; even puppet masters want reasonably smart, articulate, and presentable puppets. We know that Obama is photogenic and has excellent speaking skills. Why is it so difficult to believe that he is highly intelligent? Even if he is a puppet, he has been smart enough to play the game well enough to become a major party's nominee for the Presidency of the United States.

Know your enemy, and keep him close, and, don't underestimate him.
Obama's incredible accomplishments...
Yo, you try doing this in three years.

S.2125 : A bill to promote relief, security, and democracy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 12/16/2005)

S.3757 : A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 950 Missouri Avenue in East St. Louis, Illinois, as the "Katherine Dunham Post Office Building". Sponsor: Sen Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 7/27/2006)
07 must have been a bad year for work...

The man busted his butt and nobody appreciates it. Do you have any idea as to the countless minutes that he must have been in direct contact with his aids who were drafting these bills? It boggles the mind. 120? 240? The concentration that this heroic man displayed is mind-numbing. Ask anyone who plans to vote for him.

Next you're going to try and tell me that pushing a button to vote isn't a truly Herculean task. Have you taken note of all the votes he missed due to votelexia? Which, as you well know, is the severe cramping of the voting finger causing incredibly ludicrous and misinformed results. The man is afflicted and yet some can't see it. A cruel world indeed. :D
Leif said:
What were your scores? What was your tuition payment schedule? Did you receive any Federal or private assistance? What were your grades? Why is your data any more sacrosanct than some candidate's?

I took my SAT before it was dumbed down. The total possible was 1600.
I scored 1490 (760 Verbal 730 Math). That put me in the 99.9% bracket.

I was not an affirmative action baby. In fact, I was hurt by reverse discrimination.
I took my SAT before it was dumbed down. The total possible was 1600.
I scored 1490 (760 Verbal 730 Math). That put me in the 99.9% bracket.

Congratulations, you did well. However, both Socrates and you missed the entire point of the question. You may feel comfortable disclosing your scores. However, the confidentiality of your scores is protected, regardless of whether or you feel comfortable broadcasting them for the world to see. The same is true for those who are candidates for political office, regardless of whether you like it or not.

That's all this thread has been, one big hmmm. It's about as substantive as a JFK assassination conspiracy discussion.

So, Socrates, what are you implying about his stay in Bali? You already dropped the Muslim bit into conversation, never mind the fact that the man is not a Muslim. Some connection you know about that the rest of us don't?

If insinuations about shadowy Muslim financial conspiracies and whining about Obama's academic record are the best the Republicans can do, they really are in trouble in November.
Leif said:
However, both Socrates and you missed the entire point of the question.

No, you're missing the point.

I think Socrates wants to know what BO has done. What are his
real achievements?

Is BO famous for being famous?

What has BO done?


I get the logic of affirmative action to a point, but handing the presidency
to someone who has been given a boost at every stage of his career just
because of the color of his skin is ridiculous.

Affirmative action this extreme is racism.
Leif said:
Congratulations, you did well. However, both Socrates and you missed the entire point of the question. You may feel comfortable disclosing your scores. However, the confidentiality of your scores is protected, regardless of whether or you feel comfortable broadcasting them for the world to see. The same is true for those who are candidates for political office, regardless of whether you like it or not.

So, why did you grill him with questions of disclosure, then?

I can't stand Obama. However, I really don't care about all of the politics involved on how he got his education. I do care about what his voting record was/is during time in office.

Obviously, there's a trend I see throughout boards, media, and coffee shop talk: Sooooo much times made making snide remarks about other candidates yet cannot to this day list actual items that Obama has done while in office that's good for the country...more less Illinois.

That's what I'd like to see on this thread along with the list of "accomplishments".
Tuttle8 said:
Obviously, there's a trend I see throughout boards, media, and coffee shop talk: Sooooo much times made making snide remarks about other candidates yet cannot to this day list actual items that Obama has done while in office that's good for the country...more less Illinois.

That's what I'd like to see on this thread along with the list of "accomplishments".

Famous for being famous

It's like BO is a reality TV show "star", like Omarosa or William Hung.


We could be stuck with a William Hung as president for the next four years. :eek:
I "grilled" him to make a point, which was made. I really don't give a whit what any of their grades were.

I don't feel that Obama has a huge list of accomplishments to tout. However, there is a vast difference between that and the coffee-house gossip that you yourself observed. I don't care for him much (he was not my first choice), but I'll be damned if I vote for a Republican in light of their track record over the last eight years (or a Libertarian for that matter).

The contention of the OP appears to be that Obama reached his position in life because of his race, and possibly due to support from foreign Muslims. He may not want this to be about race, but he certainly injected it into the conversation, and most posters chimed right in after that.

I think what amuses me most about the Obama threads is that some of the writers are so keen to say his race doesn't matter, but do nothing or join right in when racist attacks are mounted. To say that Obama only enjoys success because of his race, or that his success is due to support and protection given to him by shadowy, foreign, non-white, non-Christians is pretty racist. Sometimes people actually do succeed against stacked odds, just like the social conservatives of this country seem to think everybody should be able to do. You know, the whole up by the bootstraps thing.

The allegation was made that Obama is receiving support from a 'certain sector'. Let's see the damn proof, gossip girls. Until then, nothing but inuendo, character assassination, and silly comparisons with William Huang (btw, you should be ashamed of yourself for that). As I said before, the Republicans are in trouble if this is their A-game.
Actually Palin's nomination got me a bit excited about politics, again. I was hoping to find more on BO then I did, and, what I did find just looks like he's the right place, right time, right appearance, suit and hope for affirmitive action dreams. He's handsome, speaks well, as does his wife, and, recognized the opportunity, and, is taking full advantage of it.

He's the world record holder for fund raising, and, he's also chased after by the University of Chicago Law School. Before ever teaching at CLS, he was given fellowship and office, for nothing more then working on his book.
"The publicity from his election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review led to a contract and advance to write a book about race relations.[21] In an effort to recruit him to their faculty, the University of Chicago Law School provided Obama with a fellowship and an office to work on his book.[21"

In other words, he's famous for being the first black president of the Harvard Law Review., and, that got him a paid position to work on his book, so he would publish the book, and, make himself more famous, by having a book out on how I was the first black president of the HLR.
Going to Bali to work on the book makes sense, since you can live like a king on such a fellowship in Bali.

So, in fact, BO was Paid fo CLS, for writing his book, for being the first black president of Harvard Law Review.

Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, as a Lecturer for four years (1992–1996), and as a Senior Lecturer for eight years (1996–2004).

This appears to differentiate between lecturer, and professor. They appear to have a number of lecturers that aren't even in the Chicago area. Daniel Abebe
Assistant Professor of Law is the only full-time black faculty member. 1 black, 32 full time faculty.

In 1993 Obama joined Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a 12-attorney law firm specializing in civil rights litigation and neighborhood economic development, where he was an associate for three years from 1993 to 1996, then of counsel from 1996 to 2004, with his law license becoming inactive in 2002.[12][25]

Obama's campaign raised $58 million during the first half of 2007, of which "small" donations of less than $200 accounted for $16.4 million. The $58 million set the record for fundraising by a presidential campaign in the first six months of the calendar year before the election.[80] The magnitude of the small donation portion was outstanding from both the absolute and relative perspectives.[81] In January 2008, his campaign set another fundraising record with $36.8 million, the most ever raised in one month by a presidential candidate in the Democratic primaries.[82]...
[83] He again broke fundraising records in the first two months of 2008, raising over $90 million for his primary to Clinton's $45 million.[84] ....[86]

So, this guy comes in and DOUBLES the amount of money
Hildabest raises????:eek:
Punahou School is a private K-12 Prep school, pretty exclusive, and pretty expensive, from what I read. With credentials like that, it doesn't suprise me he made Columbia and Harvard.

I know how hard it is to get into Harvard, or Stanford, even if you are REALLY qualified. It's becoming quite clear that BO's 'tuba' is his race, and, his book, and subsequent 'lecturer' position are the result of that. He then used his race to further his position, running for an elected position, Harvard Law Review editor, and winning. That is a major accomplishment, but again, I suspect his major selling point was his minority status at the school.

He capitialized on that race to publish a book, get a salary and and office to write the book, so the CLS can put him on their website as an alumni, or 'lecturer' and he can say he taught con law. Not the acts of a stupid man, but, he's the one that is using his race to his advantage.

I also think his ability to raise money is interesting. He out raises, by TWICE, Hillary Clinton, and, if she isn't one of the best gender selling, fund raisers on the planet, I don't know who is. Plus, she has Shill Bill, another person that is incredibly good at getting free money from people, and, Obama out fund raises those two, by 100%?
Most of Obama's contributions come from small donors. He has pioneered some new uses of internet fund raising, which have been very effective.

He is obviously a very smart person. His father was a Kenyan who earned a Ph.D. from Harvard. Think about that. In the American portion of his education he has always gone to elite private schools. After Columbia he worked in the private sector at a very selective investment bank as a financial writer before becoming a community organizer.

If you don't like his policies just say so, and that's fine. All this weird speculation about his life is unnecessary. He's wrong on guns, that should be enough to oppose him.

If you want to know the man, go read his two books. They are very frank and revealing. You may or may not like him more afterwards, but you will understand him better.
You need to remember, as already was pointed out, many many many many people are really really really really really tired of having people named Bush and Clinton as president, including Democrats. I believe this has much more to do with Obama's financial and campaign success than his playing up his race as you accuse.

You have spun a web of coincidence, but provided no concrete fact. BTW, 'lecturer' positions are extremely common in academia, and are awarded for a variety of reasons. If you feel that the reasons that you posit are the ones that motivated the CLS, then where's your evidence?

You consistently say in unequivocal terms that Obama has used his race to his advantage throughout his life. Prove it. How did he use his race to gain entrance to college? To law school? To becoming editor of the law review? You state as much, but do not prove as much.

Colleges and universities have archives. Not all information is protected. You should be able to track down some of Obama's classmates through alumni offices. Maybe they can provide this evidence you lack.
I just looked up BO's step father, Lolo, and, he's dead. Died at 51 of some sort of liver disease. He appeared to be a geologist, Government of Indonesia;
Mobil Oil Corporation. Now it's starting to smell like money.

Punahou wasn't all that in 1971, and, the islands weren't what they are now, either. No one was really there, and, it was a very different world. From 85-95 I lived there, and, I surfed with a big wave surfer from Punahou, Peter Cole, at Sunset Beach, all the time. There was not much competition, certainly less then now, to get into such schools, and or to teach at them.
No doubt BO is smart, going to Harvard sums that up but his biggest accomplishment in his life was getting Oprah to support him financially and use her holywood connections to make him known. Without that he would still just be a smart guy that went to Harvard and is against the 2nd amendment
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