
I'm going to have to swallow my pride and send a check to McCain.

It'll make me feel dirty, but not as dirty as it would if Obama got elected.

(12 reasons why Obama put his foot in his mouth, or how the real Obama thinks.)

1. It lets Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) off the mat at a time when even some of her top supporters had begun to despair about her prospects. Clinton hit back hard on the campaign trail Saturday. And her campaign held a conference call where former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, a Pittsburgh native, described Obama’s remarks as “condescending and disappointing” and “undercutting his message of hope.”

2. If you are going to say something that makes you sound like a clueless liberal, don’t say it in San Francisco. Obama’s views might have been received very differently if he had expressed them in public to Pennsylvania voters, saying he understood and could alleviate their frustrations.

3. Some people actually use guns to hunt — not to compensate for a salary that’s less than a U.S. senator’s.

4. Some people cling to religion not because they are bitter but because they believe it, and because faith in God gives them purpose and comfort.

5. Some hard-working Americans find it insulting when rich elites explain away things dear to their hearts as desperation. It would be like a white politician telling blacks they cling to charismatic churches to compensate for their plight. And it vindicates centrist Democrats who have been arguing for a decade that their party has allowed itself to look culturally out of touch with the American mainstream.

6. It provides a handy excuse for people who were looking for a reason not to vote for Obama but don’t want to think of themselves as bigoted. It hurts Obama especially with the former Reagan Democrats, the culturally conservative, blue-collar workers who could be a promising voter group for him. It also antagonizes people who were concerned about his minister but might have given him the benefit of the doubt after his eloquent speech on race.

7. It gives the Clinton campaign new arguments for trying to recruit superdelegates, the Democratic elected officials and other insiders who get a vote on the nomination. A moderate politician from a swing district, for example, might not want to have to explain support for a candidate who is being hammered as a liberal. And Clinton’s agents can claim that for all the talk of her being divisive, Obama has provided plenty of fodder to energize Republicans.

8. It helps Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) frame a potential race against Obama, even though both of them have found support among independents. Now Republicans have a simple, easily repeated line of attack to use against Obama as an out-of-touch snob, as they had with Sen. John F. Kerry after he blundered by commenting about military funding, “I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it.”

9. The comments play directly into an already-established narrative about his candidacy. Clinton supporters have been arguing that Obama has limited appeal beyond upscale Democrats — the so-called latte liberals. You can’t win red states if people there don’t like you. “Elites need to understand that middle-class Americans view values and culture as more important than mere trickery,” said Paul Begala, a Clinton backer. “Democrats have to respect their values and reflect their values, not condescend to them as if they were children who’ve been bamboozled.”

10. The timing is terrible. With the Pennsylvania primary nine days off, late-deciding voters are starting to tune in. Obama and Clinton are scheduled to appear separately on CNN on Sunday for a forum on, of all topics, faith and values. And ABC News is staging a Clinton-Obama debate in Philadelphia on Wednesday. So Clinton has the maximum opportunity to keep a spotlight on the issue. Besides sex, little drives the news and opinion industry more than race, religion, culture and class. So as far as chances the chattering-class will perpetuate the issue, Obama has hit the jackpot.

11. The story did not have its roots in right-wing or conservative circles. It was published — and aggressively promoted — by The Huffington Post, a liberally oriented organization that was Obama’s outlet of choice when he wanted to release a personal statement distancing himself from some comments by the Rev. Wright.

12. It undermines Democratic congressional candidates who had thought that Obama would make a stronger top for the ticket than Clinton. Already, Republican House candidates are challenging their Democratic opponents to renounce or embrace Obama’s remarks. Ken Spain, press secretary for the National Republican Congressional Committee, said: “There is a myth being perpetuated by Democrats and even some in the media that an Obama candidacy would somehow be better for their chances down ballot. But we don’t believe that is the case.”
Madmag, your quote very well sums it up.

Now the question is who to pull for to get the party nomination. I don't like Hillary and she doesn't like me (war veteran, retired cop, life NRA member). But if a democrat is going to beat McCain for president, I would much rather that it be her.

However (aside from being a World-Class B-S'er) Obama's strong point has been that he hasn't been under the microscope, and so he is not associated with as many historical negatives as Hillary or McCain.

Now that some of this rotton meat of his pastor, associates, and anti-gun anti-religion beliefs are coming to the surface, would it be enough to seriously hobble him in the presidential race, or would he be able to just talk another layer of frosting over it?
Dang right I cling to God and guns, when things are going in the direction that they seem to be there is nothing else to hold on to:mad:. God, family, freedom, and firearms... the only things that I will always hold dear. Government, polititians, and society... the things I will always be leery of
Model70fan, you sound like one of those radicals that are dangerous to well-being of the stabile government............like Patrick Henry, Thomas Payne, and that bunch.
I was watching the Sunday Morning News programs, and a commentator remarked that .........what Barack did to get in trouble was to think out-loud. (He added) "I wonder if his campaign manager is going to let him to that again."
Read All Of What He Actually Said

People are jumping up and down to twist what he said.

I am definitely against illegal immigration, but I have never, in my life, seen such and outpouring of pure racist rhetoric as I have seen by the anti-immigration lobby.

Also, it is disquieting that people (poster Hkuser) for example, would attribute the use of the racial slur "cracker" to Obama (even in a facetious manner).

Let's face it, most gun owners are politically conservative. I suspect that gun owners who frequent forums like these are typically more conservative than most. However, that is not a qualitative judgment. People are free to believe what they wish.

However, if you all want to attack Obama, do it for his record (or lack thereof), not because the pundits have twisted a portion of what he said.
Also, it is disquieting that people (poster Hkuser) for example, would attribute the use of the racial slur "cracker" to Obama (even in a facetious manner).

Yeah, why's that? He's the one going around talking about the "typical white person." If there is anyone who doesn't shrink from racial stereotyping it is Mr. Obama himself. Instead of calling us crackers, maybe he calls us "devils" like the foaming at the mouth minister that he supported and fawned over for 20 years, or like his fan Farrakhan. It's disquieting that he hobnobs with radical chic Weatherman and every stripe of America hater ands race huckster under the sun. That's what I find disquieting.

I am definitely against illegal immigration, but I have never, in my life, seen such and outpouring of pure racist rhetoric as I have seen by the anti-immigration lobby.

Anti-immigration lobby, who are they? I have heard of anti-illegal immigration lobby before....but anti-immigration is a new one one me. OK, wait. Racist. Maybe you are talking about Rev. Wright.....now that makes sense.

Excuse me, but isn't Rev. Wright a friend of Obama? Just asking. Yeah, like Obama says. Words do count!:cool:
I agree Rev. Wright said some pretty horrible things. I can find no justification for some of the hateful things he said. And there are differences between black folks and white folks, just as there are differences in people from the Northeast and people in the deep South. Nothing to be afraid of or judge, just a simple fact. People are different.

As for the anti-illegal immigration lobby, I wonder if some of them would be so vehemently opposed to these illegal immigrants if they were blonde headed and blue eyed like me.

Sorry, but if you deny that the anti-illegal immigration lobby does not contain some serious racist rhetoric, you are stupid or a liar. Having said that, there are a lot of good people who are genuinely concerned about the problem and trying to do something about, but often their voices are drowned out by overly vocal zealots who would like to set up a system of KZs to detain these "criminal invaders." Who is next? Blacks? Jews? Liberals?

My point being, hate the policy and ineffective enforcement that has allowed these folks to sneak across our borders but don't hate the illegal aliens themselves.
JB Brooks, I worked for 23 years as a cop. The last half of it was undercover narcotics on the Metro and Federal Task Forces.

I'll start this by saying that I have the highest respect for LEGAL immigrants, no matter where they are from. A partner of mine from the DEA married a wonderful young lady from Mexico. (I met her in the waiting room of a hospital when another member or our Task Force was taken after being shot, and later died.) Imagine the kind of background check hell that they had to go through, to have a Mexican National marry a U.S. DEA Agent.

But I'm sick of ILLEGAL immigrants, because we would spend thousands of dollars to track them down, arrest them, they would post bail, and run to Mexico.

Now I don't blame them for running to Mexico when they have a 15 year Federal Felony over their heads. I'd do the same thing.

When Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez came to town, he asked one of my partners (John B) if the illegal immigrant situation had an effect on the drug and crime situation. John said, "Of course".

When asked to clarify his position, John said, "The very first thing that these people do when they enter the country is to violate Federal law, and we're surprised when they do it again?"

In other words, you let a duck into your house, and you're surprised when it quacks.

I've had members of the Warez Cartel come into a restaurant in the Midwest and threaten the lives of my informants. And I'm supposed to have a warm, fuzzy feeling about people that violate our national laws in order to live here, violate more laws, get rich selling poison to our youth (black, white, and brown - mostly black & brown) and threaten my witnesses?

I know from looking at the the cocaine, the bullet holes, and the bodies that drugs lead to a greedy, violent, subculture that is disrespectful of personal property and personal safety and that a disproportionately high number of those involved are illegal aliens from Mexico, Columbia, El-Salvadore, and the Dominican Republic.

And they take a LARGE percentage of the proceeds from their drug money and send it BACK SOUTH TO THEIR HOME COUNTRIES. Then the El-Presidente of the Home Country squawks and says that we are picking on their citizens who just want a better way of life.

Have you ever crawled into a cell with a withdrawing heroin addict in order to learn their source of supply? Have you ever found a young illegal Mexican National in an apartment with a half-kilo of cocaine and a loaded 6-inch S&W357 magnum and called Immigration to be told, "Well, take his name, and if you get a conviction, let us know."

Maybe if the dope was coming from the Irish Mofia, or the Russian Moffia, or the Just-Plain-Moffia, I would have strong feelings about Italians, Russians, or the Irish. But I can only relate to who I had to live and work with.

I have folders of open warrants on illegal immigrants that have been involved in drug conspiracies and charged with Possession with Intent to Deliver. They will never get convicted, because they are all gone back south. But they will train and brief their cousins and have THEM come right back up, because the network is already here, already in place, the dope pipeline is already established, and all that is needed is another mule to take their place so that we can play more Catch-&-Release.

Then another innocent (or not-so-innocent) person gets robbed or killed in a drug-related incident, and everyone asks why the Government doesn't do anything.

........maybe we need more gun control.
Lets see he's out in San Fran for a $2600 a plate fund raiser at the Getty Mansion, you know Getty as in the folks who inherrited the $20 or so Billion Getty OIL fortune.

Now there's some folks this poor hick, gun owning bible thumpin' jew from small town america can love and identify with, why some of my bestest friends are liberal billionaires.

No sir Mr. Obama's, not takin any money from them wealthy special interests, he's just a regular guy like me. But I'm just not smart enough to elect someone who knows whats best for me.

BERKELEY, Calif. -- The comments that landed Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in a jam -- that working-class Pennsylvanians clung to guns, religion, anti-immigrant and anti-trade sentiments because they were "bitter"-- came at a high-dollar fund-raiser, the third of four San Francisco Bay area events last Sunday squeezed into an afternoon. Obama continues to woo large contributors even as the 2008 campaign marks the remarkable rise of "micro-donors."

In the space of a few hours, Obama mingled with $2,300 donors at the homes of Sara and Sohaib Abbasi; Nancy and Bob Farese plus Gordan and Ann Getty, with the political gaffe occuring at a $1,000 per-person reception at the home of Alex Mehran and Carolyn Davis in a posh area of San Francisco.

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Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama D-Ill., speaks during a town hall meeting at Ball State University in Muncie, Ind., Saturday, April 12, 2008.
Unknown to Obama, Huffington Post Off the Bus writer Mayhill Fowler was at the closed-to-the-press reception, taped Obama's remarks and posted her scoop. Obama was handed a headache just as he is courting blue collar Pennsylvania voters.

At another $1,000-per-person fund-raiser -- Wednesday in Washington -- (the campaign allowed a pool reporter) Obama said his small-dollar fund-raising was so successful that "We have created a parallel public financing system where the American people decide if they want to support a campaign they can get on the Internet and finance it.''

Apparently he's so smart that he thinks we can't hear what he's saying out their on the left coast, next time he should try whispering.
The Obama comments really burned my arse for obvious reasons.

What is really much sadder however, is that in this country, the three best people we can nominate for president are McCain, Hillary and Obama.....

I hope my vote doesn't come down to "Who can hurt this country the least?" when it should be based on "Who can help this country the most?"

The way its going right now, I've got to start looking at who can hurt the country the least.... :eek:
I agree Rev. Wright said some pretty horrible things. I can find no justification for some of the hateful things he said. And there are differences between black folks and white folks, just as there are differences in people from the Northeast and people in the deep South. Nothing to be afraid of or judge, just a simple fact. People are different.

Right. Except what BHO was saying was that MLK was a liar, you can put people into little boxes like "typical white person" and dismiss them, people are NOT to be judged on the content of their character but the color of their skin. Now, that's not what he wanted heard, but that's was what he was saying.