

Obama: Change For The Sake Of Expediency

When it comes to the Second Amendment, it's somehow appropriate that Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama is running on a platform of "change." Because when it comes to his rhetoric on the issue of gun rights, "change" is an apt description.

Last month, we reported on Obama's hypocrisy. We detailed his advocacy of a law to forbid federally licensed gun dealers from legally selling constitutionally-protected products (firearms) in huge geographical areas, without holding purveyors of pornography to the same standard.

Last week, we reported on Obama's attempt at reassuring pro-gun voters by telling them, "I have no intention of taking away folks' guns," then telling the Pittsburgh Tribune "I am not in favor of concealed weapons," and that he favors ".reasonable, thoughtful gun control measure.."

Stay tuned for more changes next week!:D
He's really shot himself in the foot, no pun intended. Let's look at the recent list of gaffs:

1. Not distancing himself from Rev. Wright.

2. Michelle Obama's statement about America.

3. Yesterday's elitist statements about small town America.

It may just be me, but I don't see those things as shooting him in the foot. Don't get me wrong, I am strongly opposed to everything he stands for but his followers seem to have drank the kool-aid a long time ago and nothing will swing them away from him. The only thing I see these things doing is bringing more of the conservative crowd out for McCain because they see what the alternative is if they dont. Granted, that is in a round-a-bout way hurting Obama in the long run, but I think he has the same support he has had regardless of these dumb statements and stories that have come out.
It may just be me, but I don't see those things as shooting him in the foot. Don't get me wrong, I am strongly opposed to everything he stands for but his followers seem to have drank the kool-aid a long time ago and nothing will swing them away from him. The only thing I see these things doing is bringing more of the conservative crowd out for McCain because they see what the alternative is if they dont. Granted, that is in a round-a-bout way hurting Obama in the long run, but I think he has the same support he has had regardless of these dumb statements and stories that have come out.

I totally agree. His Kool-aid drinkers will not be effected by these statements. I'm sure they agree with all of them and have the same elitist perspective. However, elections are won and lost with the moderates. The people in the middle who don't really have any strong convictions that vote on personality, perceived popularity, looks, speaking ability, media sound bites, etc. Statements like these can scare the middle ground to vote for someone else. It can only help McCain with whom I don't agree with on some things but he scares me a lot less than Obama or Hillary.
Don't get me wrong, I am strongly opposed to everything he stands for but his followers seem to have drank the kool-aid a long time ago and nothing will swing them away from him.

Bingo..it's the cult.

And that boys and girls, is the best reason for voting for Mcain (among all the other reasons)...

The Republicans pushed their cultists back to the fringe where they belong. Right now, the Repubs are far more mainstream and moderate and flexible than the dems.

WildmorningfolksAlaska TM
In this case, there is and will be the attempt (by liberals) to explain Obama's meaning by letting each sentence stand on it's own, and then say there really is nothing arrogant about his statements. This is a case where the subtle message is what's important. The not so subtle message is clear. The elitist liberals must paint a terrible black picture before they can come in and save the world. People that stand on principals to govern their life are just mixed up, but they (liberals) will set us free from the error of our ways.

It's comforting to see that many saw through his latest message to the real arrogant elitist message that is typical fare for the liberals. He is just going to have to try hard to fool us old country folks.:cool:
I guess I’m just one of those frustrated, ignorant, God-fearing, gun-nut, backwoods people Barack is talking about.

A) Do you realize how bitter that statement is?

B) He never said ignorant, you are hearing something that wasn't said.

Was what he said not the truth? Are you not God-fearing, illegal alien disliking, gun owning, small town living, and made-in-America believing? Are you bitter or do you feel that the US is at our pinnacle?
In this case, there is and will be the attempt (by liberals) to explain Obama's meaning by letting each sentence stand on it's own, and then say there really is nothing arrogant about his statements. This is a case where the subtle message is what's important. The not so subtle message is clear. The elitist liberals must paint a terrible black picture before they can come in and save the world. People that stand on principals to govern their life are just mixed up, but they (liberals) will set us free from the error of our ways.

It's comforting to see that many saw through his latest message to the real arrogant elitist message that is typical fare for the liberals. He is just going to have to try hard to fool us old country folks.

Utter BS.

The core message is to those small towns that for decades politicians have talked about but done nothing about.

Please vote for McCain. He earned every dollar of his wife's money and is just so darn in touch with people like you. He will tell you "I'm Ok, you're ok" regardless of the state of the economy or the war. You will hear 4 more years of positivism in lieu of reality. He'll be a fiscal conservative right up to the time he gets sworn in.
Thanks for the liberal interpretation. Been said before it was the subtle message that's important, so don't get hung up trying to prove what he didn't mean by looking at a few sentences.

Another interesting point. He says people "turn" to things like religion, guns, etc. So, lets look at the opposite. If you turn that means you must have been somewhere else. So, when things are going good I don't believe in my religion or the second adm.? That's the implication. Now he is admitting he did not make a good choice of words. Yeah you can say that again.


Utter BS.

(you sure you didn't get that from Keith Olberman?:D)

Yeah, I find that's the normal reaction when you hit the nail on the head.:cool:

Another informative read.

Please vote for McCain.

Ok, I will.
Thanks for the liberal interpretation. Been said before it was the subtle message that's important, so don't get hung up trying to prove what he didn't mean by looking at a few sentences.

Thanks for the conservative interpretation. Although sometimes telling the truth looks like an attack.

Another interesting point. He says people "turn" to things like religion, guns, etc. So, lets look at the opposite. If you turn that means you must have been somewhere else. So, when things are going good I don't believe in my religion or the second adm.? That's the implication. Now he is admitting he did not make a good choice of words. Yeah you can say that again.

Turning doesn't mean you were somewhere else, it simply means that you are focusing more on it. For instance, you might go to church more often. Or if there are a bunch of robberies in your neighborhood you might pay more attention to where you keep your firearm and that it is kept in firing condition with ammo handy (or something like keeping it in the nightstand vs in the safe in the garage)

To me, turning towards these things simply means putting a higher priority on something already in your life.

I agree that it is a bad choice of words. Apparently people are interpreting them to mean people in small towns out of work are suddenly cast members of "Jesus Camp". People are really really sensitive about religion. And rightfully so, there can be no argument or even rational discussion about someone's faith.

So, when things are going good I don't believe in my religion or the second adm.?
No, when things are good you almost never have to think about those things you take for granted. ( but prayer volume increases when you have more things to worry about)

As for the 2nd amendment, are you or are you not more concerned about gun rights and personal gun ownership than you were 20 years ago? Certainly it seems all of us on this forum are. If one loses ones job, and ends up living in a less affluent area of town, of course you think about personal protection more.
I will just give a general answer. I have noticed that on here and other gun forums liberal gun owners are having a real conflict with themselves. I don't doubt the desire of liberals to own guns, but the fact is that just does not fit with their new candidate. I sometimes think they try to convince others that it's OK to back Obama, so then they can feel good and right about backing an avowed anti-gun candidate. It's just not working, so I see the liberal gun owners are expressing a lot of frustration. I have no conflict because my politics fit with my other beliefs including gun ownership. I would suggest one way for the liberal gun owners to stop being frustrated is to change to the conservative side. But having said that, their opinion is welcome to me because it gives me more insight to how Obama supporters think.

No, when things are good you almost never have to think about those things you take for granted.

Speak for your self. I am an old timer and I have learned to be thankful on a daily basis...even when things are going good.
I will just give a general answer. I have noticed that on here and other gun forums liberal gun owners are having a real conflict with themselves. I don't doubt the desire of liberals to own guns, but the fact is that just does not fit with their new candidate. I sometimes think they try to convince others that it's OK to back Obama, so then they can feel good and right about backing an avowed anti-gun candidate. It's just not working, so I see the liberal gun owners are expressing a lot of frustration. I have no conflict because my politics fit with my other beliefs including gun ownership. I would suggest one way for the liberal gun owners to stop being frustrated is to change to the conservative side. But having said that, their opinion is welcome to me because it gives me more insight to how Obama supporters think.

Huh. I have zero conflict with myself. Plus, I am clearly a moderate if you have read any of my posts.

But there is a conflict you are ignoring that should bother you. The whole "the second amendment guarantees my right to all the others" line of thinking. Yet we Americans watch 1st amendments rights be violated as "free speech zones" are put 200 yards away from political rallies and people with T-shirts are removed, 5th amendment right to due process is violated as laws are passed allowing anyone to be labeled a terrorist and send to gitmo, torture is called enhanced interrogation (a rose by any other name), 4th amendment rights are violated by warrantless wiretaps (which somehow the phone companies need immunity even though what they are doing is perfectly legal, uh huh)
The core message is to those small towns that for decades politicians have talked about but done nothing about.

The core message is that people don't know how to improve themselves either through education, job training or hard work to get ahead. Government must do it for them, therefore reliquinsh our rights and give control to the government and elitists like Obama because he knows better. In these small towns, many people have moved to the sun belt where the industry relocated. If there are fewer jobs, then why stay?

What do you want the politicians to do? Socialize private business and force them to stay their under government ownership? :rolleyes:
Die Religion ... ist das Opium des Volkes" (Religion is the opiate of the people) [Karl Marx, 1843]

.....they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them [Barack Obama, 2008]
It was clear what Obamassiah was trying to say and what the Obamapologists are trying to cover up:

"These ignorant gun-toting, bible-thumping, crackers don't know enough to vote for me. I know what's best for them and if they need change imposed on them at bayonet point, I'm your man, now go ahead and write that check to my campaign."

Sleazy snake oil salesman with aspirations to be an American Chavez, I wish him ignominious defeat.

The whole "the second amendment guarantees my right to all the others" line of thinking.

Well it works this way. This is a gun forum that is mainly about 2nd amendment rights...at least politically. So you have a candidate that is by his own voting record and words not supportive of gun owners. This is not fear mongering as some have said. No need to fearmonger. Obama's voting record has been spelled on TFL many times. Add to that that he wants to make CCW for ordinary citizens illegal. He has never backed down on any of his anti-gun stances. He has said it's OK for target shooting and self defense, that is if it meets some yet to be determined commons sense rule.

So, Obama is an anti-gun left wing elitist liberal that thinks we all need him and the government to run our lives. I am normally pretty easy going about liberals...they are people too (I think;)), but I am not going to sit by and watch my gun rights go down the drain because some want to elect some left wing nut....not without a fight anyway.

and yet more reading.

Looks like Obama's foot fits his mouth rather well.

BTW, as Senator the only thing I know Obama made any effort to change was to make more restrictive gun laws.

"The people of faith I know don't 'cling' to religion because they're bitter. People embrace faith not because they are materially poor, but because they are spiritually rich," she said.

Wow, that pretty insightful...even if I have to give Hillary credit.
Sorry to take up space with two posts in a row. But with all the other comments I forget to mention Obama's "anti-immigrant" statement. Most small towns are not anti-immigrant, they are anti-illegal. Big difference. Every citizen is equal in this country no matter the path. I applaud any that chose to come here and gain citizenship through legal channels. But how insulting of Obama to look down and think we are anti-immigrant. I guess just consider the source.:barf:

I am finished for a while. You couldn't make me respond if you offered me a new Colt 1911 as a reward.:)