Obama Salutes His Cheering Supporters at Massive Portland Rally!!

Prediction: sometime in early September 2008, a major news outlet will publish memos addressed to Charles Keating, supposedly written by John McCain. These memos will reveal that McCain had made assurances to Keating that the senator would personally see to it that the investigations into the thrifts crises would be stonewalled.

The memos will come from "unimpeachable sources."

2.5 seconds after the news release, some right-wing operative blogger will post a bunch of evidence showing that memos were indeed, made with MS word and some new-fangled aging tool in photoshop (albeit horribly). The editor in charge of the soon-to-be-retracted news story will turn out to have emailed Obama hours before the release, typing things like, "Yo Barack, I got something that's gonna take McCain down LOL!"

Two days later, Karl Rove receives a bonus paycheck.

Prediction: sometime in October 2008, Osama will be captured. Not by the military, as Madeline Albright so famously predicted in 2004, but by McCain himself. He will personally travel to Afgan-Pakistani border with nothing but his passport and visa, the clothes on his back, 3 MRE's, a photo of his wife wearing nothing, a wadded-up $5 bill, yards upon yards of 7.62, and his ol' trusty M60. Instead of using the gun, however, McCain elects for a one-hit TKO roundhouse kick, breaking Osama's jawbone in the process. McCain later uses the gun to single-handedly annihilate the Taliban, Rambo-style.

Obama will lose. This Portland crowd will mean nothing because my predictions are always right.

McCain '08.

But to say that the band's views "don't matter" when the band opens a political rally is just plain foolishness. In an election year, everything the candidates do & say sends a message to the voters. Does this message match what you want your President to do and believe, or does it not?

I think that things are being read into this that are rather gross distortions. These local Russian bands are hardly that political.

And this particular band is actually a folk music band. If anything, these bands don't even take themselves seriously.

Just take a look at the group here in this media photo below of them:

LanceOregon ~

It's okay, you obviously just chose option 1). ;) (See above...)

WildAlaska ~

How in the heck did that happen? :eek::eek:

Wait a minute. I gotta go look over my notes...! ;)

Heck, I'm just trying to figure out if that pic in Post 63 came from the Governor's mansion in Kentucky or Tennessee....:D

Sarge, ducking for cover
What the heck is wrong with the name Decemberists?
Considering what a horses butt Nicholas I turned out to be I'll side with them.

Oh just as a side not the reason Alexander Solzhenitsyn got sent to the Gulag was because he mentioned the Decemberists approvingly in a letter to a friend.
Anyone Stalin didn't like couldn't be all bad.

On edit I just read this bit.
I guess the bottom line is why is it politically acceptable to use left wing murders...

It was the freakin 1820's when the Decemberist revolt happened. The revolt was made by disaffected army officers (hardly left wing) it was against placing Nicholas I in power after Constantine refused the crown. The Officers hoped to place an alternative pro-western czar on the throne.

I know it's a Russian word and all but geez the place has a history that predates communism, get real.

I'm sitting by bars in the damp blackened cell --
The juvenile eagle, who's bred by the jail,
My mournful friend, with his wings stretching wide,
Is picking at bloody food right by my side.

He’s picking and looking at me through the bars,
Like having a thought that is common to us,
Like calling to me with a glance and a sight,
And wanting to say, "Let us fly outside!

We're free proud birds; it is time for the friends
To fly to the white of the rock in a haze,
To fly to the blue of the sea and the sky,
Where evenly dwell only tempests ... and I!"

Silly Pushkin
Last edited:
Jimmy appeased the Islamic radicals by throwing our ally the Shah of Iran to the Islamofascists

Couple of things about that...

First, we didn't throw the Shah to the islamofascists... we let him come here for medical treatment, then let him go to another country where he eventually died. He certainly was never handed over to islamofascists.

Second of all, one of the things Bush keeps talking about is creating a democracy in Iran. Well, the Shah certainly was not a democracy. The will of the Iranian people led to the rise of the islamofascists there. Sometimes, democracy isn't the best goal, at least not in a country where our enemies have a majority.
Heck, I'm just trying to figure out if that pic in Post 63 came from the Governor's mansion in Kentucky or Tennessee....
Can't be Tennesee.

This is the Tennesee Governor's mansion. Or rather was.
Burned down last week (meth lab accident) taking out 2 washing machines, a bluetick coonhound, and a '78 Camaro. Also took out the library, which was a real shame since one of the two books hadn't been fully colored in yet...

/ wondering how one goes about entering the witness protection program :D


There are those on this board who insist that message and ideals mean nothing and popularity/ charisma mean everything. Why aren't they voting for Obama? ;)

p.s. Applesanity,
Love it!
Meanwhile in Phoenix...


Phoenix Business Journal - May 23, 2008
A Tuesday fundraiser headlined by President Bush for U.S. Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign is being moved out of the Phoenix Convention Center.

Sources familiar with the situation said the Bush-McCain event was not selling enough tickets to fill the Convention Center space, and that there were concerns about more anti-war protesters showing up outside the venue than attending the fundraiser inside.

Yeah... I imagine McCain's gonna pull this one out :o

As long as I'm voting for a guy who won't win, I'll vote for the one I actually want.
It looks good for Senator Obama

I fear too many people are more interested in electing a 'pretty boy' than a president. Senator Obama is certainly charming and energetic and all that sort of stuff. However, there are some questions to resolve:

1) How many people at the Senator Obama rally in Portland were there for the free rock music concert versus actually in support of Senator Obama?

2) Will the voting populace of the United States a) start listening to what Senator Obama is really saying and b) understands what it means? I think this is the best hope we have to avoid 'President Obama'. (Now I have to wash my hands.)

No doubt about it, Senator McCain is not the most exciting candidate I've seen. He's sneered at conservatives and cozies up with liberals. Still, Senator Obama is a Marxist radical and has absolutely no clue about dealing with foreign powers, especially those that are trying to destroy this nation.

My bumper sticker for this election:

Barack Obama: Jimmy Carter without that morality nonsense or deep thinking.
Still, Senator Obama is a Marxist radical and has absolutely no clue about dealing with foreign powers, especially those that are trying to destroy this nation.

I think the above nails it, the far left wing of the democrat party cares not about abilities but more concerned with appearance much like they have done in our public schools past 35 years and now we are paying the price.
It's okay, you obviously just chose option 1). (See above...)

Well, if you actually lived here in Oregon and knew much of anything about this local Russian Immigrant population and had met and talked to many of them ( as I have on two occasions at functions ), you would know that they are generally crazy about now being Americans. All of them that I have spoken to are absolutely joyful about now living here in our country, instead of being back in Russia.

Imagine that.

The Book of The Obamassiah

The Obamassiah shall reveal himself to us by his teachings, which will be the spoken word in the form of the finest silk and silver.

Do not fear if the words of the Obamassiah are not at first clear, you need only to hear them and believe. Be not afraid if the feeling of a cool breeze runs up one’s leg. Do not fear if the words of his glory remove you from your senses and fainting occurs.

Our savior shall become known to us by the wreath of arugala upon his head and his ears for they shall take the form of the handles of a jug of the finest wine.

I. Thou shalt not speak the middle name of the Obamassiah. To do so exposes thine as a racist and it shall not be tolerated.

II. Thou shalt not mention past associations of the Obamassiah. To do so exposes thine as a racist. For despite any recent or current friendship his holiness may have with them, he was only a child when they ran afoul of the law. Or he missed that sermon.

III. Thou shalt not mention praise of the Obamassiah by murderers and tyrants. To do so exposes thine as a racist, it is a sign that thine has truly lost one’s bearings.

IV. Thou shalt not mention the schooling of the Obamassiah at any point in his existence. To do so exposes thine as a racist.

V. Thou shalt not question the Obamassiah more than eight times. To do so exposes thine as a racist. For the time of his holiness is of a value beyond your own.

VI. Thou shalt not question the past of the Obamassiah family arrival or his birth. To do so exposes thine as a racist. For events in time matter not if they occur differently than his holiness speaks of them. It matters only that you believe.

VII. Thou shalt not question the words of the Obamassiah’s spouse. For if her words mirror those of the past associations of his holiness then thine is a racist twice over for the mention of them. (see II)

VIII. The purveyors of words to the people shall cast only praise on the Obamassiah. To turn from this exposes thine as a racist and a soldier of the unbeliever and thine should be cast out and lose any source of livelihood.

IX. Thou shalt not question the patriotism of the Obamassiah. To do so exposes thine as a racist. For by not displaying any outward love for his land only proves his love for his land.

Those unenlightened to the truth, and the light, and the way of the Obamassiah shall cling to armaments and religions other than that of the Obamassiah and will mistrust his glory for they understand it not.
If I take a long nap can I wake up and Obama will be defeated, investigated, prosecuted, and deported? Seriously, I am still having a hard time wrapping my head around what we must have done so wrong to be punished by him even having a chance of being on the ballot.
The last I heard, lots of polls were saying that there was a significant percentage that would vote for mccain if Clinton lost. THis could be all talk of course. Lots of people also said that they would move to Canada if bush won the second election.

I"m wondering if I can/should try to establish PA residency.
I don't think many Hillary supporters will end up voting for McCain if Obama wins the nomination, or vice versa. People are pretty much going to stick to their party.

The only way the Democrats will lose is if they give the nomination to Hillary, as this would disenfranchise the black voters.