Obama Salutes His Cheering Supporters at Massive Portland Rally!!

Whatever his other flaws, Obama has managed to make Hillary Clinton look almost acceptable.

And that's amazing.

Truer words have not been spoken

I was actually pulling for Hilary in the end to come from behind. She would be a much better candidate to run against in the general than the 'Chosen One'.

And benign,

Don't forget that this race for the Democratic nominee has not been a clean one. A lot of these Hilary supporters I suspect are livid that she has not won and would rather vote for McCain than Obama, just to spite the D party.

Hmmm, that sounds awfully familiar to some of the posters reasons here for not wanting to vote for McCain, interesting :D
Some one bookmark this for November:

Per WA....If Obama is the nominee, I predict a McGovern like fiasco for the Democrats.

Carry on with the doom and gloom, very few folks have it right yet.

WildimeitherrightorwrongAlaska TM
I think the assumption that Obama will be getting 100% of the black vote is wrong. I know of at least two black persons in my office who will be voting for McCain. (They consider themselves Regan Democrats). Granted I think the number that will support Obama is close to 100%, maybe 95-97% but still if turnout is high for the Republicans then, it could be a closer race then even 2000.

But like I said before, and others have as well, a lot of ground to cover between now and November.

(On a side note, this has been a great thread so far, no negativism, no tinfoil hat retoric (sp?) or other small mindeness that has been clogging the board lately)
(On a side note, this has been a great thread so far, no negativism, no tinfoil hat retoric (sp?) or other small mindeness that has been clogging the board lately)

Thats because its only on page 2 :)

WildjustteasingAlaska ™
(On a side note, this has been a great thread so far, no negativism, no tinfoil hat retoric (sp?) or other small mindeness that has been clogging the board lately)
Obama is actually a cyborg/clone created by the radical black muslim movement of America in conjuction with the Talee-ban by splicing the dna of JFK, Malcom X, and Suzanne Pleshette onto an old Mac G3 computer. Once elected he will remove all guns from the population as a first step towards enslaving the human white race.

There, now it is out of the way. ;)
Obama's big rally?

Does everyone know it was preceded by a free rock concert? How many were there to experience the music and atmosphere?

And how about the lead band?

The thing is, it gets worse for Obama. Not only was this big crowd hyped by the media with no mention of the fact that it was a crowd for a rock concert and not just Obama, the rock band in question calls themselves the Decemberists after the Russian Decembrist Revolt. The band is fond of playing the Soviet national anthem at the beginning of shows, and has popular songs like “Sixteen Military Wives” which depicts America as an international bully declaring war on innocent nations

Just what Obama needs while suffering from criticism about his connections to Rev. Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright and William “Bomb ‘Em All” Ayers

How nice.

That is absurd crap and propaganda.

The crowd was very clearly there for Obama.

The Decemberists are no big deal here and routinely play at the crystal ballroom and similar venues to very small crowds. It is very funny that some very desperate righties are trying to portray it that way though. Just shows how scared they truly are of Obama...but anyone that knows anything about the actual situation knows better than to believe these whining righty web rags.
The Decemberists are no big deal here and routinely play at the crystal ballroom and similar venues to very small crowds.

Not to threadjack but PP, but doesn't the notion of a rock band named Decembrists sort of stick in your craw a bit, even to the extent it shows the stupidity of youth who would think something like that is cool...sort of like Che T Shirts or Sendero Luminoso Handbags........

Now the converse is that if McCain had a band playing before his speech named the Shutzstaffel, don't you think the media would be all over it...???

I guess the bottom line is why is it politically acceptable to use left wing murders as cultural icons but not acceptable to use right wing murderers as cultural icons.......

WildarenthatershatersnomatterwhatAlaska ™
I do not believe Obama had anything to do with the band's performance or choosing the entertainment.

Why would he speak at a rally with them playing first...surely his advisors could have said, dude, they are gonna have a rock band that the right wing media is going to be all over like Bill Clinton on a fat chick, maybe we should get them to dump the band...

If not indicative of his politics, then indicative of his unsophistication or divorcement from political reality (or arrogance?...Im so god like that no one will care)..

PP, you know I'm not a dinosaur politically and the guy truly scares me :)

WildhesgotagodcomplexandheisgoingtodecidewhatieatfordinnerAlaska TM
Why would he speak at a rally with them playing first...surely his advisors could have said, dude, they are gonna have a rock band that the right wing media is going to be all over like Bill Clinton on a fat chick, maybe we should get them to dump the band...
Maybe he doesn't believe in censorship. Maybe he believes in letting people decide what they want to listen to themselves and understands the type of populace Portland has and the fact that they are very open people that do not make snap associative judgments.

And his rally and speech were planned long before the band agreed to play.
Come on PP, he could have had the band ditched...

It's poor judgement..

Or he agrees with:D

WildandwhatabouttherestofmyquestionsohkingofthecomicbookAlaska TM

PS I met Stan Lee once, nyah nyah
I am certain they will try to blame their loss on any 3rd party candidates they can find, even if they are defeated by a greater margin than that candidate actually draws.
I hope they do. That way when they come around yelling about how we cost them the election, we can fire back that if they expect our votes in the future they'd best get to makin' some changes. :D

The people in the Obama camp are there for Obama. The people in the McCain camp are there against Obama. I can see the writing on the wall.
Once Obama has the nomination locked up (won't be long now) a 5 year old could outline his campaign ad:

We should sticky this thread for future reference.
I suggest you folks rooting for Obama bin Barrack, study up on Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter.

I hear Obama saying the same things Jimmy Carter did, and the situation now is frighteningly similar. I was 18 at the time, and have fond memories of standing in line for Gasoline after Jimmy hit the oil companies with a windfall profits tax and froze the price of Gasoline.

Jimmy appeased the Islamic radicals by throwing our ally the Shah of Iran to the Islamofascists, and helping the Ayatollah Ruyaholla Kohmeni to return to Iran from France.

Study up on Jimmy Carter, the worst president of the latter half of the 20th century.:barf:
Don't the Decemberists often open their performances by playing the national anthem of the Soviet Union?

It seems ironic to me that a band that seems to be so fascinated with the communism of the former Soviet Union would not be allowed to play whatever they want under that system. I guess they would be happy to give up their freedom for the security promised by the nanny state.
Obama is actually a cyborg/clone created by the radical black muslim movement of America in conjuction with the Talee-ban by splicing the dna of JFK, Malcom X, and Suzanne Pleshette onto an old Mac G3 computer. Once elected he will remove all guns from the population as a first step towards enslaving the human white race.

There, now it is out of the way.

Aw, man....why'd you have to go & drag Suzanne Pleshette into this? I was believing you up until then...
An Obama presidency is, I believe, inevitable.

The good news is, its one more thing we can blame on Bush.

Bush's Presidency has been the best thing to happen to the Democratic Party since the start of the Great Depression.

It may be a long time before there is another Republican in the White House.
To me, that looks like a whole lot less than the claimed 75,000-80,000 people reported by the newspapers. It looks like about half that.

Just more propaganda, more cheerleading from the press for this pompous gas bag Obama.

I have to agree with you there. While it was the most impressive crowd to date in this campaign, it did not look anywhere close to being that large.

I wonder how such numbers are generated?? Does someone in the press just make a guess, and then everyone else repeats that figure as being fact?

I guess the bottom line is why is it politically acceptable to use left wing murders as cultural icons but not acceptable to use right wing murderers as cultural icons.......

There is a significant Russian immigrant community in the Portland area. Some tend to be "liberal", but others are also considered to be rather "conservative".

These Russian rock bands are quite harmless. Here is a photo of the leader of one of them:


While still proud of his Russian heritage, this guy is actually nuts about living in the USA. He considers our country to be a paradise.

I wonder what the same folks would be saying if Prussian Blue performed at a McCain rally?


Guys, Obama is a politician. He's being managed by a group of people who are being very careful about what image he presents and what messages he telegraphs. If neither he nor they thought anything was wrong with the band his rally opened with, you've got two choices,

1) you can believe there's really nothing wrong with that band or its views,


2) you can believe that Obama believes there's nothing wrong with that band or its views.

But to say that the band's views "don't matter" when the band opens a political rally is just plain foolishness. In an election year, everything the candidates do & say sends a message to the voters. Does this message match what you want your President to do and believe, or does it not?
