Obama Salutes His Cheering Supporters at Massive Portland Rally!!


Portland Oregon sure seems to be Obama Country!! So much for Obama not appealing to white people. All around the massive crowd at this past weekend's rally, there was hardly a face that was not white. Checkout this photo from inside the crowd:


There was one man selling post cards that were supposed to be of Bush burning in hell. It showed a severed head floating in molten lava. However, the head really did not look at all like Bush. I think the guy was just trying to make a fast buck.


At one point, Obama saluted his enthusiastic supporters, as you can see in this photo:


( NOTE: Image quality here is poor due to using Digital Zoom. The crowd was so huge, it was hard for folks to get close to Obama. )

Estimates of the crowd ranged from 50 to 80 thousand people. It was easily the biggest political rally of the current Presidential campaign.

Portland Oregon is a rather unique and different place, I must admit. So I am not sure how much this sort of spectacle will translate to the rest of the country.

But one thing is very clear: Obama is for real! I think that the election is his to lose. It will take a near miracle to defeat him. He is simply receiving so much adoration from so many places and people.

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Portland Oregon is a rather unique and different place, I must admit. So I am not sure how much this sort of spectacle will translate to the rest of the country.

Hasn't worked in Pennsylvania or West Virginny LOL...

WildheplayswellinFriscotooAlaska TM
Portland is very different folks than Bend/Medford/Ashland/Grant's Pass/Sandy/Gresham/Pendleton and all the other growing areas in the corners of the state.

I'm an Oregonian by birth and still consider myself a Northwesterner in spite of my nom-de-net and current state of residence. None of my family, even my rabid lib mom, subscribe to ObamismChangeHope.
As redhawk suggested, Portland (Willamette valley) is a liberal socialist enclave, quite different from the more rural/conservative parts of the state.

Unfortunately, they've got the population to ram their programs down the throats of the rest of the state. Land-use planning is the best example. Every acre of Oregon land is controlled by Portland eco-fanatics, on appointed boards.

Obama should do very well, I'd wager.
AFP Agence Francais Presse, carried a story about the portland appearance yesterday. They provided a few Quotes from Obama, the one that got me was this one:

"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK. That's not leadership. That's not going to happen." Barack Hussein Obama

The reason they carried it is because they are a European news agency and they think this statement is wonderful.:barf:

I laugh when I hear how the union folks love this guy, becuse if he gets elected on promises of keeping American manufacturing strong those union guys are in for a rude awakening.

From Obama's webpage on the environment:


Cap and Trade: Obama supports implementation of a market-based cap-and-trade system to reduce carbon emissions by the amount scientists say is necessary: 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. Obama's cap-and-trade system will require all pollution credits to be auctioned. A 100 percent auction ensures that all polluters pay for every ton of emissions they release, rather than giving these emission rights away to coal and oil companies. Some of the revenue generated by auctioning allowances will be used to support the development of clean energy, to invest in energy efficiency improvements, and to address transition costs, including helping American workers affected by this economic transition.

You just can’t make this stuff up. From Goldman Sachs webpage:


Trading and Capital Markets
Goldman Sachs is active in the markets for carbon emissions, SOx, Renewable Energy Credits and weather derivatives, among other climate related commodities. Additionally, we have created new financial products to help our clients manage the risks posed by climate change.
In September 2006, we made a minority equity investment in Climate Exchange PLC, which owns several European and US trading platforms that facilitate trading in environmental financial instruments: the European Climate Exchange (ECX), the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) and the newly created California Climate Exchange (CaCX).

I couldnt for the life of me figure out why Goldman Sachs employees were Obamies top source for contributions, until I read this manure above.:mad:

Obama's rallies remind me of nothing as much as Nuremberg in the '30's. It's frightening to see the personality cult. Sick.
It's frightening to see the personality cult. Sick.

VERY scary. He's all charisma and personality and no substance while preaching nebulous concepts of "Hope" and "Change". Which translates into more far left socialism and loss of freedoms. He is very scary as I think he'll get elected and we could have several years of a liberal Admin and liberal Congress. It could also effect the Supreme Court negatively so all bets are off on new gun control interpretation.
It has been verified by Interpol that the captured FARC computer showed documentation of a contact by an Obama operative assuring FARC that Obama would side with them and against a free trade policy with Columbia.
Not surprising Obama would get that kind of response in Portland. He'd get the same in Seattle or San Francisco with their ultra liberal populations.

He's a very scary candidate in my mind. He preaches for 'change' as if he's going to an ATM machine. All talk and little substance. We cannot afford to have him as president from a financial standpoint and what he'd be willing to do to our second ammendment freedoms is clearly outlined in his voting record and statements.
I think Obama will run fairly well in some states the Republicans take for granted, namely the south. If he can pick up one southern state, he will likely win the election.

I live in GA. 40 percent of Georgia voters are black. He can count on extremely high voter turn out from the black populations, and about 99 percent of them will vote for Obama.

Of the 60 percent left (ie, white voters), he only has to pick up about 12% their votes to end up with a majority. So if only 12 out of every 100 whites in Georgia vote for Obama he will win the election. Motivation for Republican voters (ie, white voters) is low. Nobody is real enthusiastic about McCain. I am pretty sure he can get 12 out of every 100 white people to vote for him.

There are enough gays and liberals in Atlanta alone to give him that number.

Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana are very similar. Don't be surprised if the Republican grip on the South is broken by Obama.
Yeah , lots of people went to Kerry rallies, Gore rallies, etc. The regular old quiet folks will get their turn in November, and we'll see how the whole thing shakes out.

The only the 'for real' about Obama is that he's a non-committal, inexperienced liberal junior senator whose running on charisma, change and oh yes, 'hope'. I guess he 'hopes' a convincing majority falls for his BS.

I 'hope' he gets sent back to IL with his tail between his legs because I cannot imagine a worse president for gun owners, freedom lovers or individualists.
Oregon's got millions of people, no surprise that Obama could attract 75,000 fools and morons to cheer him on. Madonna packs auditoriums too, and everyone on earth knows she's an idiot.

NOTE: Image quality here is poor
That's an understatement.
never face reality

seems to be the trend in this thread. Because without a doubt some still believe McCain is going to win; the moon is made of cheese, and the tooth fairy is better than dentistry and Bush won by a landslide.
Oregon's got millions of people, no surprise that Obama could attract 75,000 fools and morons to cheer him on. Madonna packs auditoriums too, and everyone on earth knows she's an idiot.

Oregon is not that big. The entire state's population was estimated at 3,745,455 last July 2007, the last time it was checked.

Heck, I live in the state's 9th largest city, and we have only 57,000 residents. And at least that many people probably showed up at his rally. The Portland Metro area does dominate this state politically, though, due to its population.

NOTE: Image quality here is poor
That's an understatement.

Well, but as I explained, using Digital zoom on a camera has drawbacks in photo quality.

But which would you rather have?? A tiny weeny Obama, or a fuzzy Obama??

The only other choice available was: No Obama.

Read my post above, and tell me how he can't win at least one southern state.

I think that your election analysis here is too frightening for many of us to comment on.

Republicans have relied heavily on the south in previous elections. Here is a map showing the 2004 Presidential Election results:


It is going to be a lot harder for Republicans to take away blue states. Maybe Pennsylvania would be possible???

What percentage of Pennsylvannia voters are black? Obama will be starting from whatever that percentage is. McCain, however, will be starting from ZERO.