Obama and Guns: Two Different Views

Name Game

I normally never address Obama's middle name issue. That's because I think it's just a waste of time and detracts from the real issues. But from my standpoint I will just say one time. I am a retired engineer and I like to think I use some logical thought. The idea of names is simple. When a child is born they have no control on their name...period. Simple logic. I know a lot of people that hate their names, but they don't change. I am not a Obama supporter. I do blame him for things he has control on like his choice of pastors, or gun views. I do not hold him at fault for any part of his name, and it makes absolutely no logical sense to do so.
I think he will remember his views very well. Anyone that even thinks a ban on CCW is a good idea is not likely to put that aside. Obama is not afraid of any gun lobby. To my knowledge, he has not backed down on a single anti-gun view. He has tried to soften his image on guns, but I have not heard make any reversals.

What I meant was that he may not remember that gun control is political suicide once he is in office and he may be amenable to more gun control legislation. I think you are correct. He is dancing around the gun issue as to not put the fear of more gun control into people's minds. It is strongly anti-gun, and extremely far left on all issues, there is absolutely no doubt about that.
It is strongly anti-gun, and extremely far left on all issues, there is absolutely no doubt about that.

Yeah, the far left part is just another pat of the no vote for me. Also, it's the part he will have to address once he is in the general election. The Dem's have this way of fooling themselves that everyones a far left liberal...that is until after convention time.

Adolph...wow. And I thought me being a Kentucky Redneck was bad! Do you have any idea how many Kentuckian jokes there are out there. I am temporarily displace to SC...once a hillbilly, always a hillbilly.:D
First, know that what I said did come off as a racist. But I didn't have the time to explain my point at the time. No, a name it's self is no reason judge.

But...I think that a persons name does reflect the state of mind , nationality, or background that the person's parents were in at the time. so there lies with what kind of ideals was he brought up with? Pro US, or sleeper cell? (joking)

Sen. Obama was clearly born in the US. But were his parents? I don't know about his mother, his father was from Kenya. Does his whole name exude a possible Aribic origin? I think that it most certainly does. Does this mean anything? Not to some people. But it does to me. I can't even take the chance that this person that running for the most powerful chair in the world has, had, might, or might not have ties with the very terroristic people that I am defending this country against.

His views on the issues are important. But the views that he lets on and the real thoughts in his head MAY be different. So there we go to his track record. Not a single vote in his Short time in the Senate, has ever been in our (gun owners/hunters) intrests. Now in PA he wants to act like he all for us.

Sorry, back to the issue. A name is just a name. But, with other information, will cause me not to vote for the fellow.

It may still sound racist to some folks, but once again, that's beauty of opinions. It's yours.
I don't know how it works for other people but we raised three children. Now in their 30's & 40's. I don't know if we brainwashed them but it didn't work. None of them hold the same political views as my wife & myself....not bad kids, just different views. I suspect that many kids have different political views than their parents.

Not a single vote in his Short time in the Senate, has ever been in our (gun owners/hunters) intrests.

I agree on that point.
As far as BHO not being a threat, he's all warm and fuzzy now. But, he's like my cat, when I'm 250 lb and he's 10 lb, all is well, but if that were reversed, I wouldn't stand a chance.

By the way, Obama has current, ongoing, Islamist ties:

Obama appears to have sided with opposition leader Raila Odinga, head of the same Luo tribe to which Obama's late Muslim father belonged.

Obama's older brother still lives there. Abongo "Roy" Obama is a Luo activist and a militant Muslim who argues that the black man must "liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture." He urges his younger brother to embrace his African heritage.

Beyond family politics, these ties have potential foreign policy, even national security, implications.

Odinga is a Marxist who reportedly has made a pact with a hard-line Islamic group in Kenya to establish Shariah courts throughout the country. He has also vowed to ban booze and pork and impose Muslim dress codes on women — moves favored by Obama's brother.

With al-Qaida strengthening its beachheads in Africa — from Algeria to Sudan to Somalia — the last thing the West needs is for pro-Western Kenya to fall into the hands of Islamic extremists.

Yet Obama interrupted his New Hampshire campaigning to speak by phone with Odinga, who claims to be his cousin. He did not speak with Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki.

Would Obama put African tribal or family interests ahead of U.S. interests? (continue reading at Investors Business Daily)

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Double Standard

From the above link.

In 1991, when Obama joined the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, he pledged allegiance to something called the Black Value System, which is a code of non-Biblical ethics written by blacks, for blacks.

Can you even imagine what the storm would be if a white candidate joined a white Church with a similar doctrine. Just based on that they would have been asked to resign.

I also think that the the ties between Farrahcon & Wright are to close for comfort.
I want to let the Democratic primary period run it course. I'll deal with Obama issues once he is selected. [IF he is selected.] Not worth worrying about now. From my perspective, Hillary Clinton is not much better and she would push the same agenda if she thought she could get it passed. Depending on the Republicans to squelch legislation is not good planning; only a last resort approach.

Don't forget about the power of executive orders which is how George Bush (Sr.) eliminated the importation of many of the foreign military style guns. Obama may do the same and it would take a court challenge to over turn the order which means a lot of time....

Do not underestimate the power and influence of the liberal wing of the Democratic party. If the Democrats can vote as a block as they sometimes did against legislation supported by George Bush, then they can get most anything passed as there are always a few Republicans who would support a more liberal agenda, especially concerning firearms.

I think the gun issue has politicians, even democrats, so scared that it is unlikely they will try to do anything about it.

That just sounds like saying it's OK to vote for Obama.

Do not underestimate the power and influence of the liberal wing of the Democratic party.

Thats a realistic view. Why would you put someone in power that you absolutely know is against gun rights and then just hope he never has the power to execute his beliefs....seems naive to me.

There is one thing you cannot blame Obama for if he gets in office and pushes for anti-gun legislation (yes we all know it has to pass Congress). At least he told you about as directly as anyone can that he is anti-gun, so don't sit around and cry about losing gun rights.
Why would you put someone in power that you absolutely know is against gun rights and then just hope he never has the power to execute his beliefs....seems naive to me.

Correct, although I might come up with a stronger word than "naive".
Imagine the Heller Case being heard by a Supreme Court with three Obama justices on it.

THAT'S more important than any law the next president is likely to get passed. The SC nominations will affect us for the next 40 to 50 years.
buy or sell

I am so concerned about Obama being elected I can't decide if I need to buy more guns now because that right will be in great danger, or sell because the right to sell will be in danger.

Listen to the comments of his religious advisor, and the negative gun reference he made about the people of Pennsylvania. He makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. He is the LAST choice that anyone that believes in the right to own guns should be voting for In my opinion which is another right I currently have. No one will respect our house if we cut and run again.

We all need to get all of our family members and get out and vote! Nothing in our country is more important than this right. Dosn't matter if it is raining or snowing or inconvinent. We should all be proud of our purple thumbs for voting just like the people of Iraq. Get out and vote your choice. Mine is John Mc. And join the NRA so we have a loud voice
Obama is right after reading this post I am so bitter that I am going to go cling to my guns so I can feel better.
He is the LAST choice that anyone that believes in the right to own guns should be voting for

No kidding; who would have thought that the Dems could put up a candidate so bad he almost makes Hillary look good.
I am so concerned about Obama being elected I can't decide if I need to buy more guns now because that right will be in great danger, or sell because the right to sell will be in danger.

Oh, definitely buy them now (plus about 10 years worth of ammo if you can afford it). Either the prices will continue to rise simply do to the lack of strength in the dollar and rises costs of base metals or your worst fears will come true and you can make a tidy profit in the black market that would come about. What's the downside?
No one will respect our house if we cut and run again.

That argument is really old and tired and no longer applicable. Clearly the problem right now is that the Iraqi government is not stepping up and taking over like they should. As far as I can tell, the only course of motivation left is to pressure them with the thought of us leaving.

"No one" respects us for staying in and prolonging this. But that opinion is simply from reading articles and opinions in foreign news sources, they could be lying I guess.
Can you even imagine what the storm would be if a white candidate joined a white Church with a similar doctrine. Just based on that they would have been asked to resign.

Not only that, but one of the Republican candidates was castigated on this site for a lot less than that. Some newsletter nonsense. :rolleyes: