Obama and Guns: Two Different Views

Juan, from #69 of the link.

And I'm not even particularly supportive of Obama. I may vote for him, it depends.

You may vote for him, that's your right. To put it in direct terms you are trying to influence others to do the same...my opinion of course. And yes I am trying to influence others not to vote for him. And that's a fact!

Again, Obama supporters first admit he has been anti-gun, then after they get pass that point they try to tell you that really it's not what it appears. Don't worry, your gun rights are safe in Obama's hands. Bull!

Also from #69

Because again, guns aren't necessarily everybody's only issue (or even top issue).

Correct, anyway to the general public, But this is a gun forum and most here do put gun rights toward the top of their priority list. I did not say the top...just close. So, if it's not a big issue with you fine, just don't try to tell me it should not be a big issue with gun owners that want to keep their rights.
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I think voting for Obama in the hopes that he'll be ineffective is misguided- if you think any of the rest of his platform will pass, why not a gun control part?

First, let me reiterate I am not voting for Obama, so there is no reason to attack me about the way I will vote.

But, I do believe it will be hard for even Obama to get any gun legislation passed, and I don't think he would likely blow his chances for a 2nd term by trying to push for gun legislation.
If we ignore Obama's record it will be at our own peril. Before Adolf Hitler was in power and before he killed millions of people, he wrote a little book called "Mein Kampf" (My Struggle) in which he detailed his plans for the future which included the genocide and destruction which the world would witness just a few years later.
Good point Firemax. Obama has made it easy. We don't really have to do a lot of research. The only thing he has not done is draw a picture of a gun with a line thought it. Obama has told us in his own words...he is anti-gun. How much more clear does he need to be?
But, I do believe it will be hard for even Obama to get any gun legislation passed, and I don't think he would likely blow his chances for a 2nd term by trying to push for gun legislation.

I take your word you will not vote for him. But if elected he will gather strength, not lose strength. One of his easier tasks will be to find liberal Senators to introduce anti-gun legislation that he can sign.
But, I do believe it will be hard for even Obama to get any gun legislation passed, and I don't think he would likely blow his chances for a 2nd term by trying to push for gun legislation.
I take your word you will not vote for him. But if elected he will gather strength, not lose strength. One of his easier tasks will be to find liberal Senators to introduce anti-gun legislation that he can sign.
You missed a step.
You missed a step.

No problem, easy fix.

I take your word you will not vote for him. But if elected he will gather strength, not lose strength. One of his easier tasks will be to find liberal Senators to introduce anti-gun legislation that can pass Congress and that he can sign.

That was about as hard as it's going to be for Obama to get his liberal friends to back him on gun control.:cool:

BTW, there is the ole don't worry the President can't do anything argument again...about the 20th time at least.:p

And don't forget folks, there is something else you need to buy into if you accept that argument. Obama's supporters think he will make a good effective President. You know, get things done, etc. So you need to believe he will be effective on getting everything done except on gun control. I use to live in El Paso, I still have some ocean front property for sale:p
Because again, guns aren't necessarily everybody's only issue (or even top issue).
Ok Juan, so guns aren't a top issue for you. No problem, that's your choice. Guns are an important issue for me, so don't expect me to suffer through an anti-gun President based on your definition of what's top priority.
Because again, guns aren't necessarily everybody's only issue (or even top issue).
Ok Juan, so guns aren't a top issue for you. No problem, that's your choice. Guns are an important issue for me, so don't expect me to suffer through an anti-gun President based on your definition of what's top priority.
Oh, they're a top issue. Just not the top issue. And on pretty much every other top issue of mine I'm pretty "liberal" (simplifying to a one-dimensional political spectrum).

And I'm not expecting you to do a damn thing. Vote for McCain. Write in Ron Paul. Write in yourself. I don't much care. I'm not saying you should vote for Obama. I'm not saying I'm voting for him. I just figure it's always good to inject a little realism and reason into the fear mongering and hyperbole.


Gun control
As a state legislator in Illinois, Obama supported banning the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic firearms, increasing state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms and requiring manufacturers to provide child-safety locks with firearms.[102] He supported a ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns.[103][104] He sponsored a bill in 2000 limiting handgun purchases to one per month. He voted against a 2004 measure that allowed self-defense as an affirmative defense to those charged with violating local laws making it otherwise unlawful for such persons to possess firearms.[105] Although out of line with most of his anti-gun voting history, in 1999, Obama voted "present" on SB 759, a bill that required mandatory adult prosecution for firing a gun on or near school grounds. The bill passed the state Senate 52–1.[106] Illinois allows lawmakers to abstain from issues by voting present instead of yes or no.

Obama was also a board member[107] of the Joyce Foundation which funds and maintains several gun control organizations in the United States.

He supported several gun control measures, including restricting the purchase of firearms at gun shows and the reauthorization of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban.[108] While in the US Senate, Obama has voted against legislation protecting firearm manufacturers from liability.[109] Obama did vote in favor of the 2006 Vitter Amendment to prohibit the confiscation of lawful firearms during an emergency or major disaster, which passed 84-16.[110]

During a February 15, 2008 press conference, Obama stated, "I think there is an individual right to bear arms, but it's subject to commonsense regulation."[111] He voiced support for the District of Columbia's ban on handguns, for which arguments pro and con were heard by the Supreme Court in March 2008 in the case D.C. v. Heller.[111] Obama has also stated his opposition to allowing citizens to carry concealed guns.[112]

Obama is rated F by the National Rifle Association.[113] The NRA describes the recipient of its F grade as a "true enemy of gun owners’ rights."[114] He is also rated F by Gun Owners of America[115] who stated that Obama will "Get the Dems 'Barack' into the Business of Gun Control".[116

To be fair, some might consider the above fear mongering.
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It's important to SPREAD THE WORD about Obama's gun views.
Yes, but that is only half of the problem. What that does is sway lefty pro-s away from Obama.

The other is to spread the word to anti-s and neutrals that the pro- standpoint is the most beneficial one. And then, once presented the correct pro- standpoint, inform them of Obama's position.

We do need to rally the troops. But we also need to bring others into the fold.
The other is to spread the word to anti-s and neutrals that the pro- standpoint is the most beneficial one.

Exactly. I think gun owners like us are enough involved that we know about Obama's true anti-gun stand and can't be fooled. But there are people out there that are gun owners and believe in gun rights, but they aren't involved in gun forums are even go shooting on a regular basis. It's this group of gun owners that the Obama lies might sway it they don't read his true gun stance. So, I hope his voting record and stance can be published in local papers or get play on local media whenever he is campaigning in that particular area.

The Obama camp is going after gun votes whenever possible, so we have to keep talking and not let our guard down.....ever.
Barack Hussein Obama

Just making sure that everybody knows this dudes real name that he doesn't want anybody to know about. It truely is Barack Hussein Obama.

That should say it all!!!!:barf:
There are lots of good reasons to dislike Obama.

But his middle name is not one of them.

No offense, but it makes you sound like an ignorant racist fool to oppose him because of his name.
I think most politicians now realize that more gun control rhetoric or legislation is political suicide. Now whether Obama will realize that after he gets elected is another topic. He knows it while running for President. He may not remember it if he becomes President.

I just wish we had a younger more charismatic person running on the Republican ticket. Compared to Obama, McCain just comes off as a cranky old man. He is today's "Bob Dole".
Obama's middle name is a non issue. It's his views on control that's the issue, so that's what we should focus on.

He may not remember it if he becomes President.

I think he will remember his views very well. Anyone that even thinks a ban on CCW is a good idea is not likely to put that aside. Obama is not afraid of any gun lobby. To my knowledge, he has not backed down on a single anti-gun view. He has tried to soften his image on guns, but I have not heard make any reversals.

His disclaimer that he adds when saying he supports some gun rights is as common sense applies. That's a big range. I think the common sense he is talking about is what Rosy or Teddy thinks is common sense.

I have said it before. How much more explicit does anyone want him to be that he is anti-gun. He has not exactly been cryptic about his views.
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