NRA- To join or not?

I didn't vote for these morons.

Ahhhh...but did you support right-thinking candidates, with your time, your money, your energy? It's more than voting; we have to find good people to run, and give our all to get them elected.

Heck, a few years back I switched parties to vote for a pro-gun primary candidate. She lost, but being a member of that party came in handy two weeks ago...

I give a minimum of ... well, I won't say, but each month I send a candidate of my choice a check; and some of these guys 'n gals are not running for office in Ohio.


I used to...but I got tired of being used to get elected and then getting tossed aside.

My state representative got an A rating from the NRA when he first ran for office. Dude turned out to be a Commie...first thing he did was vote for the 50BMG ban and the magazine ban. I quit giving money to candidates.
P.S. I wonder how all the supporters of Larry Craig feel now...

I am just sick and tired of being used by politicians as a means to their end which is money and power.
I much prefer GOA from a philosophical point of view. I don't like the constant compromises that the NRA seem to constantly do: "Registration = Confiscation". Remember that? Well, apparently many don't. One cannot compromise one's philosophy; one's methods may very well evolve and adapt (in fact, if they do not one will find one's self "check mated" more often than not) but supporting legislation which further ensnares us is questionable at best.

Your choice, sir. Think carefully and Good Luck.
I look at what the NRA has done, and what they are doing all over the United States. Im a Crapifornia resident myself, but if my money can be helpful for other states, then I will still consider it money well spent. I care about the rights of the whole country, not just what directly affects me.
Is the NRA worth supporting? I think so, even tho I sometimes feel that they don't do all I wish they would do. For sure, no one else has had the political impact they have for us. I wonder where those who are anti think we would be today if not for them?
This one's easy. JOIN! I know they have a lot of eastern city types in their ranks, but they have the most political clout, and thats important.

Anyway, they ever have these shooting matches, and participating is an important aspect of being a shooter. Join your favorite shooting shooting sport as well. For shotgunners, try trap and or skeet. For pistol shooters, there are both indoor 50 foot matches and 25 yard matches, outdoor lovers will find 25 yard shoots and 50 yard shoots as well. Long range competitive rifle shooters are the proud ones. For those who like to see the target go down, there is "silhouette" shooting, and it can get a bit exciting, in a tight match. For the real action lovers, there is "Cowboy Action Shooting".

If you want to brag about being a good shooter, put your trigger finger where your mouth is.
I was a member for many, many years. One day last summer, I had not renewed my membership and while mowing the lawn my mail man came up to the house with the mail. He jokingly said, "looks like you aren't paying your bills". I said WHAT? he hands me a letter from the NRA with BOLD, RED LETTERS....PAST DUE NOTICE. So now the NRA has basically embarrased me in front of my mailman that I have known for many years.
I sent NRA the paperwork back and a note complaining about their tactics to grab money. I never renewed my membership, they sent me no letter of apology, actually NO letters of any kind. I am still Pizzed and will not now or probably ever subscribe to the NRA again.
When an orginazition stoops to this level, I have no need for the organization wharever.
You can't be serious. The NRA fights hard for your rights and you get your skivies bunched up over something like that? Where's your sense of proportion?

You should leave California behind and move to America. ;)

OK, unnecessary jabs at CA aside, you're too cynical to be useful and that's bad for you and bad for us. There are places where life is less discouraging for gun owners.
The NRA is a lobby, and like any lobby, it needs money to operate and members to carry weight when talking to those who make the idiot laws we live by ... members of Congress ... the more members, the more muscle it has ... IMO, there is no reason not to belong. You may not like everything they do, but numbers can't be argued with. They have some 4m members now, their voice would be all that much louder with 5m ...
"And you think because they got the handgun ban in San Francisco overturned that it makes a difference? I could have gotten an outright ban overturned..."

Well, first, as I said, that was one example. You saw that, right? Did I need to list more for you? Maybe so.

About you getting that outright ban overturned...

Yeah, but you didn't, the NRA did. See the difference? It's your state, so take some individual initiative and responsibility. The NRA is a national organization with lots of battles to fight, it can't be everywhere all the time.

About you getting that outright ban overturned...

Yeah, but you didn't, the NRA did. See the difference? It's your state, so take some individual initiative and responsibility.

Zzzzziiiiiiiiiinnnnnngggggg !!!! Good one, John.

Sorry the NRA isn't meeting your expectations in California. But it's a lobbying organization, and can't perform miracles. It's doing the best it can given the political climate and the support it receives from membership in California. If a lot more California gun owners joined the NRA and actively participated, maybe we'd get some better results.

And if the NRA isn't doing the job you'd expect them to, who is?
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It is obvious that the majority of folks in California agree with gun restrictions. Unless, the NRA comes up with a mind control ray - then how can they overcome the body politic?

40 states have passed shall - issue laws - lots to choose from. I've told the family that we wouldn't move back to a gun banning state.

I understand being stuck in a place for job and family. But the NRA cannot perform miracles without an electorate slice to back them up.