NRA is calling ATF to review the bump stock!!

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Bartholomew Roberts said:
How is the NRA going to justify that 600rpm needs to be regulated and 300rpm is A-OK?

Why would they have to justify this and why would they try.

All the NRA did was issue a statement letting the world know that it was the Obama ATF that allowed the use of Bump-Stocks, not the NRA and not President Trump.

They also called on the ATF to reevaluate the Bump-Stocks to see if they comply with existing Federal laws.

They will not have to justify anything, it will be up to the ATF and to Congress.

They simple put the blame where it belongs and threw the ball back at the ATF and Congress.
Look! The NRA's strategy is already paying dividends. The antis paused almost an hour before demanding more concessions...

Pelosi said, “So what they are going to say if you give them bump-stocks it’s going to be a slippery slope I certainly hope so.”

steve,4102 you appear to be forgetting this part of the NRA statement: "The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations." That's not putting the blame back on Obama. That is an affirmative statement that currently legal firearm accessories should be subject to additional regulation.
LOL Background checks.. but there are loop holes, like online sales, *rolls eyes*

Most of these shooters get their guns thru dealers with those back ground checks.

Yup looks like popeye got her spinish.. they smell weakness.
Bump fire stocks are a joke, and I'm really surprised the Obama admin allowed them. I really don't care, and if it's a bone that can be traded for tax reform, go for it.

That said, look at Chicago and tell me more gun laws reduce the crime rate, or restrictions on a bump fire stock.
You have to admit that this tragedy is very eye opening.
Never used a bump-stock and considered them to be an idiotic form of sophmoric entertainment.
Well, the Lord and Master of all things bang has spoken. Now be good subjects, run along, and tell everyone you know that your marching orders have been given. No more bump stocks!

In case it isn't obvious, I don't care for the NRA much. I think this organization has done more to divide this nation than any other.
You can down load a file to 3d print one, you can build one for under 10 bucks with out much trouble. If someone wants one it can be done. The NRA has lost me over this and a lot of toher people.
So what are you willing to trad for over 10 round mags and what will you trade for Assault rifles or semi autos?
Any accessory can be banned

Back in the 1980s Lawn Darts were all the rage. But after 8 years, 6,100 people ended up in emergency departments.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission stepped in and banned them. Labeled as a unsafe product.

I'm sure this agency could be used to remove bump stocks from the store shelves.
After someone shows the dingbat politicians videos demonstrating that you don't need a bump-fire stock to bump fire a semi-auto, what's going to happen? They going to try to ban rubber bands(an aid to bump firing)? They going to try to require some mechanism that limits how fast a trigger can be pulled? More likely they're going to go after magazine capacity or maybe go after firearm designs that can be bump fired(semi-autos) though I think that's less likely than them going after magazine capacity.
Just a little thought: I don't care about the bump stock; always thought it was a toy. And before tonight, I would've been just fine if the government decided to ban them.

But earlier tonight I was speaking with a buddy I know that is from Australia. He was giving me the usual what-for about how we need to ban all guns, blah blah blah and so on, when he started describing the various restrictions on gun in his home country. It's pretty bad. IMO, we need to take a breath before deciding what to do. If we just give away bump stocks, we may end up giving other things away we actually want, now or later. I'm in favor of some sort of exchange, though exactly what I don't know. yet.
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Back in the 1980s Lawn Darts were all the rage. But after 8 years, 6,100 people ended up in emergency departments.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission stepped in and banned them. Labeled as a unsafe product.

I'm sure this agency could be used to remove bump stocks from the store shelves.

I don't know how you would make the case for a bump stock that would not apply to everything gun related.. namely the gun it self.

P.S I miss lawn darts :(
I still have 1 floating around somewhere in the garage.
I'm not sure what is more scary:
Those that commit these horrific acts
the reaction of seemingly intelligent adults in response

Good lord! Riflescopes?

The NRA would very likely not be saying anything at all if not for Hillary Clinton and her useless rhetoric.

So much attention being given to such a small and insignificant thing! Someone like this would have found some other way. He would have used something else. Ban them. Don't ban them. It isn't about bump stocks any more than it's about scopes. Why single out the type of stock? Why not the bullets themselves? After all, the stock didn't hurt anyone? Why not outlaw the caliber? why not outlaw AR's? while we're at it, why not outlaw insanity? Have we learned NOTHING from prohibition back in the 20's? Bump stocks have become the convenient scape goat in the effort to rationalize the horror that so many people just can't wrap their heads around. This guy does not fit the bill for the 'typical' stereo type. But that is only for the fact that most people just refuse to deal with reality and simply except whatever narrative that is put forth by anyone currently in a position of authority. This happens all the time, all over the world, in all kinds of industries. It's one of the biggest reasons why human progress is so slow and requires the taking of so many human lives. It's quite sad really. But so many people are caught up in this loop without ever knowing it.

I wonder if he had any idea the can of worms he was about to open for the entire country as he unpacked his guns after hauling them up to his room.

There is a reason why we see "Caution Hot" on disposable coffee cups.
After someone shows the dingbat politicians videos demonstrating that you don't need a bump-fire stock to bump fire a semi-auto, what's going to happen? They going to try to ban rubber bands(an aid to bump firing)? They going to try to require some mechanism that limits how fast a trigger can be pulled? More likely they're going to go after magazine capacity or maybe go after firearm designs that can be bump fired(semi-autos) though I think that's less likely than them going after magazine capacity.

This is why reading comments by clueless gun owners on this forum and others makes me cringe. Ban' em I don't care, they're toys ban' em, they serve no purpose ban' em. Gentlemen, the fact of the matter is a "bump stock" is NOT needed to bump fire a semi-auto to achieve a higher rate of fire.
DO YOU HEAR THAT? all it takes is a rubber band or the belt loop on one's pants.
You are falling into a trap where on some level you are condemning the semi-auto operating system.
I suspect there's a lot of gadgets around today that older gun owners are unaware of. The SIG brace is one, should that be banned? Please educate yourselves before jumping on the Ban It bandwagon.
Anyone who thinks we're going to walk away from ~60 dead/500 wounded Scot free is delusional.

Why not? Rahm Emmanuel does that every month in Chicago.

C7AR15, if that agency was given free reign over firearms, the Left would have us shooting Daisy BB guns on approved ranges only, with having to leave the dangerous things there. That outfit was specifically forbidden from acting on firearms for that reason, IIRC.
58 Dead, about 500 wounded/injured. How much longer do you think the national response will be "Oh well, boys will be boys" ? That same issue applies to Chicago also.
"Anyone who thinks we're going to wall away from ~60 dead/500 wounded Scot free is delusional."

How delusional does one have to be to think that banning bump stocks is the answer that would solve anything at all?

I don't know what he was thinking but I'm reasonably sure he wasn't looking for a chance to try out his new bump stocks.

There are any number of much more likely things that drove him to do this:

Maybe he didn't get enough attention as a child?
Maybe he didn't get enough female attention recently?
Maybe he lost big at a casino? it is Vegas after all!
Was he on a drug or drunk or having a bad reaction to a prescription?
He might have just become so completely disgusted with the sin-city that he felt people had to die?
He might have been tired of being treated like the bad guy for being a well off white male that he decided that "if ya can't beat'm, join'm" and lost any sense of caring?

Who knows? But one thing is for sure....focusing so much on bump stocks is certainly missing the point.
How delusional does one have to be to think that banning
bump stocks is the answer that would solve anything at all?
Who said anything about effective?

They are going to extract a pound of flesh for this event. Anyone who doesn't believe that is delusional.

So whaddya want it to be then..... Bump stocks, magazines, "assault" weapons en toto,or semi-autos in general?

Pick your fights gentlepersons.
Extract that pound of flesh from Obama and his crusade to destroy this nation from within by overwhelming everyones' hearts, minds, and souls (as aided and pushed along by the Clintons, Pelosi, Feinstein, Soros, the lunatic Dems, and the spineless Reps)

....if you feel you can't get it from the shooter (the one most directly responsible)

Trying to extract that pound of flesh from a ban on bump stocks wont actually mean anything.
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