NRA being investigated

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Since when is it not ok for a private group like the NRA to take money from Russians. But, it is ok for ant-gun groups to take money from Hungarian, George Soros?
Skans said:
Since when is it not ok for a private group like the NRA to take money from Russians. But, it is ok for ant-gun groups to take money from Hungarian, George Soros?
You're misinformed. George Soros is a naturalized American citizen and has the same rights you do.
I've been working late the last couple of days, so I haven't been able to spend much time online. Assuming I get home tonight with enough time, I have some comments I'd like to add to the discussion.
Skans said:
Since when is it not ok for a private group like the NRA to take money from Russians.

No one is saying or investigating whether the NRA took money from Russians. What is being investigated is whether some of that money was used for political contributions. Which IS illegal.

But, it is ok for ant-gun groups to take money from Hungarian, George Soros?

Can't quite determine how this is even remotely relevant to the NRA investigations, other than just being the standard deflection "yeah but Soros!!"
When Soros breaks the law in a manner relevant to the RKBA, we can discuss that.

Otherwise, I agree that we don't need a thread drift to "Wah, wah, he did it too!"
First off, I want to thank admin for not only allowing this thread, but also for the patience they've shown with it. It's difficult to "separate the wheat from the chaff" with anything that touches politics, and I know the topic of this thread is walking a fine line when it comes to the rules here.

So, I've had a chance to think about all this over the last couple of days, and based partly on comments some of y'all have made regarding the NRA's diligence in record keeping, and based on reported comments by the NRA saying the same thing, I think it's more probable than not that maybe the NRA got played by this Torshin fella.

I say that because I recently heard another report that explained how it is that the Russians go about infiltrating organizations to then influence either the direction the organizations take, or influence key decisions they make, or get the organizations to become sympathetic to the Russians. When I compared what that report explained with how Torshin's relationship with the NRA developed, it seemed to fit the pattern. I won't go into all the details of how they do it, but basically, what they do is show interest in whatever the organization does, whomever their point person is gets chummy with the higher ups in the organization, and eventually enough of a connection is made that the point person can then exert whatever influence he can on what the organization does. If one understands Russia's intent to magnify and deepen existing tensions in our political system, the idea that a former Russian senator would cozy up to the NRA, under the guise of establishing a Russian version of a gun rights group when the real intent is to use that relationship to further divide us, doesn't seem all that far fetched.

I think it would be in the NRA's best interests to offer the FBI whatever assistance it may need in determining what Torshin's intentions with the NRA have been. Did he get involved with the NRA knowing that he could someday use the relationship to gain access to politicians connected with the organization? Did he in some way play a role in how much the organization has spent in past elections? Is he working as part of a Russian plot to destabilize our political system? These are questions that, in my opinion, need to be answered.
ScubaSon... You've obviously NOT thoroughly researched ALL of the available information regarding this if this is your take away.

I think it's more probable than not that maybe the NRA got played by this Torshin fella.

You really need to question what sources that you choose to place your trust in if this is your idea of the correct course of action.

I think it would be in the NRA's best interests to offer the FBI whatever assistance it may need in determining what Torshin's intentions with the NRA have been. Did he get involved with the NRA knowing that he could someday use the relationship to gain access to politicians connected with the organization? Did he in some way play a role in how much the organization has spent in past elections? Is he working as part of a Russian plot to destabilize our political system? These are questions that, in my opinion, need to be answered.

I'm thinking pound sand might be the appropriate response from the NRA... but that's just uninformed me. ;)
God forbid the Russians ever get smart enough to play that game with the 1,001 leftist organizations already sympathetic to them. :rolleyes:

Сэр, вы не правый.
God forbid the Russians ever get smart enough to play that game with the 1,001 leftist organizations already sympathetic to them.

This is about a foreign entity infiltrating an American organization to further its goal of destabilizing our political system. It doesn't matter if the organization is known to support one party or the other. This particular discussion is centered on the very real possibility that this has happened to the NRA.
You've obviously NOT thoroughly researched ALL of the available information regarding this if this is your take away.

What's the alternative, that they were willing participants in a scheme for Russia to create back channel access to our politicians?

You really need to question what sources that you choose to place your trust in if this is your idea of the correct course of action.

It makes a helluva lot more sense than not taking a proactive approach.

I'm thinking pound sand might be the appropriate response from the NRA... but that's just uninformed me.

Of course you do, because in your mind this is just more anti-gunner BS rather than something that's worthy of investigation. The articles I've posted include some responses from the NRA. Maybe you could research other articles that expand on those responses to add to the discussion. That's what I'm planning on researching next. That would be better than suggesting the NRA tell investigators to go pound sand.
Scuba, have you questioned where NPR got the original story that you posted the original link to?
Have you looked into the back story about the McClatchy story which was their source, inspiration, what ever you wish to call it?
Have you read the story in the link I posted?
Would you like to read this link?

There are a whole lot more out there, just look.
You need new sources.
The lawyer told the two McClatchy reporters of the story in your second link that the information that they included in their next story regarding her was false the day before they ran the story... yet they still ran the story.
I don't have a clue what that might tell you but I know exactly what it tells me.
Yes, I read the story about the attorney. Her name is on a list of people members of Congress want to interview, and she's said that it would be a waste of time because it's not true that she had concerns about the NRA's connection with Torshin. I have no reason to disbelieve her. If that's your basis for writing off the story about the investigation, then it seems weak to me. That isn't any kind of bombshell statement that invalidates the whole investigation or the story. She's just one of a dozen or so people on this list. The headline caught my attention (which is the whole point of a headline), but the story itself disproves the assertion in the headline.
Not that it really matters but have any of you seen this get picked up by any of the major news outlets ? I have not but I don't watch or read many of the big 4 . If CNN or MSNBC are not running this story every day then that would tell me even they think it's bull .
Which members of Congress? Did you catch that part too?
We're not looking for a bombshell statement, that's what the opposition uses when they can't produce anything more substantial.
From what you're posting it seems that those headlines grab your attention pretty quickly, but you're slower to find the little bits with more substance.
Metal, if you do a search of FBI NRA investigation, you will see that the story has been picked up by several well known news organizations. I don't know if it's made it to TV news yet because I don't watch TV newscasts very often.
I didn't post the article you referred to, Turkee, because other than explaining about this attorney, it didn't have much more than I already have posted. It did, however, bring a smile to my face that the headline was so effective at getting my attention when the article actually disproved the headline. Kudos to the author.
Your take away began as "oh gee, I hope they don't get caught with their pants down", regarding the NRA filtering money from the Russians to help Trump win the presidential election.
Now your take away has moved to the Russians secretly infiltrating the NRA to control their direction and influence their decisions as an organization.
All the while gaining their sympathy in some great grand conspiracy where the NRA has simply been a bunch of unwitting rubes that fell prey to Russia's evil manipulation and got paid for it.

The whole thing began with unsubstantiated claims from a couple of unnamed sources.


Talk about feeding the beast.
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