NRA being investigated

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I'm no fan of the NRA, but I know that them getting caught with their pants down over the past election would do absolutely nothing to help with the PR problems we're dealing with right now.

So when you say "we're", the "we" that you're referencing are those who are not fans of the NRA?
That's a pretty predictable group, but hey... this could be HUGE! :rolleyes:
So when you say "we're", the "we" that you're referencing are those who are not fans of the NRA?
That's a pretty predictable group, but hey... this could be HUGE!

We as in gun owners. In case you haven't noticed, we (as in gun owners, since you apparently need clarification on that) are getting quite a bit of bad press lately.
Well, this will certainly make for an interesting intersection of 1A protections, 2A politics, and campaign financing in the days where corporations are people, too.
I submitted a link to one of the admins for approval. I'm starting to think that there won't be a way to tip toe around the political aspects of this investigation, so we may have to leave this one alone.
Ok. I got approval from admin to post this link. The Russian in the middle of the investigation of the NRA has a history of shady dealings in other countries. It seems to me that one of two things happened---he either played the NRA or they knew what he was up to and accepted money from him anyway. I don't like the NRA, but I really hope it was the former and not the latter.
"Great Odin's Raven!!!! :eek:

I guess these last 18 months and countless tax payer dollars maybe haven't been a complete waste of a dog and pony show after all!!

Seriously SonOfScubaDiver?

This one line just a short way into that 'article', tells me all I need or would care to know about what's in the article... that'd be about zip.

All of the sources spoke on condition of anonymity because Mueller’s investigation is confidential and mostly involves classified information.

Did you ever as a kid corner a snake of some kind?
Take a stick with a fork at the end, or maybe just your forefinger and thumb, and trap it just behind it's head in order to try to pick it up?
What did the rest of the snake, the part that was still able to move about while it's head was firmly trapped in place do?
Maybe wildly flail about writhing and curling frantically trying to escape?
Probably because it had an overwhelming sense that it's end was near?
What do you think is going on with the snakes that we call our opposition right about now?

I'm so done with paying any attention to the BS spewed by the anti-gun folks by now, and what's so funny about that is the fact that they've just barely even gotten started.

Wait for it... it'll blow your mind as they lose theirs. ;)
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I get that you don't like the NRA, I can't even say that I approve of their actions and positions 100% of the time.
What I do approve of and am grateful for is that they are a very LOUD voice that when it gets down to the nuts and bolts of it all, are on OUR side.
The organization has enough folks out there that are trying to undermine their effort on OUR behalf... why be part of the opposition?
Well, I can't help it that you aren't interested in actually reading the articles, turkeestalker. That's your choice to make, but you only make yourself look uninformed when you claim it's only BS from the "anti" crowd. The FBI isn't part of the "anti" crowd. Neither is the FEC. And, contrary to what you may think, the last thing I want is for the NRA to get sucked into this Russia investigation. Regardless of what my personal feelings are about their tactics, I recognize that they are the largest lobbying force gun owners have in DC and state legislatures, and as such, I'd hate to see them get into trouble. These investigations are real and people are getting indicted. The NRA is now part of those investigations, so I think it's important for us to know where that investigation is going. Go ahead and stick your head in the sand and pretend that it's nothing more than some "antis" but the organization you approve of and are grateful for could very well be in hot water.
I'm not really sure why you're discounting the article out of hand, other than it could be negative for the NRA and so you don't like it. Maybe you should actually read it?

McClatchy has historically been pretty solid and accurate in their reporting, and nothing about this article makes me think this is an exception. Nothing about it is ant nra or gun, just reporting the link between Russian money and NRA political funding. Interested to see where it goes.
Yeah, like you said earlier, "caught with their pants down".
Sorry, but I've not seen beans of any consequence come out of this 'real' investigation.
When I do I'll start lending a very small ear to the facts that are presented at that time.
What I won't do is jump on the bandwagon that the entire media has been breathlessly riding for the last year and a half that oddly doesn't even after all that time, seem to have any wheels.
My head is not in the sand, but it's not floating about up in the clouds either.
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I'm waiting to see where it goes.
Until it does go somewhere, I'll lump it with all of the other BS that has used a very similar turn of this phrase...

All of the sources spoke on condition of anonymity because Mueller’s investigation is confidential and mostly involves classified information.

...that we've had shoved down our throats for what seems like an eternity.
That is no more than a fancy way of saying 'unnamed sources'.
Experience should tell us what that means.
Listen, we have a choice to make, are we going to be a part of the solution or the problem.
I'm done with those in our own ranks that want to feed the problem.
United we stand, there aren't any other options.
The FBI isn't part of the "anti" crowd. Neither is the FEC.

maybe... :rolleyes:

Certainly not officially, as officially, they must be neutral. However, I don't think anyone can say with any certainty that individuals within those agencies (and every other agency of govt) don't let their personal political persuasions influence their work.

Of course, that would be a violation of policy, and possibly law, but people are people and some of them will bend or break the law for what they believe is a good cause.

As to investigating the NRA and Russia, or a certain Russian, so what? It gets reported so the NRA LOOKS like they did something wrong (otherwise why investigate, right?), but investigation is not even remotely the same as bringing charges, or having proof. Until/unless sufficient evidence is found to bring charges, until then, investigation is NOTHING more than trying to find out what is, and isn't reality.

Remember that investigations are also used to clear someone of false charges, too...

They could investigate the waitress the Russian tipped when he got lunch. TO make sure she didn't illegally donate her tip money to Trump.....

Unless they file charges, it means nothing.

Banner headlines reporting the NRA is under investigation, while factual, are simply being used as a smear tactic, implying, and counting on the gullibility of people to believe that investigation = guilt.

Until the investigation is concluded, it means only that there is an investigation. NOTHING else.
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