Nobody should have known you were carrying . . .

Busted once. While still on the job.
Took my family, wife and 2 kids, to the Bronx Zoo in NYC. Windy day, and my 37 was in a belt rig at about 4:30.
Uniformed Cop walked up to me and in a very converstional tone of voice asked me if I had a minute to speak to him, and would I mind walking over to the side of the nearest building, with my hands in plain sight. I did so, and the conversation went something like this,
Cop. The wind blew your jacket, and I spotted what looks like a gun. Are you carrying a gun, and if so do you have a permit for it?
Me: Yes, I'm on the Job and I am carrying. May I reach into my pocket to get out my creds?
Cop: Sure, but move very slowly and keep your back to me.
Me: Handed him shield and ID
Cop: Have a great day
Me: How did you manage to spot it
Cop: Been on the Job for 18 years.
Me: Nuff said. Be safe Brother,
I then walked off with the family.
In my opinion, this Officer is a Credit to NYPD. Did his job in a safe and non-threatening manner. Heck of an observer as well.
Seasoned Cops handle things differently than newbies. They should all learn from him or guys like him.
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Being a retired police officer of thirty years and continuing as the department Rangemaster and armorer for twelve years after and then retired life, I have certainly had my share of carrying a concealed firearm. In all of that time I have never been approached by an individual about my concealed weapon. The idea of concealment is to keep that information from the public and properly done you will accomplish the task. Even my "truck gun" is removed prior to vehicle servicing, etc. as I feel my ability to carry is personal. My friend however makes his carrying known quite often and occasionally is redressed in some manner. Folks up here are quite accustomed to firearms carry. Idaho is just across the line a few miles away, someone there would not ask if you carry but what caliber! I think a 50 BMG would be acceptable for CC there!:D
I've never been busted out in public. Most of my family and friends know I carry, no big deal or surprises there.

I did notice a guy at the grocery store with his young daughter once. He was squatting down and his shirt/jacket had pulled up to show everything. I was going to politely and casually say something to him. But the thought crossed my mind that he HAD to know that he was letting it all hang out... Maybe he was looking for a confrontation?... I walked on.
Not intending to hijack the thread, but what would others had done?
only really "busted" once in 10-12 years... had high blood pressure that I began doctoring for a couple years ago... they wanted to do an ultra sound of my chest... arteries & heart... had I thought that I'd have this hot little technician crawling all over me, I'd have left it in the truck... I figured I'd be sitting in a chair, & she would be rubbing my chest with the paddle... instead she had me lay on the table kinda on my side, & was literally crawling all over me... I thought about mentioning it & removing it, but didn't want to raise alarm, if she was anti... but after a couple minutes... she asked "is that a gun???"... I said yes... would you like me to remove it... she didn't seem uncomfortable, but said it might be easier...

now, if I'm having anything more than a blood draw done, I usually leave it in the truck, just in case, even though the hospital doesn't have any signs against carrying, & with the hospital shootings lately I'm more comfortable with it on my belt... I would hate to traumatize some little naïve tech...

interestingly...MRS just had surgery... her nurse, is a gal I met when she was still going to school, that I sold her some 357 mag ammo, back during the shortage... so not everyone in the hospital is anti gun :)
#1, if i were a robber i would..."
You aren't a robber (are you?), and you are speculating on one scenario where open carrying "might" not be a good idea. None of us are qualified to determine how actions will play out. There are no data to support your conclusion or to prove it wrong. I put both socks on before I put my shoes on. But it might be better if I put on a sock and a shoe first so I can hop around on one foot in case the floor is wet (wet socks are no fun).... Funny thing is that, sometimes, things sound logical but don't play out logically.

I would rather open carry at an ATM at night, than conceal. If a robber with a knife sees my gun, he'd likely pick lower hanging fruit. Even if the robber had a gun, he probably wouldn't confront me. Now, if I was approached by someone asking me if I thought out the possible repercussions of open carry (no matter the intent or how friendly the presentation), I would think that someone was questioning my intelligence, knowledge, skill level, etc. and would probably politely tell them to mind their own business. There's no way to debate with a that sort of person anyway. They're always right.
Posted by kinggabby:
But what I am saying is in all the years crimes have happened in the near past it has not been an issue.
Might that not be because so very few people do carry openly in most places?

Please stop using emotion to control how you think.
I am using logic, not emotion, and to explain something, not to control my thinking.

Stats show it have been a virtual non issue.
To conclude that, one would have to know how many open carriers have in fact been in situations in which they happened upon a crime in progress. No one has that information.

I just wish people would refrain from quoting misinformation that they saw someone else post.
I quoted no one.

I mean is that not what the gun grabbers do.
I referred not to gun grabbers, but to armed robbers. But some gun grabbers do in fact take guns from other people. All the have to do is stand in line behind them.

On thing I would like to add is that most criminals are to focused on the target ( the person they intend to rob ) than anything else.
What leads you to that belief? Yes, the man pointing the gun at the clerk is likely more focused on the clerk and the other people behind the counter than on anyone else, but how about the tail gunner? What is his job?
One thing people keep forgetting is situational awareness. Whether you open carry or conceal. Criminals usually give away there intentions by the way they carry themselves. And I stand on the facts that more conceal carriers get robbed of their guns first. And why is that? Because they look like an unarmed person. And once a robber is attacking a concealed carrier they now have the advantage. A concealed carrier now has to draw while trying to fight off the attacker. One thing that I can say for myself is that when I open carry it forces me to pay more attention to what is going on around me. It starts when I wake up in the morning. When I wake up I make sure my firearm is in at least a level 2 holster. That way if someone ever tried to take my gun they would have to push a button first. Then once I leave my home I watch everyone . Not just those standing close or walking close to me. I watch people who off to a distance. I watch entrances and exits for people who linger I watch how they watch others to get a feel for their possible intentions. I have seen first hand criminals run or leave very quickly when they have seen a firearm on a person. One event I will share happened a few months after open carry became legal in Oklahoma. My sister, wife, myself and our kids stopped at a grocery store and upon going in there where 2 men standing talking one holding a gas can. They separated as we were headed in. When we came out we got the kids in the car and decided to have a couple of cigarettes before leaving. At this time I was covered only because at this time my nephew was scared of people carrying guns ( except police ). One of the guys who was standing there started to come over and ask if we had money so he could get gas. I told him we had nothing and he left and walked off. A few minutes later the second guy started to walk over and started to use the exact words as the first guy. I cut him off in mid sentence and told him the same as the first that we had nothing. He decided to walk over across the street and got into a car that just pulled up. He then decided to walk back towards us. My sister seeing what I just saw said maybe you should uncover that. Seeing how there were several cars blocking the view of my hip I decide it was a good idea. As he got a few feet from us he looked at my hip and said oh SH** and literally ran away. There are several others I could share but I have not the time nor energy to type them all out.
ok... I'm getting dragged into this sidetracked thread...

1st... in some states it's not legal to open carry... 2nd in MN, open carry is legal, but in most areas it's not encouraged... yep... I could carry my AR through target, like a dumb a** ( I still think that was done by anti's to call attention to the legalities & to look impractical & menacing ) & sway people who were neutral, to be against guns... some areas of the united States are much more gun friendly or at least "conditioned"... if you could legally open carry in NJ... I bet you'd spend most of your day defending your right, to opinionated people

I personally feel we should all have the right to carry as we choose... I choose to carry concealed... as I feel it has a tactical advantage... that doesn't mean I'm not aware of my surroundings... I just rather be the cook on a train, that was special forces before he retired ( insert action movie title here ) than the mall commando going around "shocking" all the neutral sheep

I'm also way too busy to be the poster child for all that is carry & self defense... even though many feel I'm level headed enough & a capable speaker, where I'd be good at it... way too many people today, feel empowered to force their opinion on other people ( both sides of all the fences )... you have no right to tell me how to live my life, or to what level I should be willing to go to defend myself... I'm not a woman, have never had a child that was raped, not a minister... why should I have the right to impose my feelings on abortion on someone else, who may be more qualified to have an opinion... you're not me, you don't live my life, why should you tell me to carry concealed, or open???... or not to carry at all, just because you are afraid of guns, or feel strongly towards open or concealed??? why should your opinion mean diddly to me

I did not feel threatened that the hospital tech, in my previous post, felt the gun on my belt... I'm not paranoid enough to think she's going to blab to all the criminals in my small town, or the church congregation... & honestly... if someone starts berating me one way or the other, I just shake my head & walk away, wondering where all these folks smarter than me showed up from ???
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Posted by kinggabby:
Criminals usually give away there intentions by the way they carry themselves.
I don't think the successful ones do.

I have seen first hand criminals run or leave very quickly when they have seen a firearm on a person.
I won't ask how you knew they were criminals, but one would certainly expect most criminals to stay away, most of the time, from citizens whom they know to be armed...when they can

You will recall, however, that I was referring to crimes in progress or to crimes that could not be aborted before the armed citizen was detected.

Situational awareness is a great thing, but when was the last time an armed person moved within easy striking distance of you without your notice? Hint--it may have been wham the waiter walked by with a knife when you were glancing at the menu. (Quoting Rob Pincus, there)
I was in a hurry to meet a friend @ a greasy spoon and slipped on some dirty jeans. I had an airweight in the butt pocket wasn't mine i have no idea how it got in there. i didn't even notice til after walking to the diner i sat at the bar and that J frame made it the most uncomfortable 2am breakfast i've ever had. My friend (deputy) thought it was hilarious. No one but him noticed.
Busted by Momma

Like Pax and others during a hug, my 85 year young Mom asked "what's that?"
I carry in a holster undershirt and 'tried' the "protecting side hug"....


Thought I had it well adjusted under my armpit.
Thought about telling mom it was a brace.... Couldn't lie to Momma.
Addendum to my earlier post after having read many personal experiences. Point being use a quality holster to carry. One time my girls asked me to take them to a supermarket carnival. Having reviewed some of the carnival applicants personal data and arresting a couple on outstanding warrants I picked up a PPK and stuffed it into my waist band (I weigh 155 and 6'2" tall). At the carnival and while in a spinning ride with the girls my PPK decided the spin was sufficient inertia to take a ride on it's own, fortunately I recovered it from the seat and into my pocket it went. Even the girls (who were quite familiar with weapons even at 6 and 10 years) did not notice daddy's embarrassing moves. I cannot remember waist band carry as an option after that.
Great thread!

The two times I thought I was made, I turned around and expected jaws to be dropping, nothing happened.

Football jerseys make great concealment for anyone who carries/loves football!
I can't think of any times I know "for sure" but there have been days when I'm wearing a light jacket and OWB and a gust of wind in the parking lot decides to go ahead and show the world what is on my hip.

If anyone noticed, I never have noticed, an no-one ever said anything.

Its more amazing what people WON'T notice. There have been multiple times while fishing or camping or such where I've got a .44 mag under a windbreaker and it is very, very, obvious. That plus I'm bending over, stretching, fishing etc. Afterwards, looking at pictures and such, folks who were with me finally notice the huge revolver on my hip, never while we were out.
I generally don't worry to much about being made. In the summer (on the weekend) I usually just open carry as it's easier. If I don't want to be discovered, I won't. The only time I was ever "outed", was by my then 5 yr old granddaughter. She called and said "Papa, I don't feel good. Can you bring me some ice cream?" How do you say no to that? I picked up the ice cream and drove the 15 minutes to my daughter's home. When I got there my grandaughter told me to put it in the freezer and she'd eat it later. She asked me to stay a while, so I went and sat on the sofa. She came in to sit on my lap. Before she did, she asked "Do you have your concealed carry?' (She always called it that.) I said I did. She said "Lay it on the table." Of course I did, and she crawled up in my lap and went to sleep.
I got "made" by the private security guy at my girlfriend's sorority house back in college.

I was unloading an IKEA entertainment center from my truck and my t-shirt got snagged in one of the hand holds on the side of the box.

He stopped me on the way back to the truck (he was nice enough not to bug me when I had a big box in my hands) and asked to see my permit.

And then he gave me grief about carrying a Glock.
I have only been made a couple of times over 15 years of carry. It was always from a hug or a bump frisk. I don't let anyone know I'm carrying (except my wife).

Take my word for it... It's better that nobody knows.