Nobody should have known you were carrying . . .

I only carry concealed outside of the home and club. With that said, I don't care who knows I am carrying concealed as long as it isn't going to land me in jail or get me fired. There still are some wacky States with printing laws or conceal laws so stringent that a person can get into trouble. Thank gawd I don't live in one of them. Too draining to worry about something like printing and/or having the CCW temporarily uncovered.
Guess I was "busted" at work the other day when I pulled my revolver and shot a rattlesnake. Nobody batted an eye. Of course "work" right now is in the middle of the SW Texas desert at a drill rig. Would have been a little different at the office.

Well, I dunno - I certainly would have been appreciative if someone shot a rattlesnake in my office! :)
Well, I dunno - I certainly would have been appreciative if someone shot a rattlesnake in my office!

^^SNORT! CHORTLE! I love this forum!

Once - was reaching for the door going into our house, when something snagged the cheapo cloth clip on Uncle Mike and sent it a the Kahr tumbling to the ground in front of my son who was visiting and didn't know I had started carrying a firearm. Last time I ever wore the Uncle Mike.
I went to a dive show awhile back, in a large city over by the coast. Like most, I carry pretty much all the time. While I was at the show, I got sold on getting a new wetsuit by a very attractive lady who was a good salesperson. I had to get measured for the wetsuit. I forgot about the fact that I had the pistol at 3 o'clock. She just sort of ran the tape measure around my middle, and I'm sure she felt the gun but she never said a word about it. I didn't either. Now I try harder to work on my situation awareness.......
I keep it covered pretty good,I'm aware of my surroundings. Dont want to be the unarmed man in a bad place.Much rather bring the fight to me than your wife & kids.Truly believe I have a better chance. I'm just sayin.
Dont want to be the unarmed man in a bad place.
Define bad place. Because the way I look at it there is no such place as a good place anymore. Churches are not safe anymore. Heck Moore, Oklahoma used to be safe. Not too long ago there was that woman who got her head cut off. If you only prepare for the bad places you will be caught off guard.
I'm not going to count the doctors office visits, I said blatantly that I'm carrying and asked how they wanted me to proceed. They usually tell me to put it in a drawer or something while they do their thing. (Shot, urine test, etc.)

In no order of time:

I was waiting to eat at a restaurant, this place has these pineapple candies in a neon green wrapper and are really sweet pineapple (read my location). So I'm with my back against the hostess table that was literally 8ft long and I'm facing out towards the door. Naturally. This kid runs up and dives his hand towards the bowl and he's waistband height to me, dives for the bowl and whacks his head straight into my Sig Sauer P226 and lets out a big "owwwww! maaaaamiiii" .... so he's crying and I leaned in to ask if he was okay, but the second I saw everyone's eyes not focused on me, I turned around and talked to my girlfriend like nothing ever happened. She laughed, she laughed hard. Poor kid...

I would say I "made" there, but that kid did pistol whip himself with a P226.

Another time at the car rental agency, I had just had a training for the class the night before through the shop I used to work at.. So I had spare and loose .45ACP rounds in the water bottle portion of my backpack that I didn't know I had.. I went to sit down and swung the bag off my shoulder and behold... 14 rounds of .45ACP were scattered all over the floor. There was a gasp that sounded like everyone did it at syncro. I said out loud "it's okay, I work at a shop and range, I was instructing last night." Went into my pocket with 2 fingers in case there was a white knight around and grabbed my business cards and started handing them out to them one by one. For some reason that calmed everyone down and I heard 2 things, " Man I've been looking for one of those Glocks " and the other " Oh heeeeey, I work by there, I've seen your signs. " - Done.

Last but not lease, the hospital.. Nothing long, the nurse bumped into me and felt pure gun against her rear side... I know it sounds bad. Crowded room.. Don't get sick minded now. But anyways, that happened and I never said a word and neither did she.
When I first started carrying, the only "concealable" gun I had was a steel framed 5" 1911 ..... carried it everywhere, IWB.

Was at one of the kids' pool parties, wearing street clothes- denim shorts and loose, lightweight white cotton button shirt over a light t-shirt..... I was standing next to the deep end of the pool, tossing a handfull of pennies into the water for all the kids to dive after..... and one of the other parents, a known "practical joker/clown/whatever" .... thought it would be hilarious to sneak up behind me and push me into the pool.

I found out that 2 3/4 pounds of steel, lead and brass was enough to make me slightly negatively buoyant at the time......

When I climbed out of the pool, my white cotton shirt turned almost completely translucent, showing everybody the top half of my big black pistola ..... Management immediately asked the stupid question, "Is that a gun?" and then askes me to leave ..... I left.

At the time, our Concealed Carry law was brand new...... the incident raised a few eyebrows in our small town ...... since then, several of my kids' friends' parents have come to me asking for recomendations on CCW classes and handguns ...........
I was made once to my knowledge. I went to college outside Philly, and traveled into the city to visit some friends from highschool. I knew I would have to walk a pretty far distance in the city to get to the house, so I left my Kahr PM-9 at home, and put on my Glock 17 in a blackhawk CQC holster under a lightweight northface jacket.

Everything went fine, but a few blocks away from my destination, there was a couple about my age walking towards me, when the wind blew my jacket wide open (looking back I probably should have zipped it even a little) and both of their faces lit up while staring at my right side.:eek: I pulled my jacket closed, smiled and kept looking while they kept their eyes on me. Never said a word.
"For some reason that calmed everyone down and I heard 2 things, " Man I've been looking for one of those Glocks " and the other " Oh heeeeey, I work by there, I've seen your signs"

Hmmm, I think that's a good way to drum up business.
Dont want to be the unarmed man in a bad place
.KING GABBY, I look at it as you do.Not many safe places anymore.I work in L.A. Lower Atlanta at night I'm a Repo guy on the side I see lots of bad places & People.Good places turn bad QUICK. You have to be aware of your surroundings all the time or B.S. WILL HAPPEN thats for sure.;)
if you want to open carry thats your right and i didn,t give any one crap about it. if you think asking a person if it may be be better in CC is crap so be it. if the poop hit the fan he would have a very good chance of being the first one shot along with the child he was carrying after they saw his open carry(he may have been shot before it realy started). with a CC another person may save his wife while the bad guy/guys are busy taking her husband out. i have had a CC permit since 1967 and only open carry when hunting with a handgun. with his pistol out where every one can see it, i will move away so as not to be in the line of fire if it happens. his open carry is not going to make it safer for any one unless you have a blind bad guy. eastbank.
if you want to open carry thats your right and i didn,t give any one crap about it. if you think asking a person if it may be be better in CC is crap so be it. if the poop hit the fan he would have a very good chance of being the first one shot along with the child he was carrying after they saw his open carry(he may have been shot before it realy started). with a CC another person may save his wife while the bad guy/guys are busy taking her husband out. i have had a CC permit since 1967 and only open carry when hunting with a handgun. with his pistol out where every one can see it, i will move away so as not to be in the line of fire if it happens. his open carry is not going to make it safer for any one unless you have a blind bad guy. eastbank.
I would really love to see some statistics showing an Open carrier will be the first one shot or have their gun taken. I won't say it can't or won't happen. But I have seen more stories of concealed people getting robbed, shot and gun taken away then open carriers. I have heard the old well cops have theirs grabbed or taken. But difference is they are trying to get away from cops. They don't just walk up to a cop and steal their gun. I won't say that it is better to conceal than open. That choice is yours and you have voiced your choice. But I also saw how willing you were to brandish your weapon. If I am going concealed I will stay concealed until I either chose to switch to open carry or if I had to use it. But I would never just show it to show some stranger.
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Only time that I know that I've been 'busted' would be when I get a hug from a family member at a get together.

Same. Unexpected hugs broke my cover. Usually even my wife doesn't know I'm carrying!

Once we she leaned in to hug me unexpectedly when I had just come back from a somewhat unpleasant trip out; my "stupid" training kicked in and I instinctively swatted her incoming hand away (from the gun) with such force it threw her arm back behind her! WOOPS

I did plenty of apologizing for that; and explained the situation. She got it of course because she's the best.

Only other time was a hug from an aunt that was less unexpected but impossible to actually stop. She didn't expose me though because..she carries a ladysmith in her purse. Her brother and his wife carry too; so even if she "tattled" there is a good chance I wouldn't have been the only one armed.
I would really love to see some statistics showing an Open carrier will be the first one shot or have their gun taken
Think for a moment: if you happened to be in the process of committing a crime of violence with a firearm, or if for some reason you were about to do so and could not call it off due to the presence of your accomplices, and you noticed someone with a weapon, what would you do?
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Think for a moment: if you happened to be in the process of coming a crime of violence with a firearm, or for some reason you were about to do so and could not call it off due to the presence of your accomplices, and you notched someone with a weapon, what would you do?
Ok I understand what you are saying. But what I am saying is in all the years crimes have happened in the near past it has not been an issue. Please stop using emotion to control how you think. Stats show it have been a virtual non issue. I am not against conceal carry at all. My view is carry how you feel comfortable. I just wish people would refrain from quoting misinformation that they saw someone else post. I mean is that not what the gun grabbers do. On thing I would like to add is that most criminals are to focused on the target ( the person they intend to rob ) than anything else. They wait until no one but their target remains before they act. They wish to limit witnesses.
I don't say anything to people open carrying. I just let them get all the attention (maybe that's what they want).
This has been an interesting thread. I've read every post.

I don't think I've ever been busted... I carry a P32, so I would have to be in direct contact with someone, for them to be able to tell.

My bulldog knows when I sit next to her on the couch. She sniffs my pocket, sighs, then goes back to sleep. I don't think she minds...
#1, if i were a robber i would take the open carrier down from behind,either taking his gun or shooting him before he knew i was up to no good.#2 if you are CC the same thing could happen to you anyway. but with CC you stand a better chance of stopping the robbery if the robber does not know you are CC. if you CC you owe it to your self to be aware of your surroundings and where a threat may come from and have your firearm where it can be pulled quickly if needed. CC with your head up your a*s is just as bad as not CC. eastbank.
Leaned into the back of the Jeep to put my bag of bits I had just bought at Lowes inside. Felt a tug on my shirt, looked around, uniformed female Deputy, walking away. "Thank you" I said, she just waved her hand.

We have a law that allows for a brief exposure of a holstered pistol, but no open carry. I have open carried while visiting Arizona, felt good. No, and no one noticed, I don't think, but no one mentioned it either.

When my Son's Company needed a Security Officer, like right now! I was the only available person, so off I went to a big Jewellery Store (so called just for the one night!) I did the week ends for a few months!

The only negative comments? British tourists, the adults that is, the children, enthralled!

My accent, Liverpool UK. One woman was aghast, at a Scouser with a real gun! Her teen Daughter thought it was "Cool!"