Nobody should have known you were carrying . . .

Inappropriate place ? If you research the subject you will find a good number of incidents of shootings in churches !!

NEVER carry near an MRI machine !
One time while entertaining guests I was asked by a girl if I had an eggplant in my pocket.
Did you get a date out of that? :)

I was made once in the grocery when I was checking out. I bent over at the waist to pick up something from the bottom of my cart and when I straightened out and stood up, the lady behind me said "you're showing".
I said thanks.
I bend at the knees now.
sax, no crap given. just ask if it was a wise thing to do, and did not give him any crap and also agreed it was his right. but to my thinking he would have been the first one shot along with maybe the child he was also carrying if some thing went down.if you were up to no good, who do you think you would take care of first? a man with a firearm on his hip or a man with no firearm in plain sight. i think you and i know the answer to that. eastbank.
Only once that I know of for sure. This was early on, maybe six months or so after I began carrying. My parents knew I was into shooting, but didn't know that I'd begun carrying a gun all the time. We met at a theater to take the kids to a Saturday matinee, and my mom hugged me hello before I was expecting her to. She got a funny look on her face, patted my side, and said, "Is that a gun? Here?" I nodded and smiled and that was the end of it.

But I'm sure there have been other times I've been spotted -- just as I've often spotted others because I enjoy people watching. But I've never said a word to the many people I've noticed carrying over the years. No particular reason to, is there?

I have only been carrying religiously since I started my family(about 2.5 years). Unless I am drinking or at work I at least have my 642 on me. I have yet to be made. I try to dress around my firearm and wear a good holster. I use an aliengear iwb holster with my P2000 and a sticky holster with my 642. I am a large guy as well, and I feel that helps hide the smallish firearms I carry.
were crying

I live in Tennessee. Need I say any more. Although when I was 21, I was on the Police Reserves in my home town, in another state, and we were allowed to carry at all times within the town limits. I went to a dance and the girl I slow danced with eyes got bigger than the moon. She asked me what was it I did and I said just a guy out for the evening. In about 30 seconds the whole place knew. Big deal then, nothing now.
ninjarealist said:
One time while entertaining guests I was asked by a girl if I had an eggplant in my pocket. That was difficult to play off.

Out of all the things somebody would ask if you had in your pocket, I cannot for the life of me imagine why 'eggplant' would be the first one to occur to someone.

eastbank said:
at walmart a man was open carrying and holding a small child with his wife. i walked up to him and ask him if he thought it was a good idea to open carry and he said it was his right and agreed with him, but i said if any thing went down he would probely be the first one shot. i opened my coat and said i carry too, but i think it would be better if any thing came down to have your firearm concealed. i could see he was thinking about it as he walked away. eastbank.

Could have also been thinking "Who was that guy, and why is he minding my business?"
I generally carry inside waist, so not an issue. But, I have been "made" a couple of times. The one that stands out was at Shane's rib shack, standing in line for take out. Jacket was unzipped and my sights were clearly showing, young gal behind the counter said "whatcha carryimg?", and that was all. This is Georgia and Noone particular cares or even gives it a second thought
I do not CC often but when I do, I dress for it.
The biggest pistol I CCed was a 5" 1911 but it was during the winter. So, covering it was easy.
Now I CC a small pistol IWB. Keeping it concealed is not difficult. Printing is not an issue either.
As far as I know, no one has ever noticed that I CC, yet.
When I CC and going around town with my wife, I let her know.
When my trip is to the range only(home->range->home), I may CC a full sized pistol and not worry about printing.
Good to see we're all human. I have my permit but don't carry yet. I say yet because I've only had my SD9 for two weeks. But I do carry two knives and I really hate it when I bend over and my shirt or jacket gets caught up on my gerber multi tool case. (carried on my belt center back) If that's a description.

Nobody has said anything but lately in Milwaukee there has been a lot of sights going up showing no guns or Rambo knives.

I've been carrying my Gerber for 16 years. One thing I do take note of is not to go to Federal buildings like the Saint Louis Arch or Hoover Dam.
company I worked for had a Christmas party and dinner for us a year ago, I was standing talking to one of the owners and eating when his brother asked me what kind of glock I was carrying, had my G23 in a Blackhawk on my belt in the open, the brother I had been talking to had not even seen the gun up until that point, he asked if I carried it often and was really surprised when I told him every day in that same holster since I had been working for them, neither had ever noticed it in nearly a year I had worked there. only thing that has ever been said Is that I was asked to conceal it if I had to be on the sales floor for some reason :D
"at walmart a man was open carrying and holding a small child with his wife. i walked up to him and ask him if he thought it was a good idea to open carry and he said it was his right and agreed with him, but i said if any thing went down he would probely be the first one shot. i opened my coat and said i carry too, but i think it would be better if any thing came down to have your firearm concealed. i could see he was thinking about it as he walked away. eastbank"

You got off Lucky I would have told you I don't care what you think and to mind your own business.
^^^ absolutely^^
that's his RIGHT whether you agree with it or not. Walmart is not an internet forum where people are interested in your opinions on how they want to use their rights. IMO, you were way outta line with that interaction.

no offense, I am sure you are a nice guy with best intentions, but there is a time and place..... and we have rights in this country, for now, why try to limit people from using them? if you cant use your rights, why not just take them away, right?
I've always carried, long before I got into police work, even before I was of age (if there was an age back then).

I never "accidently" got caught. Twice as a kid I was stopped and the officer(s) stopping me took my gun after I told them I had it. Unloaded it and returned it after I was checked out. Both times I was in HS, where I rode my bike (motor cycle) from Oregon to Arkansas to spend the summer with my mother. That was before people were afraid of guns and it seemed no big deal to the officers who checked me out, (mainly to see if I was a run-a-way).

In my department we had home cars which we were expected to use whenever possible, even our private activities. I assumed that if people saw you driving a police car, even in plain cloths, they would think you are armed.

Since I retired I pocket carry a J frame and never had anyone notice that I know of.

Its hard to determine if one is pocket carrying (in my jeans pocket). We (wife and I) are into square dancing, there too I carry. I had two women whom we've been dancing with for over 10 years attend my Ladies SD class, it wasn't until they attended the class that they had any idea I carried.

My own step daughter who's know me her whole life came over wanting me to help her to learn to shoot her new pistol. I tried to tell her about the benefits of a laser sight on her pistol for dry firing. I pulled my 642 out of my pocket for her to try. She said, "I didn't know you carried that". My then teenage grand daughter laughed and said "mom, he's been carrying that every since I can remember" My granddaughter and I were pretty close and have had several road and hunting trips together. She's seen me use my revolver to finish off critters we had downed.

A couple years ago, I had to make a quite trip to Portland for a funeral. I didn't want to fool with the Airlines so I had daughter bring a spare when she picked me up at the airport. She brought a Sig belonging to my son for me to carry while in Portland.

I'm not use to carrying such a large heavy pistol on my belt and was concerned about it being seen. My son ( A fed cop) told me something I knew but didn't think about. He said most people are so 'self absorbed in their own doings they wouldn't notice if you carried a bowling ball under your shirt. If the tip of the holster stuck out below your shirt, people would just assume it was a cell phone holder.

I think he was right, I did notice walking around a large mall in Portland that many people hand cellphone holders sticking out from under their shirts.

But I still pocket carry and just don't worry about it. Its secure and almost impossible to detect. I get more of an imprint in my other pocket where I carry my pocket knife, keys, change, etc.

I believe open carry should be legal, but not necessary. Guess it depends on where you live. I was at the Texas Road house in Rapid City and saw a guy open carrying a med. large semi. He was setting at his table eating dinner, the place was crowded and no one seemed to notice or cared.
I won't even guess at how many times I actually have been made, but I have been told twice. Once by a coworker when I printed while in an unusual posture reaching for something, and once by a bright kid who never actually saw the gun but cued on a telltale behavior I shared with his father.
I teach a CCW class. I have seen it all over the years. Most of the biggest carry infractions are from men that have been carrying incorrectly for years. Old habits die hard. I had a older couple come to my class a few years ago and the idea was for his wife to learn to carry and shoot her first handgun. It turns out the older husband (no military background) has Mexican carried his 1911 for years with the hammer down on a live round.;). It gets better.... When he drives, he takes his 1911 out of his pants and puts it inside the top of his left cowboy boot. :D. All this was a easy fix. I got him hooked up with a quality IWB holster that was comfortable and significantly more safe.
Guess I was "busted" at work the other day when I pulled my revolver and shot a rattlesnake. Nobody batted an eye. Of course "work" right now is in the middle of the SW Texas desert at a drill rig. Would have been a little different at the office.
"I can't imagine going up a stranger in public and giving him crap about how he chooses to carry his gun. "
