Nobody should have known you were carrying . . .

Spats McGee

I've had two instances in which I know that I was "made" as a concealed carrier.

The fact that I carry is no big secret at work. I cannot carry at work, but everyone knows that I carry when I'm not at work. That has not always been the case, though. Back before the cat got out of the bag (I eventually quit caring who at our office knew), I walked into my office and took off my jacket. Ordinarily, I would just walk in, put my holster in my desk, and get to work. What I didn't know was that another attorney in the office had turned the corner and was standing in my doorway. The conversation went like this:
Her: What's that?
Me: (knowing I was busted) Oh, um. My holster.
Her: For . . .?
Me: My gun.

I didn't see any reason to lie about why I had a gun-shaped holster hanging from my belt . . .

That was about 2-3 years ago. I got busted again over the weekend. The family and I wen to IHOP on Saturday morning to get some breakfast. I carried my G19 in a CBST holster under an untucked button-down shirt. After eating and paying the bill, we got up to leave. I asked my wife for my jacket, which had been on the bench next to her, and she said, "People behind you are staring." That's when I realized that my shirt had ridden up, exposing my pistol to about 40 people behind me. I pulled my shirt down and turned to look. From what I can tell, only one table noticed, but as soon as I turned, all eyes went straight back to the table.

What about you? Do you have any tales in which you know you've been spotted in spite of concealed carrying?
Over about 40 years, I was made twice that I know of.

First was early on, when my wifes boss tried to walk behind me in a check out isle at the market, and ended up bump frisking me. The was an interesting conversation.

The second happened about a year ago at the doctors office. I was late for the appointment, quickly took off my 17 from my belt, and left it under the seat, but forgot to take off my 26 in its ankle holster. Realised it once I got in, but figured even if I had to drop my pants, it wouldnt be seen. Who would have thunk he'd feel up my legs while laying on the table? :rolleyes:

He never said a word, and I didnt offer either.

Ive always been pretty tight lipped about having a gun along. Very few people know I carry, and I hope to keep it that way. Its none of their business, and no one except for the above has been the wiser.

Last thing I need, is for something to happen, and somebody to yell out...."Hey! You got a gun, do something!" :rolleyes:

I do on the other hand, enjoy very much when I go to family gatherings, and my anti gun BIL always feels the need to go off about those nasty guns. He doesnt have a clue Im standing there in front of him, with more firepower on me, than he could ever imagine. :D
One time that I know of, we were at a parade with some friends, and some people were in the parade were dressed as convicts, it was a homecoming parade for a college, and I don't know why these people were dressed that way, but one of our friends was like go hand cuff them, and put his hand on my belt like he was going to take some handcuffs off my belt, no idea why I would be carrying handcuffs, but when he felt for cuffs he got a g26, that was at my 3 o'clock under a t-shirt iwb. It was awkward for a minute, but everything was cool after that.

Also one time I was at Home Depot and I reached for some lumber on the shelf and my ppks was exposed but the guy never said anything.
I try to keep it concealed, but don't worry too much about it. I'm sure I've been spotted at times. Open carry is legal here and while not exactly common, I do see people open carrying at times. I see a lot attempting to conceal, but not trying too hard.

My wife and I went on a road trip to the mountains Saturday and ended up stopping in here for a while.

This is the 1st re-supply point along the Appalachian Trail, about 30 miles from the start. Most thru-hikers will be starting within the next month or so and they were sponsoring a trade show with literally hundreds of visitors Saturday. There were 2 AT hikers who stopped in for a rest who were open carrying long guns, an AR and a tactical shotgun. No one seemed to care much.

I personally think them a little foolish to carry that much weight considering the threat level, but if they want to...

On a related note, Meredeth Emerson was kidnapped very near this point in 2008 and later murdered. At that time it was illegal to carry on this section of the AT. Her case was what spurred GA lawmakers to finally loosen up requirements on where guns could be carried in GA.
I'm a little indifferent to concealment. The average person won't notice, but I once had an off-duty marshall spot the bulge.
I was busted once. Wife and I were in the mountains Jeeping with another couple. I was wearing an untucked and unbuttoned shirt on top of my t-shirt, pistol IWB at 4 o'clock. The shirt flipped over the pistol once when I was climbing into the Jeep. She asked me when we got home "do you always carry when you go Jeeping? I told her yes. A more accurate question would have been "do you always carry" but she didn't ask that one.
One of the few places I conceal is church. About a month ago I bent over and my step-dad told me "you need to put that in your car". I told him I don't think so. He then told me how inappropriate it was to carry a gun in church. I told him I think it is. Bless my mom she told him he needed to tell the other me in the church the same thing. I know of at least 3 others who carry. One of those being the pastor.
I carry using a Kangaroo. Only time that I know that I've been 'busted' would be when I get a hug from a family member at a get together. Being that my family knows that I carry, it never gets mentioned. I did have my youngest son recently ask me out of the blue as we were leaving the house in the truck if I had my gun on me, when I said 'of course', he simply said 'ok'. I asked him why and he told me he liked knowing that I do... talk about a reason for diligence in practice.
I've said in a post here before that I've never been 'made' to my knowledge, but when a person carries I think that person tends to be more aware and able to pick out when someone else does. So I always have to throw in the bit about 'to my knowledge'.
Two times, to my knowledge. Both in a doctor's office.

One time by a female doctor who, as it turns out, carried a snubby in her purse.

The second time by an X-Ray technician who didn't say a word.

Of course, here in Georgia, most people don't make a big deal out of it except in the big city.
I've been made once that I know about. I was having breakfast at a restaurant and my shirt rode up. I pulled it down and looked around to see if anybody noticed. There was an old lady starting at me. I simply smiled and went back to eating.
The second time by an X-Ray technician who didn't say a word.

If you can hide your CCW from one of them you deserve a prize!!

I've not been made as far as I know, but am pretty paranoid about it and have inadvertently taken to operating on about 30% lung capacity even with a baggy top to avoid a print! :rolleyes:

It makes morning...inhale... conversations over coffee..inhale... quite interesting to say..inhale.. the least. <huff><puff><wheeze> :D
at walmart a man was open carrying and holding a small child with his wife. i walked up to him and ask him if he thought it was a good idea to open carry and he said it was his right and agreed with him, but i said if any thing went down he would probely be the first one shot. i opened my coat and said i carry too, but i think it would be better if any thing came down to have your firearm concealed. i could see he was thinking about it as he walked away. eastbank.
The only time I KNOW I got made was at a fitting for a Tux before my step-son's wedding. The young lady reached around me with a tape measure, hit the 1911 on my belt and said, "What in the world...Oh...well, we'll just allow a little more for that." and went on with her job. I told her don't worry about the gun, the wedding was in Green Bay and I wouldn't be able to carry up there anyway.

I don't really care if anyone knows or not. I don't run around banging a drum, but I don't make any real effort to hide it either.

Wait...take that back. I was slipping past the pastor on the pew one Sunday morning. As I went past he asked, "Wayne...are you carrying a gun?" I said, "Sure I am. I always do." He never said anything more about it.
Pretty confident that I have never been "made"... In this crap-hole state of NY, I would have had the State Troopers called on me and my pistol permit revoked!

People are whacked here....
Many years ago, when pocket 9s were in their infancy, I was in the habit of carrying a Kel-Tec P-11 in my back pocket. After a few months the pistol began to leave an outline in all my jeans pockets, kinda like a can of snuff does.

Was in a Home Depot with my wife and upon exiting there was a city police officer waiting at outside the exit.
He stopped me and asked if I had a gun in my pocket? I said yes and he said not to reach for it, Which pocket?
He took the pistol out of my pocket and unloaded it. At that moment I heard a woman say 'is it loaded?' I turned my head and saw every employee staring out the door.
The word must have spread while we were in the store.
The polite officer asked for my permit and DL which I produced.
He returned my credentials and pistol and asked me not to reload until I'd left and sent me on my way to the sound of murmurs and grumbles from the crowd behind me.
Concealed carry was new in Florida then and people weren't used to it.
I carried (more than ten years) a S&W M36 in a Bianchi leather pocket holster year-around, in my right-hand pants pocket. Cargo Shorts in warm weather, cargo pants in cold. To my knowledge, no one has ever detected that I was so armed.
Once, a few years ago.

There had been an event, and I had been on scene all night. It was winter. I actually had on a uniform shirt, but civilian trousers and a civilian heavy parka (which pretty much concealed the shirt).

About 0700 or so, I popped over to a Panera to get some cuppas and something to eat for my crew. While waiting in line for my order, I guess I swept the parka reaching for a handkerchief, and the lady behind me saw my pistol. "Is that a real gun," she asked?

Her tone was not confrontational, but more like genuinely inquisitive. So I replied, "Be kind of silly to carry a toy one, wouldn't it?"

Before the lady could figure out how to respond, the clerk handed me my order. I turned and walked out.

At the time, I was a regular at that Panera. (It has since closed, but I'm pretty sure that had nothing to do with my being a regular.). Some time after the event I've described (maybe two or three weeks later), I was again standing in line when I noticed the same lady. She was seated at a table. She spotted and recognized me. She smiled and gave me a little wave.