No sure thing !

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What Sheepdog, you haven't seen the chicken thing? Guinea hens are the worst. It might not be a full three minutes but this wasn't a news story. I've seen this stuff. Any farmers care to back me up? Or whatever, it doesn't matter if you don't believe me. However, a third hand story of a headless body doing much of anything is bs, and funny bs at that. Maybe there was some kind of magic powder involved. Maybe it was a beheaded vampire.

Actually, I have seen the chicken thing! My parents own a ranch and I got to do plenty of chicken killing back in my junior years.
So yes, a currently inactive farmer here to back you up.

My comment about the thread getting interesting; was just that. It IS INTERESTING! HAHA!
Well thank you two for backing me up! Yes, beheaded people discussions do make for interesting threads. :D It's fun to see what people believe and also to see what random facts or experiences people talk about and wonder why they know these things. We're kind of anonymous. Makes it a bit like multi-cultural, drunken charades.
Any farmers care to back me up?

We just did a dozen hens, we put them in a kinda netting leaves their head sticking out, put head down cut it off net keeps everything nice and clean. Then dip and pull them durn feathers...

Years ago I was hunting turkeys a kid with us shot a huge tom in the head. That tom started dancing all over, the kid paniced and jumped on the turkey :) was soon covered in blood and feathers. We were laffing so hard had to hold each other up.

Pigs usually lay there stiff and the legs twitch rapidly :)

Is but nervous activity.
The really important question is whether the flavor of the chicken is better or worse if it runs around after beheading.

I haven't done the experiment, but my money is on worse, I think. ;)

(And I can't believe this thread is still open...) :p
Yes it is worse. Tastes like stressed out chicken. Hard to describe. If you notice, several moderators have jumped in. Seems to be an enjoyable thread. :D

I wanna see another round of "women are naturally inept with guns and only shoot for their fellas. None I know have collections either." Maybe we'll get some cool entertaining pics and a throw down!:D
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Yes it is worse. Tastes like stressed out chicken. Hard to describe.

Ah dang. I would have thought that all that running around would have dissipated the stress and made them taste better.:cool::D
Some of my earliest childhood memories involve chasing a headless chicken around the yard. Seriously.

Pax, were those chickens related to Johnny Depp? :eek: We may have a trend here! :p

I have memories (nightmares actually) of being chased by chickens. I always smile when eating McNuggets - more dead chickens! :D
Wow, after all these serious reports, I'm feeling like a need a light saber. But how would one conceal that? Does Galco make a holster yet? And should you go right for beheading? If I do, I'll make sure to look 'em in the eye and keep yelling at them when the rolling head stops so they care hear me until they're really really seriously dead. :barf:

(just once, I wanna be the thread killer)
Well, dangit. I contributed to the thread drift, but drift it is ... and that means it's time to close this one. Headless chickens are a very long way away from the thread topic, after all.

So I'm closing it. But I'll leave you with this:

Thanks for the laughs, folks.


[Edit: And in spite of rumors to the contrary, it's proof that moderators really do have a sense of humor. :D --Capt Charlie]
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