No sure thing !

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As far as the discharged after a week part. You would be amazed at what good doctors can do. I was hit in the chest from a few feet away with a 12 ga sawed off. It was a miracle I survived. I was home 6 days later. Sore as all get out, but I was home none the less. 2 days after the chest tubes came out I was good to go home.
PS I have the story of that in my post history with the picture to back it up.
IIRC it's adenosine triphosphate that keeps a chicken going after you cut it's head off ! I'll have to warm up my kukri to see if it also works for people .:p
Here's a link to m&p45's story. Just to save other folks from having to search...

As far as the head controlling the body after it's been severed I know it can happen. I saw it on one of those pirate movies! ;)
Google this

Sabouro Sakai Japanes pilot shot in the eye with a 30-06 (exiting out the back) Leaving him paralized on the left side, flew his plane home and lived to fly again also survived the Hiroshima bomb. During the French revolution observers would snach heads from the guilotine's basket to find some still looking around grusome to say the least.
I heard of a guy who was shot 131 times in the head and lived. I just dont believe 99.9% of stories like this. A .357 mag to the heart and the cop lives. Later you find out it was a bullet fragment that hit her heart without penetrating deeply.
Simple fact is no drug changes the threshold of the human body dying.. only the tolerance to stimuli (pain). And this guy would have survived getting shot 21 times even if he wasn't on a drug.. he just would have whined a little more.
Anybody kill a chicken for supper by cutting the head off. The body can run around for ...what seems like a long time in seconds...
Anybody kill a chicken for supper by cutting the head off. The body can run around for ...what seems like a long time in seconds...

That's because a chicken's brain and spinal cord are build differently than humans. Like Glenn alluded to, if you miss part of the brain (the stem in particular) it can still send signals to the nerves to contracts muscles. This is what happens in chickens. They are not conscious of this. The best way to explain it is that the last thing the brain knows is panic and thus tries to flee. So that's what it's doing when the head is severed. If part of the brain remains, it is still acting under its last signal of panic.
Kgcpr - do you have a reference for that? It that the Stacey Lim story -$33691

If so, it does sound like she was seriously hurt.

20 times eh? Sounds like I'm going to need that bigger clip for my 92. :cool:

btw- on the head thing, I heard the same info, the brain lives for about 17 seconds. The topic was on the morning radio just this last week. I think Sefner has it pegged!
OK now this brings up the subject, Is there a drill where you can practice disarming an ax welder after your head is cut off?

Man some funny stuff comes out in these forums.
Watch the movie Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp.

In that the Headless Horseman is taken under continuous musket fire with many good COM hits. Doesn't phase him.

Probably needed a phaser.
Sefner said:
This is what happens in chickens. They are not conscious of this. The best way to explain it is that the last thing the brain knows is panic and thus tries to flee. So that's what it's doing when the head is severed. If part of the brain remains, it is still acting under its last signal of panic.
Umm... not exactly.

There's no need to invoke the emotional state of the chicken to explain this. :D

It's not a matter of the last thing the chicken "knows" or "feels." It's a matter of what motor reflexes are present at the level of the spinal cord vs. higher levels of the central nervous system. In an intact nervous system, those spinal reflexes are inhibited by input from higher levels. So when the chicken's spinal cord is severed, spinal motor reflexes, including some reflexive locomotion, are disinhibited -- and the chicken may run a few steps. (Locomotion in birds is more stereotyped than in mammals... more of a reflex thing. The chicken either walks or it doesn't, pretty much. John Cleese, on the other hand, can do silly walks, which require more control at cortical and subcortical levels of the brain.)

When the doctor taps your knee, she's testing one of your spinal reflexes. One of the possible abnormalities is that the "knee-jerk" reflex is a lot stronger than it should be, which would mean that "circuit" isn't getting the right inhibitory signals from farther up, perhaps because your spinal cord is compressed at a higher level, or because something is amiss with one of the higher "centers" in the brain that does the inhibiting, and it's not sending out the right signals. Oversimplification, but that's the general idea.

But I have no clue about how Johnny Depp's nervous system works.
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Ever killed an animal of any kind? Each dies differently, some lay down and it is over, some retain body movement to the point they could fly. Lest it is this way on wild pheasants. I hit a few in the heart, they went straight up like a helicopter. Head shot folded up, some layed there, some flopped for awhile.

I imagine it is the same for all living things. In other words cant tell what will happen.... til it does.

Saw a guy shoot a pig 5 times, pig was getting upset. I was going to cook that pig. I took the .22 and shot it in the head right in the dead zone, pig dropped right there, we cooked him up.
Police officials say Alvarez got into a fight as the party broke up, then wrestled a gun away from the man he was brawling with, and fired as many as four shots at officers.

Police fired shots that killed the other man, wounded three innocent bystanders, and hit one officer in the hand and another in the chest
What a meleé‼
It sounds like this Alvarez guy was probably shot a few times and the other 'wounds' were probably grazing wounds or exit wounds. We'll never know because of inaccurate news reports. The MSM loves to sensationalize shootouts▬especially shootouts involving police vs bad guys.

He [Alvarez] was probably grazed by 20 bullets.. The mainstream media will still report it as being shot :rolleyes:
If he was 18 or 19 years old, they would have reported him as being a child..
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