No sure thing !

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This is an interesting story showing that there is no sure thing when it comes to being shot .Hit twenty times he is discharged from the hospital a week later.:eek:
It also shows that it's dangerous to be near a gunfight as three bystanders were hit and two officers. One officer was hit by another officer !!!
So forget the idea that you can instantly stop and instantly kill a B G .
This guy must have been on PCP or a similar drug that's the only way he could survive this. I heard a story about a guy on PCP who was beheaded with an axe and survived long enough to take the axe out of the executioner's hand and kill him with it.
Ray33 said:

I heard a story about a guy on PCP who was beheaded with an axe and survived long enough to take the axe out of the executioner's hand and kill him with it.
Discharged a week later?

Must not have required any kind of major surgury to repair serious wounds. Bullets that don't hit vitals can't be expected to perform miracles.

They should have fired SteelHawk bullets at the bad guy.
Rampant Colt,

What is so funny about my post? I don't see how it should be shocking that the incident i refered to happened. There's nothing someone motivated and on certain drugs can't accomplish.
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I suppose he got all of the messages out to his muscles before the command central nervious system was completely cut off his body.
Ray33 said:
Rampant Colt,

What is so funny about my post? I don't see how it should be shocking that the incident i refered to happened. There's nothing someone motivated and on certain drugs can't accomplish
Surely you can't be serious
And don't call him Shirley!

The guy had peripheral wounds. No brains or major blood vessels blown out , according to other sources.

Your head lives for about 17 sec after being cut off. Or so I read in some study.

There's no way a beheaded guy took the axe away from the executioner and killed 'em with it▬PCP or not

..and where did this alleged beheading take place, Iran? Saudi Arabia? Why was the person being executed tweaked on PCP?

It's plausible that a person was shot 20 times and survived.. I thought Ray33 was joking in his first post

And stop calling me Shirley! :cool:
"Your head lives for about 17 sec after being cut off. Or so I read in some study."

So how does the head hold the axe?

I thought the axe thing was a joke, too :(

Glenn, how does one prove that the head lives after it is beheaded? And what defines "live"? 17 seconds is enough time for a beheaded head to think "Damn that hurt. Oh hey I'm - OW! Falling to the ground hurt more than the axe! This is nothing like the movies! Well... nothing to do except be a head now, I guess... soo... I hope that revolution thing works out ok. That Louis guy behind me in line seemed really ****** about something. I wonder what it was. Kept muttering something about the number 16. I wish I would stop rolling around down here, dirt keeps getting in my mouth. Oh well, not like I have much longer to live. Sure is -"

Anyways :p Can the head feel anything, is it capable of thought? Maybe if the head is on PCP it can live for 30 or 60 seconds.
Supposedly, a French scientist who was going to be beheaded said that he would practice blinking at a rate of one per second. This was because there were previous reports that some heads had made interpretable lip movements after the axe.

When he got the blade, he blinked 13 times or so.

Later, studies were done to see the pain of various methods of execution. This was to determine if a particular method was a cruel and unusual punishment - Constitution, you know. Various methods were tried on sheep. Supposedly, again, EEG readings were taken from sheep that were beheaded and they showed activity that you would see from a conscious noggin out to 17 seconds. BAAAAH!

I make no claims about the science behind this - might be baloney. Someone can research it.
I wonder how many times Samurais fought with headless opponents after they were beheaded in battle.. :rolleyes:
Perhaps the brain may function for a few seconds after being severed while blood is still in the brain vessels, but the motor functions of the body should immediately cease once the spine is severed from the brain stem▬especially standing and fighting back, which requires balance and hand/eye coordination!

There are plenty of stories out there of people getting shot multiple times before expiring or ceasing hostile actions due to blood loss. Rifles included. Many times the victim was shot with FMJ bullets or riddled with tiny birdshot, further decreasing the chance for fatal injuries.
Depends on spinal reflex paths. I forget this stuff. I'm not sure there is enough control in mammalian spinal stuff to keep you up.

Ok - talked to the neuroscientist next door, unless the decapitation left a touch of brain stem, you are dropping and no coordinated action. With a touch of brain stem, you might last a bit.
There's nothing someone motivated and on certain drugs can't accomplish.

There are plenty of things they can't accomplish. PCP and/or similar drugs do not turn people superhuman. They just have the ability to keep certain messages from the body getting back to the brain for a period of time. Messages like, "you have been shot in the chest and stomach 6 times, all your organs are dead." The muscles will still retain enough oxygen for a short amount of time to continue to fight.

As for the beheaded body chopping off the executioners head. . .

Did you actually think about what you are claiming?:confused:

What you are inferring is that certain drugs can create a telepathic link between the head and body, even when severed.

The spinal cord delivers all messages from the brain to the body. Damage to the spinal cord is generally what causes paralysis. If it is severed, there can be no more communication period.

Im not going to pretend I have any idea how long a human head might live after being severed, but I do know, that there is absolutely no way a headless body could act on its own. And there is no way a bodyless head could do anything harmful.
I heard a story about a guy on PCP who was beheaded with an axe and survived long enough to take the axe out of the executioner's hand and kill him with it.

Gotta be true, I red it in the internets....

My nephew is in Afganistan, was in a fire fight a few weeks ago, one guy was shot in his eye, exited out the temple. He is doing OK cept for the eye sight. My nephews buddy (joined together) was killed tho. Nephew is ok and back in the command center or base. Not all head wounds kill. :) but I do belive when the entire head is cut off the body has no control.

I have seen head shot animals move and twitch for awhile, not one got up and took the gun from me tho. Am I on borrowed time there?
Hit twenty times he is discharged from the hospital a week later.

I understand this really happened... But exactly how many volunteers to get hit with 20 shots from a 45 are out there?

This story doesnt give enough details to draw any conclusions other than the person who got hit was being shot at by people who couldnt shoot or it was this persons lucky day, possibly both.

Practice, practice and practice some more & buy enough gun and the appropriate bullets for the job at hand.
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