You're not going to be attacked by a paper target either. The argument "I don't expect to be attacked by a bullseye" doesn't hold water.
I've shot my share of bullseye over the years. Its a very different discipline than active shooting, and other than reinforcing the basics, does nothing for you when it comes to other disiplines. It may only be a paper "person", but it does teach you a bit more than a rather sedate, 6 o'clock hold on a round black target with fixed aiming point, over and over.
None of us, barring MILES type military training, is able to practice in a way that properly reflects how the fights may go down.
Actually, these days, pretty much anyone can practice like this, even right in their own homes, and its cheap too. Its called Airsoft, and in many ways, its more realistic than MILES, as you actually get to use all your own gear, and a gun that realistically mimics your actual carry gun, and you get hit with something to boot when you screw up.
Referring to people who enforce adherence to stated rules as "range nazis" is disrespectful and foolish.
Not always. There are more than a few RO's who fit the "range nazi" thing, and I've run into more of my share of them, and a number of times, I was one of the other RO's on the range while they were there pulling their crap and I was sticking up for the targets of their ire. Just because the person is a range officer, doesnt give them the right to be a jackass, and more often than not, they become more of a problem safety wise, than the people they are harassing.
From what I've seen at many ranges, and understand talking to the owners and operators of them, insurance is the number one issue in most cases. This isnt just a rapid fire isuue either, and often goes as far as tell you what targets you can or cant shoot at, or anything that might be percieved as "bad".
Fear is also a very big issue. Mostly the fear the range will be shut down, and the need for fearful to try to appease those they are afraid of. If they feel your part of this is not conductive to their appeasing, you will become one of the targets of their ire.
Your best bet is to find a place that you can shoot how you want, and just bypass all the naysayers all together. It may take a little work, but you'll be a lot happier.
Then again, I do somewhat miss screwing with the "range nazi's", just to watch those veins in their necks pop out. How can pulling the trigger "once", be rapid fire? And the gun is not broken, it was made to shoot that way. Funny thing is, "they" cant seem to figure out how to work them, or keep the rounds out of the roof when they "try" to shoot them.