Do you have a light mounted on your gun, or use a handheld?
I have a first generation HK licensed Insight UTL on my USP .45 Expert with Mepro adjustable night sights. I have a UTLII on my USP .45 compact with Mepro night sights. I have an Insight LAM 450 on my Mark 23 with a Knight's suppressor. I have an Insight m6 on a GG&G adapted USP .45 Tactical (Silencerco Osprey suppressor pending). I have a GG&G adapted USP .45 with an other Insight M6 and Mepro nights.
pic of the Expert, the Compact and th Mark 23 before the LAM and suppressor
Mark 23 suppressed w/ LAM
Tactical before any mods
No pics of USPf .45...
Typically, the nightstand guns are the USP compact and full size .45. Though the other HKs are nightstand equipped, if they were used to defend our lives, they would be confiscated for evidence until the case was closed. I'd rather not expose the more costly guns to careless third party impoundment. After this fact occurred to me I stopped using my more exotic pistols for home defense or discreet carry; no more extra potent calibers or cartridges either.
Edit: as I continued to read this thread and the subject of hearing protecting emerged, I was drawn back to a conflict I've had with myself relative to home defense with suppressed fire. It seems that suppressed fire would be preferable since clearing a house at night with ear protection seems both unlikely and inadvisable. But, I wonder if in the event of suppressed fire, that LE and the judicial entities would leverage the use of such a device against my interests; as if I were some mall ninja wannabe.
I am conflicted in this since a suppressor is a classIII item and might be perceived as an aggravating component. Were I to face a jury, would they understand the dynamics of firing a .45 acp in confined quarters sans hearing protection? Could they be convinced it was deployed for OSHA grade protections and not to leverage extra deadly force on the perp?