Night time home burglary....

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It's a shame alot of people aren't familiar with their guns any more than this homeowner was. Take them out and then we no longer have to spend tax dollars on housing them I'n the prisons and jail. What a wSte of money for so many. Alot of people will also throw a rock thru a window and see if a light comes on. If you get prepared and lay and wait. May be like hunting. If you turn on a light, the just go down the road to another until it works. And people learn to shoot!
I know Castle Doctrine won't always save you. But in this case a group of individuals he doesn't know forcibly entered his home and were advancing up the stairs to where he and his family were sleeping in the middle of the night.

In my opinion, he was safe to make an honest statement to the police.
farmerboy, preventing potential future crimes is NOT a defense for homicide. Making statements like you did in your last post is NOT likely to make your defense attorney happy, in the event you ever are involved in a shooting.
The number of times I read of homeowners who shoot multiple times in home invasions and no one is hit surprises me. Between forums and The American Rifleman there is no shortage of gun owners who can't shoot accurately. I think I will go out tomorrow and practice!
NOT preventing future crimes but taking care of your own business in your own home and protecting you and your own family when and if the need arises. I really feel most people are scared to take care of business or they dont know how to handle their firearm.
When shooting and killing teenagers , even if they are armed there is no good outcome. I remember a story about some guy in Ohio. He was on his front porch, drinking with a friend about midnight. A few young thugs came up and tried to rob him at gunpoint, he was armed and shot one of them. The one he shot also happened to be the youngest a 15 year old boy. The neighborhood people were ready to just about form a LYNCH MOB and go after this guy for defending himself.

In this specific case I think you had the best outcome, no one was killed, bad guys in Jail. Another thought on why he may have missed, it was dark and MOST revolvers do not have night sights. Not that he would have hit with night sights, but it may have made things a little easier.

In this situation, I probably would have done the same. Multiple bad guys, not good odds shoot first and ask questions later. 1 intruder I might be more apt to give ONE and ONLY one command after blinding him with my flashlight to hit the ground.

In regards to giving statements to the police, ESPECIALLY in the area where I live which is very anti gun; I think I would probably be apt especially if I shot and hit someone to offer to come to the police station in the morning with a lawyer and make a statement. Part 2 of this though, is it a crime ( I know ever state is different, I mean in general) to ask to give a statement at a later time with a lawyer in tow and not answer questions at the time of the incident?
Not to get off track here but to the lynch mob. It wouldn't be the only bullet that i had. If you had to defend your house, property or yourself even if from a teenager, you still have the right to defend yourself. If others then want to retaliate , well then you have a right to defend yourself again. I really don't think it matters if a person is a teen, middle aged or older, if you really mess up and someone has the right to do whatever they need to do then should they be charged for having to defend themselves later? I don't think so!
Part 2 of this though, is it a crime ( I know ever state is different, I mean in general) to ask to give a statement at a later time with a lawyer in tow and not answer questions at the time of the incident?

I think the 5th amendment would cover that. But the Constitution doesn't seem to carry the weight it used to.
To answer questions at a later time with your lawyer? Sure can, just set I'n that cell and have your lawyer come visit you and then answer our questions for us.
they have no right to hold you unless they make an arrest(sometimes they have 'outside grounds' to "hold" you while they continue their investigation(example: minor warrant). Some people don't even understand this many times while being interrogated. I'm one that might say something(depending on what I felt and whether right or wrong). It would be short and sweet or nothing at all though.
Yea just like you're innocent until proven guilty too huh? Scenario-police arrive on scene during an argument. Boyfriend and girlfriend arguing over mans other female friend then woman states man grabbed her by her throat. He never did and no witnesses. Cuffed and hauled to jail ancharged with domestic violence. Has got to get a lawyer( they don't work for free) may get dropped may not but all this but suppose to be innocent until proven guilty. You can be held for 72 hrs and charged with nothing
farmerboy, in most instances, shooting somebody who has ceased to present themselves as an immediate threat is not considered self-defense.

And, in most instances, people survive handgun bullet wounds.

You sound like you advocate private executions. Again, not a great idea, from a legal or ethical point of view, and a horrible idea, as far as things you can post on a public forum.

I also have to wonder just how good your shooting is, when you are in fear for your life. It's not the same as hunting, unless you have found yourself face to face with a charging predator, at close range.

Kind of like anybody can fly a plane on a good day. Flying a plane with an engine failure or fire, in deteriorating weather... that takes a whole different level of skill, plus some intangibles.
Those simple mind brats were lucky that home owner did no have a shotgun.
2:30am ringing the door bell...... Then breaking in.?.....Stupid is what stupid does..
I am more than willing to defend myself and my family against intruders, bad guys, ne'er-do-wells, and anyone else.

I am also truly, sincerely, fingers crossed, hoping I never have to shoot anyone, ever. That doesn't mean I won't if we are threatened. I will not shoot someone who enters my house and I then catch walking out with my television. I will tell them to put the TV down and get on the floor, but if they choose to keep going I am not going to shoot them over stuff my insurance will replace. I am truly sorry if that position disagrees with some of you, but perhaps I am just not as eager as you to shoot and kill someone.
but perhaps I am just not as eager as you to shoot and kill someone.

I am not a moderator but I can tell you this kind of trash isnt usually welcome here. How can you assume that we are all some sort of blood thirsty villans just waiting to down someone?

The people that frequent this forum tend to be some of the most law abiding and friendly individuals you could ever want to meet... Except for that AL character. :p

In any case let me recommend a screen name change and a rethinking of this post.
If the guys, teenagers, or whatever age they are, come
into my house at 2:30 am, they are getting shot! Period!
I worked hard for what I have, whether its a tv set, sterio,
whatever! Its in my house, and its MINE! Would I shoot
some goofy kids that are in my house, and stealing my
stuff? YOU BET I WOULD! I cant understand some of
the ninnys that come on forums, talk about burglars
breaking into their houses, at NIGHT, and then say "Well,
I just couldnt bring myself to shoot that kid, just because
he was stealing my tv!" I guess if he had progressed to
raping your wife, what would you do then? Geeezzzz!
I think the homeowner did right. no one knows the state of mind or the intentions of the intruder.. Its not worth taking the chance. I dont want to be on the front page of my local news paper with the title saying homeowner was shot and killed because he wanted to see if the intruders that broke in his house in the middle of the night were a threat. Not me my friends, if you break in my house you are considered a threat to me and my family and I will shoot to put down. a threat has no age there are 15 year olds with guns and don't think twice about shooting someone.. If you love your life and family then you got to think about what is your priority .thinking twice can result deadly..

I am not a moderator but I can tell you this kind of trash isnt usually welcome here. How can you assume that we are all some sort of blood thirsty villans just waiting to down someone?

To me anyone willing to kill someone walking out the door with a TV, and showing no aggressive moves towards them, is a little blood thirsty. I will kill if it comes to that to protect myself, my loved ones, or my friends. For a TV? Sorry no. I choose not to do that, you choose to do that, you are no more right than I am.

The people that frequent this forum tend to be some of the most law abiding and friendly individuals you could ever want to meet... Except for that AL character.

Perhaps they are. But talking on a public forum about KILLING people for stealing stuff seems extreme to me.

In any case let me recommend a screen name change and a rethinking of this post.

Nah, I like my screen name. And I suppose if an alternative view isn't appreicated I can always be banned.

You see this is still the United States and differing view points are supposed to be welcome. It doesn't make me anti-gun, or anti-second Ammendment. It just makes me a little less willing to kill.
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