New puppy for home security.

Hey Bullet, just saw your picture. What a beautiful puppy! Awesome looking dog. I noticed the size of his paws ... lookout (that's where I messed up on size, my puppy had huge paws). First vet trip: Vet- You know this is going to be a big dog. Me- How big? Vet- at least 110, 120 pounds. Me- your joking? Vet- No, I'm serious, look at his jowels and look at the size of those paws. Well, 140lbs later, the vet was sure right! (my puppy had HUGE paws though). he got way bigger than we planned but we wouldn't trade him for the world. He's our 4th kid.

Many, many years ago I was dating this gal that lived in the not so great part of town. She had two super-trained dogs, they were Dobermans. One was a male and one female. She had worked at Marineworld as a trainer of their Orangutans and Leopards. She had scars to prove it.

These dogs were so well trained that they wouldn't touch a piece of raw meat thrown in front of them until she gave them the "go" command. If anyone tried to break into her house while she was home, these dogs were trained to kill, period. An intruder would be in a fight for their life. If she invited guests in, fine, but you had better not been a stranger.

I remember the first night I was invited to stay over. I woke up in the morning and had both Dobermans' muzzles inches from my face. They were not growling or doing anything except stare at me. I had no idea where the gal was. I tried to call for her in voice that could be best described as a loud whisper. I didn't want to spook the dogs. She finally came back to the bedroom and the dogs went back to the living room. She laughed that my face had turned as white as the sheets. She was lucky I didn't soil them.

I never spent the night there again.

My 10 year old Lab is has keen senses, a loud bark and wouldn't hurt anyone. A while back I got into a fistfight, well I schooled a 20 year old kid about driving recklessly and disrespecting short, bald, middle aged men. When it was all over I asked the neighbor kid who had grabbed my dogs leash what my dog was doing during the "fight", The neighbor kid said my dog was standing behind me. Not in front of me protecting me, behind me. Well, at least he barks and wakes me up ( every time there's a possom in the yard )
Sorry, not a very good pic, to lazy to search.

"Dakota" on left is 16 yr old GSD/Lab bitch. A#1 dog, Smart as a whip. She's on thyroid and seizure meds but in pretty good shape for her age. Still outrun the pup, "Turbo". He's shown here in his winter coat, looks like a freakin' bear! He was a stray and consensus is he's a "Labradoodle". When he clipped for summer you can definitely see the Poodle in him. At 4 yrs old he's still too laid back, very loveable.

Probably replace "Dakota" with a GSD of SWMBO's choosing.

Great looking dogs posted here folks! Thanks.

Stay safe.
My daughter's 10 month old, shih-tze/poodle mix is a great little watchdog. The little gal absolutely goes off whenever she senses anyone on the porch or in the yard. Although it was never intended as such, she turned out to be the perfect early warning system as well as playful pooch for the kids.


Unfortunately, she developed hip dysplasia a few months ago. It's hereditary from what the vet told me. We just got her back from hip surgery yesterday. Cost a fortune in vet bills (had to sell off my prized 686-4 and a 22/45 to help fund it), but it was the right thing to do. She's got her whole life a head of her. Besides, I've grown attached to the little gal myself.
The world's fiercest watchdog. Just ask her. :rolleyes: But seriously, she has made it her mission in life to keep me safe. And she actually scared somebody off recently who came to the door.

Dempsey (the red Irish terrier) barks louder, but Sasha has the instincts.



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This is Moses. We call him Moe. Just try to break in and steal that tennis ball. Seriously, Moe is 100lbs. and he takes his job as head of security VERY seriously.

H@%% No!

Moe keeps his ball , i keep my hand....
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I found my people at the local Humane Society two months ago and I rescued them - dunno what breed they are but I get the idea they're mixed breeds with ancestors from all over Europe - sometimes mixed breeds are the best -


I'm doing the job that took these two to do before -



They did their best but, I'm a lot tougher - pound for pound -


That big white snake was coiled up on the bathroom wall ready to strike, but I did it in before it could do damage to my people !!!

Man, I love these dog threads! Too many wonderful critters to comment on.

Ten (GSP), Misty (GSP), & Son at 9MO (now 5YO):
Ten, sadly, is no longer with us. He was a wonderful dog.

Max (Dobe) and Daughter at 3YO (now 4YO):
We got Max a year after Ten died. He is 9MO in the photo and not quite full grown.

Both Max & Misty love the stuffing out of both kids and want to be wherever they are. They like me & my wife, too, but the kids are their focus. Both kids can give them simple commands.
Magnum Wheel Man, +1 on Norwegian Elkhounds! Of all my dogs so far, my elkies have been consistently the best at providing warning barks at night. Nothing negative about other breeds to be inferred, but I've had great luck with this breed.
Yappy little dogs with huge ears,,,

Nothing slips past them,,,
If someone is in your yard they will let you know.

Best burglar alarm system there is.

Wow Jfruser, Max's looks like he's all business. Brings back memories, had a Dobe as a very young kid, he would sleep on my bed too. God bless dogs, gotta love em.
I just wanted to chime in on this very important subject. Dogs are great at alert barking, which is what most of us want. While the idea of having a protective dog to add another layer security is a good one, it does require lots of training for both dog and owner and should not be confused with DVG and Schutzhund. Which are not personal protection training. Think of dvg and schutzhund as the various pistol and rifle sports around that are about shooting but offer little usefull training for real world. I would hate for someone to go and buy a schutzhund dog and expect it to protect them, only find out it will not perform becuase the dog only does what it does under a controlled set of circumstances. Say with the aggressor dressed in his obvious bitesleeve and exadgeratedly waving about a whip or stick.

Lastly becuase you have what is considered a protective breed, doesent mean that all dogs will be. Case in point, I went to clients house/office to deliver some heavy truck parts. The office in the front part of the house and you are expected to just walk in. There was a Boxer(protective/police breed) on the porch on a tie out, and a boxer and large Pitbull in the house with the secratery(wife of owner). As i approched the porch the outside boxer looked up at me and gave what I perceieved as a alert bark to his brothers inside. he proceeded to keep barking at me, yet as i approched he sniffed my hand and other object and eventually licked my hand. I went inside and was greeted by the other boxer and the pit, both of which were barking at me, but after a few seconds started sniffing and licking me. Tho if i moved they would bark at me. When i approched the secretary, who was sitting, i the pitbull went inbetween me and the secratery and the boxer took up a position to my right.

Now the only protective thing that happened was that the pit gave a low warning growl if i got to close to the secretary(his hackles were not raised, it was a low growl that i percieved as a warning) the boxer to my right proceeded to bark at me as the Pit growled. I feel that these dogs would not have done much other then bark at a intruder if one had broke in later. Tho there is the remote chance that i was one wrong move from a 2 way mualing.

All im saying is, just becuase a dog is a protective species dosent mean it will, same thing for the non protective ones, like the pitbull, which is not considered to be a protective species, was very protective.
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BigBill, my sister-in-law and brother have one of those, although theirs is probably slightly smaller than yours and not *quite* as aggressive looking as yours is in that picture. Papillons are *great* watch dogs -- intelligent, alert, and aware. Actually, IMHO they're great dogs period. ;)
Bill Cosby said it best

I think Bill Cosby said it best in one of his records. About little dogs being good burglar alarms.

"Hey, somebody's in the house. My leg's wet."

A dog does not have to bite to be a good first line of defense. Just wake you soon enough that YOU can decide if biting is appropriate, and get whatever biting tool (12 gauge, baseball bat, etc) you prefer to use and to call 9-1-1, send up flares, start spreadin' that Jello, whatever.

Lost Sheep
Pics of Mines

The first one is them two together.

The second is Saidi.

The third is Ranger while I was visiting him before he got work-release under my custody!


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Male lab/Rodesian mix is three years old. Female lab/boxer mix is nine.

Both chased a wild boar out of my yard once, and aren't afraid of NUTHIN'.

The males bark is almost as frightening as a round of 00 buck.
Just acquired a third canine warning system...

... in my absence.

Called home from the sandbox the other night, and the lady told me she'd encountered a stray dog her last few visits to the boarding stable where we currently have two of our warmbloods. In my lady's words, "I'm starting to get attached."

So... asked her to take the dog to the vet, check for microchips and ailments; if that turned out ok, asked her to have vet or techs handle the stray while we introduced our smaller, more aggressive dog to her; if those tests passed, asked her to verify it was ok with the landlord.

Microchip came back positive - microchips are great things - but my lady called the owner, and learned that Lola's owner's elderly mother had just moved in with her, and she couldn't keep the dog any more. Guess the elderly mother must have been fragile. So Lola's owner brought crate, blanket, toys, bowls, and leash to our place.

Canine warning system now consists of a 9.5lb, 10yo Jack Russell (the boss of the pack); a 45lb, 9month American Bulldog/German Shepherd/Samoyed mix (gotta love the new DNA tests the vet can run for breeds in a rescue dog); and a 50lb, youngish lab/pointer mix (according to the former owner; to us, she looks more like a pit mix).

I don't think any burglar in his right mind would want anything to do with our house at this point. Three sets of barks, and 1.5 sets of effective teeth... Not to mention the armed farmgirl, when I'm gone.

Makes me much less anxious about being 8.5 time zones away.



PS can't post pics, because I can't access picasa from this location. Sorry.