New puppy for home security.

Here is mine... you can tell he was up all night guardin...its a tough job.

All the dogs & puppies are great. I like my G/S Buck at 103 pounds he's a hand full. Buck is a TRUE sheperd in that he gets edgy when he can't keep my wife and I together in the same room. Buck stays in the house most of the time. He does request a PERIMETER check every 3/4 hours, front and back. I pity the NUMBNUT that breaks into my house. Mygila
"Never trust a man who doesn't like puppies"

I never trust a man my dog dont like. Happened once, guy came to look at a horse I had for sale, dog didnt like him at all. Turned him down, learned later he bought a horse but his check didnt make the grade.

I have 6 German Shorthair pups for sale right now, 4 Adults roam my property and keep it free of varmints, 4 legged and otherwise. One dog I have will bite a guy, he was mis handled as a pup.

Them Goldens will raise a ruckus, if you have kids that type of dog is very protective and a hoot for the kids too. My son is 8 and he has his own dog, I dont worry about him when that dog is by his side.
A dog is a great choice. Our yellow lab we used to own gave us a good heads up one night. If you have any questions about training your dog let me know. If you have never had a well mannered dog you don't know what you are missing.
This is Moses. We call him Moe. Just try to break in and steal that tennis ball. Seriously, Moe is 100lbs. and he takes his job as head of security VERY seriously.

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Here's my security system:
She's a 50 pound Black Mouthed Cur that I rescued from a shelter when she was just a 3 months old.
She has many protective instincts, as well as her Bear hunting, tree climbing and beating up 2 dogs twice her size, ability.


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I have a miniature jack russel at the moment, a good hyper dog for my little boy.

I'd love to get a south african boerboel though. Big, imposing, but gentle and very protective dogs. I had a pair growing up, and they were amazing dogs.
She's on full alert status, though, when FedEx or UPS rolls by or stops here.
My pound adopted Border Collie tri-color mix is also very protective and smart. The UPS/FedEx guys keep trying to give her treats, but she refuses.
She spends most week-end near my 4x4 chasing turkeys, deer and elk.

Her name is Cinnamon and she's 9.


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Every mix breed I have seen that has the germain in them and up with all of their amazing qualities. Barks that will stop most in their tracks and the alertness usually reserved for the little breeds. I would not be surprised if your pup hits 90 or so. My old friend was a germain, greayhound mix and ended up looking like a short haired germain. He was 75 pounds and could run as fast as the horses next door. Train him young and you will be surprised at the things they can learn. Only down fall is going to be the labs destructive phase until he is about a year and a half old. I call it being "mouthy" meening everything that can be chewd on will be. Invest in a ton of tennis balls and very hard rubber toys, anytime he starts chewing on something just give him the ball and tell him to " chew on this" over and over untill he gets it. Any questions just PM me I have trained alot of my own and friends dogs over the years.... P.s som germains have really bad anxiety and seperation problems when you leave them alone. I have a couple tricks for this as well. Enjoy that great mix.:D
got 2 house dogs Bichon & Bichon poodle cross ( they are content in the house, & don't shed ) our male ( Buster ) thought he became the guard dog for the farm, when my "outside dog" a Norweigian Elk Hound died of old age a couple years ago, he now stands at the window, & barks at anything out in the yard... keeping the squirrels at bay ( the Elk Hound was the perfect outside dog, he had a terrible mean sounding bark, but didn't have a mean bone in his body )... we went through a couple outside dogs after Buddy ( the Elk hound ) died, an old Rottie ( for example ) all of which we got from the local shelter... Rottie ( named Big Girl ) was old when we got her, & she only lasted a couple years... but we now have a new kid on the block ( Cody ) a white German Shepard & Huskie cross... that lived in town before we got him, a house dog that outgrew the house... he was 2 years old when we got him this summer... he sticks around the farm pretty good... only bad thing, is he won't bark ( must have been disiplined for barking too much while he lived in town )... he looks the part though, & the little house dogs bark enough for all of them... & having both inside & outside dogs are our 1st & 2nd line of defence against unwanted intruders
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About five years ago, I was living in an apartment and we had a break-in. Stole my (at the time) only gun (a chief's special) that was given to be by my mother (which was given to her by her mentor) when she got assigned to office duty with the Sheriff's Department. Also, all of my girlfriend's (soon to be wife) deceased mother's jewelry. So, we decided to get a dog for a deterent. After a good bit if effort, we decided to get a pitbull puppy. I found a ADBA registered breeder and got a puppy with bloodlines that reads like a demon's resume. Long story short.... The girlfriend holds the puppy like a baby for the entire drive home. Carried the dog around she was to big for her to do it. Now the dog is our baby. Although she has become a daddy's girl once I started letting her sleep in the bed. Despite being a baby around us and handful of other people, she will bark ferociously at anyone that knocks, comes near or comes inside the house. She loves small children too. However, anyone that is male (other than myself) is advised not to entire our home without me being there or her crated. The point is dogs will act as trained/treated BUT they still have instinctive traits that will surface. Also, keep in mind strong dogs need proper handling and care. My little girl (52lb pitbull) has knocked one of my teeth loose (the gum healed up and nothing happened) bent eyeglasses several times, wrenched my shoulder pretty good and other minor mishaps while playing innocently. Be certain that you are able to control your dog.

I'll try to figure out how to post a pic from my iPhone later.
I give up on the pic, unless someone can tell me how I can directly upload it from my iPhone's "camera roll" into this thread. (This post is being done from my iPhone as well.) Oh well.
Golden Retriever

I was herlping our local Pd out at Christmas time and saw a 8-10 wk old Golden Retriever puppy in the street eating candy from the previous days parade. Little fellow was starved, so I picked him up and put him in the squad car. My wife gave him some corn bread and milk. Five minutes later he was asleep with his head in the bowl.

That was eight years ago. Now he weighs 110 lbs and woud bite Jesus. He's smarter than a lot of folks I know and he thinks everything on this place is his to protect. Especially the corn bread and milk lady. You would have to kill him to stop him.

I have a 2 year old GSD that I'm about to have to let go. She is well trained, except that her and my older boxer mix do not at all get along. The trainer I've used has said that it is a dominance issue would probably not get better. Because of my job, I don't have the time to dedicate to training her, so its best to let her go to someone who can. Hate to, though. GSDs are wonderful animals!
Dogs are a great idea for home security, but I like to combine that with other deterrents ;).



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I can't say enough good stuff about "Charlie", our 60 lb mutt. We picked him up from the pound when he was 9 months old. He immediately became our protector and barks only when someone is approaching the house.

He is super quiet patroling the yard at night. We can hear him huffing and puffing as he cruises the fence line looking for coons, rats, possums and anything else.

The grandkids can sit on him, pull his ears and in general, bug him but he knows they are part of the "family".

We will really miss him. He has cancer now. Just had surgery. Don't know how much longer. For nine years, he waits every day for "Susan" the mail carrier and just goes ballastic when she approaches the front door.
However, if I am outside washing the car and Susan comes by, he wags his tail and greets her.

That dog will always give us enough notice to arm ourselves in the middle of the night if we have an intruder. I do know that it doesn't take much to silence a dog tho. A steak, poison or some other distraction. We still trust him with our lives.
This is Funny, my dog is now 6 but we got him as a puppy, his name is Buddy ... he is 1/2 Golden Retriever, his other 1/2 is Bernese Mountain dog though. We thought he would weigh about 90 lbs too (mother was Bernese and weighed about 90, father was a retriever, they come in about 70). The dog grew to 140lbs!!! Best dog ever though, very lovable, great around kids, ect. Clues in on every noise though and doesn't like strangers. He has a bark and a growl that will scare anything. I came home late one night and he was in the garage, he's almost all black and is invisible at night. I came across the front yard and neared the driveway. This loud menacing growl came out of the garage and sent an instant chill up my spine. I called out his name and said 'Buddy, it's just me'. Then this huge happy friendly dog came running out of the garage with his tail wagging when he heard my voice. If I'd have been a stranger, I think I would have dropped on the spot. He has a deafening bark too, drives you nuts sometimes because he can have a lot to say but no sound outside escapes him. Shepard and retriever should be a good mix too. Both are smart dogs, both make good pets (hard to beat retrievers for friendliness), both have very keen senses, and it will be a large dog with a good bark. And yea, I'd bet about 80 lbs. Should make for the perfect dog.


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My insurance agent once told me that statistically you are twice as likely to be burglarized if you do not have a dog in the house. Don’t know where he got his data from but it rings true.

Especially the corn bread and milk lady. You would have to kill him to stop him.

It’s funny how dogs will "imprint" on one member of the family more than others. One of our dog worships the ground my wife walks on and for the life of me I can't figure out why; perhaps it’s the biscuits and gravy.:D

Seriously now, I think he would kill anyone who attacked her and he could do it too, he’s the 44 Mag (had to put a gun reference in, this is a firearms forum) of the Dog world, 175lbs (and growing) of Mastiff, all bone and muscle, pound for pound he’s physically stronger than any creature I’ve come across.

Here he is with my daughter when he was only 150lbs::eek:


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Congrats on the new addition, Bullet94. That puppy is adorable.

Most dogs make a great added level of security. Not mine, I'm afraid. I've had people stroll into my house (invited, of course) and sit down next to the dog before he noticed that someone new was there. The good part is, though, that when I am away, he sits infront of the glass door looking outside. His mere size is enough to give most a second thought about any mis-deeds they might be thinking, though he is so gentle and loving I'm not sure he would get too aggressive under most any situation.

Here's a pic of my super-security system. As you can see, it's mobile and works away from the home, too!


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