New puppy for home security.


New member
I’ve read a lot of threads saying to have a dog for home security. My stepson has a Beagle/Dachshund mix named BO that is about 10 months old. Well today I bought another puppy for myself and my wife and for a playmate for BO. His name is Buddy and he is 9 weeks old and a German Shepherd/Golden Retriever mix. We bought both of these dogs from animal shelters. I believe Buddy should weigh 60 to 80 pounds full grown. What do you think of this mix? I don’t expect Buddy to be a guard dog but just a pet that will bark if someone is on the prowl and wake me up and or give me some time to defend my family. 60 to 80 pounds of German Shepherd/Golden Retriever bark might detour some bad guys. It’s been awhile since I had any dogs but they truly are mans best friend. Below is a picture of Buddy.


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As a dog lover I have to say good luck with Buddy, and I hope you have many good years together. Yes, I agree a good dog can be a deterent from the run of the mill thieves. A pro will OC the dog or whatever it takes to gain admission to the house when you are gone. While the house is occupied though, a dog bark will wake you up.
Dogs are a great deterent, alert system and just plain good companionship.

I've trained mine to bark at anything in the front yard and enspecially anyone at the door.

They bark so loudly that the FedEx guy waits on the curb...
It sounds like you have realistic expectations of this dog. Has you said you were going to try to turn it into a super-protective dog, Id have been concerened. Not sure what, if any, expereiance you have with larger dogs, but make sure Buddy knows who the boss is early on. An 80# dog can do a lot of damage.

That is a nice-looking pup.

My newest pup is doing a decent job as a warning system, and may grow into a deterrent of sorts (GS/AmBulldog/Samoyed cross, of all things...) but at present his warnings come at a cost: when he gets excited, he pees...

Hopefully, you will avoid that phase.

Good luck, and enjoy your new Buddy.
I love the Dog

Congrats on the new one and I too am a Shelter Getter.

My house has a Yellow lab who is about 45lbs and slightly skiddish so she makes a good Watchdog. My dog is an 80lb AmerBull who after the little one barks will wake-up stretch then go sniff all the opening and Let loose his BARK if needed. Like stated before the SA a dog brings is unquantifiable and a comforting sound to the GF alone at nights when work calls.
I have a Rat Terrier and a Border Collie Terrier and they bark at EVERYTHING. They could see a fly land on the mailbox from the window and start into a frenzy of barking.

They are very good alert dogs.
I love him, I'm sure he'll make noise and some of it will be worth looking into.:eek: I have a dynamic duo to watch over things here at my home. If you try to get in here you'll have to get past Moose and Squirrel! Good luck on that one. Since I started typing they've barked twice and been outside to check on things twice. Moose is still outside he's my dominate one. See picture attached... How would you like to meet up with that!:D

Sorry for the fuzzy pic its from my cell phone...:barf:


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The bad guys scoping out the neighborhood will choose the house with no dogs, all else being equal. As long as the thieves aren't after something in particular (your Van Gogh collection!), the dogs should be a great deterrent.

And, if my dogs will take care of the alarm, I'll take care of the protection.
I have a Black Lab/German Shepard. He is a little over 2 yrs old and about 100 pounds. He is a nice gentle house dog and a great watch dog. He will let you know as soon as somebody comes off the road into the yard.
Most people seem scared of him just because of his bark.
He is very protective of my wife and daughter, not so much with me. I guess he figures I can take care of myself...:D
If I were a crook, I might break into your house just to steal that adorable puppy. ;)

Seriously, he'll probably make a decent watchdog when he grows up, if not necessarily a guard dog. (They're different things.) I'll second what everyone else has said about starting training early, and not expecting more from the dog than is reasonable. But it doesn't sound as if you do.
We've got an Australian Cattle Dog (mostly; the rest is from a very good family) and she's incredibly protective. Recognizes friends and their cars, and is VERY loud when they're unknown, day or night.

Oddly, Tasha doesn't have any issues with the mailman, trashtrucks or schoolbusses. She's on full alert status, though, when FedEx or UPS rolls by or stops here.
I am not sure your size estimate may be 100% accurate, we had a 3/4 black lab, 1/4 german shepard, he may have been a freak of nature, but he weighed over 100 pounds and was at least 3 feet high, taller than my mom was when lifed on his hind legs, scared the hell out of people when he would come running down the lane barking... until he layed down at their feet and rolled over so he could get a tummy scratch.