New members - please introduce yourselves here

Hello from Italy

hello All,my name is Giovanni (john) and live in Italy,I love hunting and the outdoor life. I collect American firearms,American traditional bows,American knives and American belt buckles,like the charging of cartridges and use only equipment made in USA.Sorry for my english but helped me with the translator.
Hello fellow gun lovers,
I'm Bill from Ark. (formerly MN). I just learned of your site, and thought it might help loll away the long winter evenings. I've hunted for years and done a fair amount of shooting, so your site should prove interesting and helpful.
Thanks, Bill

I like reloading every kind of ammunition, pistol, revolver, shotgun & rifle.
I regret not being able of reloading for big ordnance gun!

My best regards.

New Member & special request

So exceited to be a part of this forum. I am the husband of a beautiful woman and the father of three beautiful girls. I have been a huge supporter of firearms rights and freedoms for as long as I can remember, but have only recently been able to carry concealed since I live in the state of Wisconsin. Thank you Gov. Walker !! Been carrying concealed daily since the law went into effect a little over a month ago.

Looking forward to spending time in the forums!
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Howdy TFL,
I'm just a redneck hillbilly from swampeast Missouri, looking for others with the same twisted interests in guns and shooting. I'm looking forward to spending time with you all.
Heya! I'm an Okie who loves shooting! Whether it be hunting or just plinking on a slow, boring day! I hope to get to know you all, and maybe learn a few things along the way:D
Hi guy here. Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm not new to guns but new to home ownership as well has owning a gun in my own home. I have recently taken possession of a S&W model 39 I inherited from my father and am going to get my CHL soon. Been married just over a year, no kids yet and my wife seems to be supportive of guns in the house, though my father in law never had any while she was growing up. We'll see how it goes when the collection grows a bit.

Anyway, I'm glad to be here- you all have built a community here that houses a ton of info and I look forward to learning from ya'll. Thanks again.

Edit: also a big "Hey" to all the other new folks around here.
I am back!

Just wanted to say that I am glad to be back on TFL after being away for more than 11 years. I look forward to reading and contributing to the various posts on the site.
Just joned today. I'm in WV, and I'm a fan of guns. I own a few, from .22s to 45-70 and .410s to a 10 gauge. I've shot many different firearms and am looking into start reloading.
Self educate

I'm learning how to navigate this website. I'm not experienced with blogs or forums. :)

I have become very curious about guns and gun politics lately. I grew up around guns and all the people in my family were gun collectors, but I never asked them any questions. Now I am very curious about being educated, responsible, safe, and ultimately having fun. I read some posts on your website, and it seems there are some great replies to peoples honest questions. I learned a lot about the the misuse of the term "assault weapons" in the media, etc from this website. Very informative information.

I apologize if any of my questions seem ignorant, but I have only ever shot revolvers and single shot rifles and have never really concerned myself with gun politics until recently. So here are my questions:

Do gun enthusiasts generally agree that machine guns should not be sold on the market for individual US citizens, along with other weapons, like land mines, bazookas, grenades, etc. Is there a line people draw in regard to the ownership of types of guns? It seems that the 2nd Amendment is clear about "shall not be infringed", although there is also the part about being "well-regulated". There is also the concept that the guns available back when the Constitution was written were single shot weapons. I know that modern day protection is not about muskets anymore, but I am curious as to the various opinions within the gun community. I am NOT asking this to be combative, I merely want to be informed. Is there a general consensus among collectors, hunters, and enthusiasts that have some belief about what is sporty, protective, and constitutionally limitless vs. what should be regulated? Do they agree that felons should not be allowed to buy guns? Do any gun advocates feel like the NICS is a good idea? Did I open a can of worms??

Then my next question is about ammunition. How many bullets can any gun shoot before it has to be reloaded? Does the way a gun load make it more dangerous, like I have heard in the media? I cant imagine that is possible. A good link for educating about ammo would be greatly appreciated. Any information is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

[huddos, welcome to TFL. This thread is for introductions only. Look around the board for the best area to ask your questions in one of the discussion sub forums. Use the search function for some extended reading. - Bud Helms]
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New Old Guy

Grandpa Tom Here!
My Call sign "oldflathead' desribes the older boat engines I rebuild here in Pensacola, FL.
I am a collector of sorts, bunch of muzzle loaders, hand guns and smoke poles. I shoot my sporterized M98 Mauser, 30-06, Winchesters M97 & 94, Marlin 22 + numerous handguns, favorite S & W M1917 revolver .45ACP.

Originally from NE MS, enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1955, a great adventure between the wars. Firefighter in SoCal 30 years, retired and now living by Bayou Chico. Just returned from hunting my Bro's land in NE MS. Got one 7point 250# buck - Good eating.

Local gunners give a call 572 1225
