New members - please introduce yourselves here

I hope you guys are ready for a tidal wave of questions :)

I plan to expand my firearms knowledge a lot over the next few years before I start seriously collecting rifles and pistols :)
Hey everyone, new here from the midwest. I love hunting, fishing, camping, golf, football, and automotive restoration. I have a few guns in each category so Im looking forward to the wealth of information and hope i can contribute.
So Cal.

Hi all
I'm in southern California (3rd generation) and been shooting about 40 years. The last 8 or so I have been loading my own in 357, 44 & 45acp. I managed to survive the 'know it all, hey this is easy" stage and now take loading and reloading much more seriously. It's a great hobby and there's a lifetime of things to learn. I think, at times, I enjoy it more than shooting. I have a Dillon 650 with toolheads for every caliber I load and powder drops for every powder I use. I take a chronograph to the range and have a great time, mostly just BS-ing with the folks I meet. Truth be known, I'm just not that great a shot. :o I'm starting to get interested in long range target shooting and may have to get a 338 or something in the near future.


My name is Tom. I am from Delaware. I crave to learn more about guns as my knowledge is rather limited. I have never shot a gun but will be very soon.:D I hope to mae friends and absorb knowledge about guns. Thanks.

Hello everyone, my name is Kurt (aka Kaboh). Figured I'd log in and say Hi.:) I have just inherited a nice Savage 6a 22 and a Winchester model 94 from my Grandfather. I know both were purchased before WWII. Both are in perfect shooting order and shoot a helluva lot nicer than my Marlin .22 and my new model 94.
I am a shooter and have some solid experience with a number of platforms.
But mostly I whittle a lot... knee deep in the snow of Northern Michigan.

Hi new to the site.
I'd like to ask a question. Could anyone tell me why my New England Firearm
in .243 cal. breaks open after each shot. I've checked the barrel it seams to be tight while closed. The gun fires great and accurate. But it just opens after every shot.(Without pressing the breakdown lever). Thank You Matthewdew
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Hello. I have been "lurking", getting lots of information. Decided to sign up because I think you guys need a woman's point of view.

I am interested in all types of firearms, and have collected a few. I mainly just plink, and practice for home protection/self defense. I have a concealed permit.

I just got the 22LR conversion for my Sig P220. Unfortunately it was really messed up, and the whole thing had to go back to SSI.

My interests include flying, motorcycling, enjoying Colorado's great outdoors, my dogs and horses, silversmithing. I am an old broad who likes to have fun.

I have already learned a lot, and I am glad to be a part of it all
Just saying hi

Just wanted to say hi to everyone here. I am a former U.S. Marine and avid shooter. I own several firearms in several calibers including .22, 17HMR, .223/.556, 303, 308, 30cal, 30calM1. I am just getting started reloading for two main reasons. 1) accuracy. 2) The new California ammo laws that requires vendors to get my thumb print when I purchase ammo. Big brother already knows way too much about me and what I do.
Hello all! Ive been searching a while for a good firearm forum. I need it, seems i cant quit buying guns ever since i broke my foot in august. Just bought an enfield no4 mark 1, and needing some info bad. I hope i can be of some help to someone here, and visa versa! thanks for having me!
Another New Guy

Hello, all. I've been a firearms lover for as long as I can remember, an owner for only a few years and have recently expanded the collection considerably.

As I go through and clean up the new (to me) ones, I'm sure questions will come up. Hopefully I will be able to provide some info back for others.

Happy New Year!
Hello Everyone

My name is Norm and I live in the state of Washington. I grew up on a farm in Iowa and started shooting when I was 10. I hunted a lot in my youth, but lost interest at about 40, but I have always enjoyed guns and shooting. I am now 61 with blurry eyes but I still enjoy target shooting.

I joined this forum because I was able to get so much good information from it when I was recently in the market for a light pocket pistol. Ended up with a Sig P238 and it is a honey! Another reason I like this forum is that unlike many other forums, civilized language is used here. Of course, I've always known that gun owners, as a group, are more responsible!
Hello all

My name is Brannan Stewart. I'm now 30 and have grown up around firearms of most shapes and sorts as plinking and hunting was a large part of my upbringing. I've got a small assortment of shotguns and rifles in my collection and recently decided to take a larger interest in handguns. I've put more ammo thru my dads S&W 39-2 9mil and Ruger .44 Super Blackhawk than I can remember. Decided that it was time for some of my own. Recently purchased a S&W Sigma .40 that I look forward to getting comfortable with as well as a Colt Mustang .380 auto (I was finally able to get the wife interested in shooting). Been lurking in this forum as well as the S&W forum, learning lots and getting some great insights so decided that it was time to register. Fortunate enough to reside in Indiana where our laws are looser than most others.
New Here

Hi, been lurking for awhile on this sight (as well as others) and finally decided this sight looked the best to join.
I've been shooting most all my life, stopped when I moved here to Georgia, but recently I really feel the need to start again.

Sold my pistols acouple years back (now I need new ones :D), and I am thinking of getting into reloading (my brother does alot in Alabama).

Anyway, glad to be here and a part of this great forum.

New Guy Here

My name is Glenn. I live in the congestion of northern Virginia. I've been around firearms for many years. I used to go out on my uncles farm as a kid and shoot his firearms. My fondest memory as a child was shooting an old bolt action 30-06. I just ordered my first pistol. It will be used for home defense and practice at the range. That is a discussion for another thread. Look forward to hanging out around here and gaining some knowledge.
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Hello to everyone!

I'm very new to this and I posted a question about some old Winchester rifles in the C&R section, so I hope I did it correctly and that's the right forum. Thanks
New guy from Texas. I'm 42 and been shooting off and on since I was 5. Hopefully I won't have too many questions!