New members - please introduce yourselves here

Hello everyone, my name is Phillip Evans, a lifelong Georgian, and I've been a gun-rights activist for a few years now. I've been an active member of Georgia Packing (other members there also post here) since 2010, so I'm not a noobie when it comes to posting on firearm forums.

I have a blog at
I'm a member of Georgia Carry, Florida Carry, and BamaCarry.

Ammoland has published a few articles of mine.

Hope to get to know some of y'all!
New Here

Hey all. I've used your great forum for a while now to try and learn more about firearms so I've decided to join up and actually engage in the discussion.

A little about me: I'm 31 years old, married, four children all under age 12, very new to firearms (but doing my homework). I currently work as a mental health counselor for severely disabled and terminally ill children. I'm located in Pennsylvania, which, thankfully, is not the WORST state for gun ownership.

I was never into firearms at all when I was younger. A few years ago my grandfather, a former Green Beret and avid hunter, fell out of a tree while trimming. He fell about 15 ft and landed on his head. Being in his 80s, he never recovered and deteriorated over the following year until he passed away. During this time he gave me one of his rifles, a .22lr Winchester 190. I enjoyed the gun very much and this got me interested in handguns and rifles. I've since given the gun back to my mother after my grandfather died because I'm much less attached to it than she is.

I am still learning about firearms but this is becoming a huge hobby of mine. I enjoy more than anything, customization, cleaning and maintenance, and gunsmithing. Even more so than shooting! I do currently have my concealed carry permit, however I do not have a pistol that is appropriate for carrying concealed.

I am very happy to be here and a part of this community. Looking forward to learning and expanding my gun knowledge here on this forum.


Saying Hi!

Hi guys! Just thought I'd re-introduce myself since it has been a long time since I was on here last...:::cough::: 10 years! :::cough:::

I live in Maryland and having gotten more into long range shooting and shot in my first PRS competition last June down in VA. Getting more into reloading also, so i'm sure I might end up picking someone's brain about something :D

Looking forward to be around more this time around!

New guy here from Missouri. Do a lot of target shooting and thus a lot of reloading of 9mm. I own a Glock 19,Walther ppsm2le,Ruger sr9c,Walther ppk/s .22.
Hello all,

I'm new to this forum, but not new to guns and shooting. I did a lot of shooting, mostly indoor range paper target shooting with handguns and some trap shooting too, in my 20's, but got out of the habit until just recently. I've been having a lot of fun rediscovering one of favorite hobbies again. My introduction back into the hobby/sport, unfortunately, was finding out about California's dreaded "Roster". I was flabbergasted at how many handguns you couldn't buy in California now, and that this has been going on for years. All the new models I've been reading about in recent gun magazines and seeing on t.v. shows were not available to residents of California. I'm still shocked and very disappointed by the whole thing. I recently joined the NRA and the CRPA (California Rifle & Pistol Association), and I was looking for a good resource for various gun questions and information, and I found this great forum. Anyway, I am quickly trying to get up to speed with what is going on in the gun world nowadays, and I am so glad to have found you all!
Hello from the P.R.K.

Dave here from the Peoples Republik of Kalifornistan. Was born here in 1960 and have slowly watched as the Golden State has mutated into the Little Shop of Socialist Horrors. With the Demonrats firmly in control, due in no small part to their pandering to/pampering of Illegals, Welfare Bums, the Homeless, etc, I have been slowly but surely planning my escape from this sinking ship of Liberal Losers, Triggered Snowflakes, Antifa Scum, and SJW's. I truly believe that there is no hope and will be escaping to Free America (Idaho) within two years.
Hello all, my name is Scott, I’m in my 50’s, and I am from Utah. I have been reloading since I was 18, took about a 10-yr. hiatus and started back up close to a year ago. I mostly have been reloading rifles and large pistols. I recently have started working up loads for the 9 mm, the 45 ACP, and the 380 ACP which has directed me to this site which I have found the members to be very informative.
I love to varmint hunt, big game hunt (with a bow), and anything else to do with shooting. I sure wish this site had been around when I first started loading, heck, I wish the internet was like this way back when. Is what I am basically saying is, thanks and kudos to the people that put this together and keep things real. Thank you for giving a guy like me a place to come learn some new things.
Hey! New member here...not sure how i got this screen name...and not sure how i change it to be the same as on other forums??? Glad to be here and already need help! lol
New 2 TFL

Not new to firearms, but wanted to say hello, again. Was a member years ago but due to first world issues lost track of my account, just signed back up. Not much of a poster but I always enjoy the wealth of knowledge found on this site...
New member, long time lurker.

Wealth of knowledge I like to divulge in on here and try to contribute to

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I'm new to TFL but have looked on here several times over the past few months for information and ideas!!!! It only made sense to join so I can post my own questions!!!! I've only been reloading about a year but have hunted my whole life!!!! I'm looking forward to picking the brains of people who have more knowledge than myself and hope I can contribute to others as well!!!!
Introduction and first question

I've been on this rock for 68 years and for 56 years I've been a shooter. I bought my first 1911 in '76 (a month's salary) and, recently, my fourth (1/2 a month's salary. So a working gun is not an investment, rather a specialist tool that moulds its owner over the years. I have no complaints in this regard - I had a lot of fun sending downrange the 500k-odd rounds of .45ACP since 1976.
BUT, the question. I have been persuaded to try out a .40. It's a S&W SW40F. Slight curve is that it has a SW40VE slide. No cracks on frame, trigger is OK - anything I should look out for?
BTW, this may not be the appropriate place to pose this question and, if so, I'd be obliged for some re-direction.
Doc (aka Filius)
300 Arms - New Kid (Kip) on the Block

Hello everyone,

My name is Kip and I just wanted to pop in to say hi and introduce myself to everyone on the forum. I recently started my company 300 Arms with my wife where we offer custom build ARs & 1911s, laser engraving as well as Cerakote, GunKote and Duracoat services. If you have a moment, I'd love to get some feedback from members on some of the builds we've done and any other suggestions as to what you're looking for specifically in terms of specialty AR parts/accessories. You can find some of our builds and accessories on our Facebook page, We also have a giveaway going right now for some laser engraved AR furniture and accessories if you want to sign up. We really appreciate the feedback and look forward to connecting with everyone in the forums!

Hello guys. I'm just an old medic and Sig owner. I thought I'd best find a gun forum to join before all of the gun pages disappear from Facebook. I'm on 100% disability and so I'm home pretty much all of the time. So I use my time to help people that are separating from the military to get into Private Military Contracting, and helping guys that are already contracting find new contracts when their deployments are over. I do this on my time and don't charge because it gives me something to do. My screen name is my old call sign, so I figured it was appropriate. I'm about to close on a house and 10 acres in an unincorporated part of East Texas, and I had planned to build a range on it, but the previous owner beat me to it. I'm just going to have to improve it a bit for safety's sake. There's a deer stand in the back wooded part. There's my rambling introduction, and I'm glad to join in with you guys.
First post I started reloading and casting in the early 80's . My kids have learned and now grand kids as well as kids that lived close by . Me and my wife shoot hand guns together .I like hunting small game with cap and ball revolvers .
Hi everyone. I'm Jazz and thanks for letting me in!

I've been looking in on the forum for a couple of weeks now and found the threads and members to be very fun and informative. I'm hoping to learn some things. I've had guns all my life but not CCW, which is my latest obsession. :p

I started out cheap, with a used Raven MP-25. (Don't laugh! :D ) I happen to think it's beautiful and fits nicely in my purse. The problem is I can't make it work. :rolleyes: I'm hoping some experts in here can give me some tips. I also have some other similar pocket pistols. Taurus PT 22 .22LR, Phoenix Arms 22A .22LR and my old standard S&W J Frame .38.


So... hello, nice to meet you and have a nice day! Looking forward to being a member of TFL.

Jazz aka Jazzgun
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Hello fellow TFLers,
I'm new here as of today. My main reason for registering is because I read threads from TFL today that were written here in 2002 about a Gun being debut by S&W in 2003. It happens to be about the gun I just purchase yesterday. SW1911 S/N 01xx... I will be receiving it soon and it looks as new as the day it was made.