New Gun Log app for the iPhone

Just wanted everyone to know that there is about to be a new release of Gun Log SPC. It is in review and hopefully be approved soon. 6.0 will have expense reports, which can tell you what you have spent on firearms, accessories, and ammo. It also tallies up the cost of ammo during a range session.
There's only one Droid, too, so it should be a fair fight.

I will never, ever, purchase an I phone, so unless this app comes out for Android, I'll be using something else.
There is no such application for Android /reloading/guns/targets log/, so you can be the first.
I have tried Gun Tracker, Reloading Ballistics, RangeLog, but they are years behind you.
Good luck!
There's only one Droid, too, so it should be a fair fight.


I can whip that Droid with my best coding arm tied behind my back.

Honestly, it is the shear size of the app. It is all I can do to take care of the code for iOS. The app is seriously large.

There is no such application for Android /reloading/guns/targets log/, so you can be the first.
I have tried Gun Tracker, Reloading Ballistics, RangeLog, but they are years behind you.
Good luck!

My brother wants me to go the next level and make a serious reloading/hand loading app.

Gun Log and Gun Log SPC combined do not make a lot of money. It is a hobby, a service, and an income that pays for some computer hardware every three years, and has paid three rifles and a pistol, and ammo. After taxes the money is all gone. Point is, I only get to work on this a few hours a week, when I am not at my day job, or changing the oil in my truck, or fighting a drippy faucet, or whatever else everyday life brings.

p.s. I have been spending the vast majority of my free time studying anything and everything to do with possible weapons bans, magazine bans, and such. I have emailed my representatives many many times, attended the state capitol march last month, and continuously keep the conversation alive on facebook, with friends, and neighbors. Last night I even emailed the President. Just wanted him that I didn't believe that most gun owners agree with him, because I haven't met one yet that does.
Okay, the app has been approved and released to the App Store. Enjoy. As usual the new features are available to previous users, none of this In-App-Update stuff where you have to pay extra.

Please like Gun Log SPC on Facebook and write a review on the App Store.

As long as the App sells I will keep working on it.
I just downloaded this app today for my iPad, and it is very nice! Hope you get enough money for that SCAR you want, very fine rifles indeed.
Gun Log and Gun Log SPC are on sale for a few days. This is primarily for those using Gun Log +P that want to switch over. I know that many of my page views come from users of The Firing Line, and wanted to make a special note to all of you.

Here is the deal:

I offered a period of time for GL+P users to switch for free and a few took me up on that. I know there are several thousand GL+P users that might want to switch, so I am offering Gun Log and Gun Log SPC at a reduced price for a few days.

Anyone can purchase the apps, but this is primarily for GL+P users. GL+P is not currently being developed and I want everyone to have the chance to switch over if they wish, especially while the databases are still compatible.
Apps updated and on sale for Memorial Day

Gun Log and Gun Log SPC were recently updated.
Also, they are on sale for the Memorial Day weekend.

For those that don't know, these apps are iOS apps for iPad and iPhone. They are meant to be range logs first and you can record almost every detail of a firing set.

Also it stores ammunition and tracks usage. You can enter information about off the shelf ammo or details about your hand loads such as bullet info, powder info, primer info, etc.

You can store when you cleaned your weapon last or log failures and malfunctions so you can note which ammo or accessories are associated to failures.

Check it out while it is on sale!
7.0.8 is released and you can now generate PDF files like this:

Gun Log from Skunkworks:

I just purchased/downloaded my copy of IOS version 7.0.8 and I'll reply once I have use it.

It looks great. I do most all of this now with pad and pencil. I'll be one of the cool guys at my LGS Range.
I just purchased/downloaded my copy of IOS version 7.0.8 and I'll reply once I have use it.

It looks great. I do most all of this now with pad and pencil. I'll be one of the cool guys at my LGS Range.

On the main firearms list, at the top near the title "Firearms" there is an info button "i", tap that to find the url for the support site. There are details how to use the app.
I started using it last year now. It is a great way to keep track of some stuff. I like the drop table set up the most. My phone is with me all the time so it is a great plus to have
It took me an entire summer to code up the ballistics calculator. I am glad you find it useful. I wrote it to help me sight my rifle in.
Should I sell the app?

I have been thinking about the future of the Gun Log family of apps. What do you all think about me selling the app, that is the source code, lock, stock, and barrel? If the right buyer could be found they could change the app's pricing to free because the app would be an advertising tool for them. For example suppose Brownells, Cabelas, the NRA, or Remington bought the app, they could put their splash screen on the app, add a page for news feeds, or other brand related news. This is just a thought. What do you think? If you think it is an idea to investigate then who would you contact? Would you contact the NRA, Ruger, Browning, Brownells, Midway USA, etc...?
I just wanted to tell the members of The Firing Line that use my apps there are some product changes currently underway. The Firing Line members have been very supportive and I don't want to leave any of them hanging.

Gun Log +P is no longer available for sale.

Users of Gun Log +P should switch to Gun Log or Gun Log SPC. I will make Gun Log and Gun Log SPC free in the app store until December 20th 2015 to allow users to make the switch.

The reason Gun Log +P is no longer available is because sales of the app do not support the costs of support. Gun Log +P uses iCloud and it appears that it either works with no problems or for some it never seems to work and there is no rhyme or reason to the issues nor is there a clear solution. I have sent my code to Apple for review and the Apple developers said that my code was correct to their specifications, so there is nothing more than I can do.

Also, Gun Log +P does not account for 1/4th of the total sales of the Gun Log family of apps and it accounts for 99% of all support issues.

Please make sure you download Gun Log or Gun Log SPC while it is free. I am doing this as a service to the Gun Log +P users at a total loss of revenue for my company for twenty days.

Apple does not share customer information so I have no way of contacting the users of my apps and I especially wanted The Firing Line members to know.