New Gun Log app for the iPhone

I was just going to ask you if it had long range ballistics calculations.

Very nice!

Now I just need an iPhone so I don't have to steal the wiff's! :D

I updated the blog with some photos so you can see what the app actually does.

If the bullet drops some huge amount the calculation will stop. If not, it calculates out to 1000 yards.

It isn't fancy, but it is useful.
Very good to know. I don't have a smart phone yet but this could sway me from Android to iPhone.

Unless you'd consider porting it to an Android platform that is! :D

I run the app on an iPod touch. I had been putting off the iPhone until it was on Verizon and now that it is I am waiting to see the new iPhone 5's.

Have just started using this application and thank you so much for your effort. A few suggestions that would make it more useful for me:

Could we have an iPad version :-)

+After Make, Caliber, Type fields add a free form field for things like +P and also a field for the SKU/Manufacturer code. e.g. I want to be able to type: "Winchester" "Ranger" "124gr +P" "NATO" "RA9124N" as separate fields. I'm using the notes field in the interim but it is not so useful
+Include a "count" of the number of rounds e.g. bought, fired, remaining and have this connect in with the "Sessions" - that way I know what my inventory is (and at some point in time you could add a reminder to re-order when remaining < x)
+Vendor & Date bought fields - so I can add from which vendor I bought and when


Isn't Android for Electric Sheep ? (Not everyone will get this amazingly clever little sci-fi reference).

Been out hunting for a week and just checked the thread.

I will work on the suggestions. Thank you for the feed back.

Make sure you all have updated your version of the app. Review it as well.

iPad requests still out number Android requests, so iPad has higher priority.
Gun Log 3.0 for iPad

Any chance you can port this to the IPAD as well? Running the tiny screens of the ipod apps is hard on my old eyes.

You wish is my command.

Okay, I finally got the iPad app finished. It is a Universal App, which means it is the same app on the iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad. The "views" are updated to take the space available on the iPad. Orientation changes are now detected as well, but honestly on the iPhone portrait is the best, in my opinion.

For security reasons Gun Log doesn't export your data in anyway. Because of this you cannot share data between an iPhone and iPad version. It is a trade off.

Enjoy this update my friends.
Gun Log 3.1 available

There was a concern about the target view where you view photos you take of your firing session's target.

I went through it and re-wrote it. It was too busy. A scrolling view inside of another, so that the controls could be pushed out of the way. Well now the controls set on top of the picture and just tap and hold and the fade away. They are also transparent which helps a lot as well.

Requests for additional calibers and manufacturers have been fulfilled as well. Especially for the .45-70.

After the next release, which is well under way, I am thinking of slowing down development and going out and doing other things with my evenings.

For $0.99 I think the Gun Log has a boat load of features.

Thanks for all of you early adopters. You helped fund my FN SCAR purchase and I think of the support every time I shoot that fine weapon.

I am considering changing the price of the app after the next major feature release. I am 99% sure that a price change will not affect those that have already purchased, if it does, I will lower the price back down and let it alone. I will not punish those that have done me a good turn.

If a "major" sponsor want to dress up a version I am willing to work out an arrangement and maybe we could get the app to be free or something, or maybe they could fund some features or such.

Don't forget the blog and the users group.

You can always email me:
Chris B, Androids and Electric Sheep? Maybe in their dreams...

Meanwhile, the app seems to have potential. Are there possible security issues? Yes, but that's true of any cell phone, iPhone, iPad, online computer, etc...

GunLog seems to have similar features to MiGuns App for the iPhone and iPad. I saw that MiGuns just lowered its price.
Isn't competition great!

I just read MiGun's support page. Very nice app.

Fields Include: Company, Gun Model, Gun Type, Caliber, Finish, Barrel Size, Purchase Date, Amount and a generous note space area.

• Customize all the fields including the drop-down menus to fit your needs.

• Use the Note Field to keep track of when and to whom you sold a weapon.

• Search any word on any field in your gun collection

Gun Log also has make, model, type, caliber, purchase date, purchase amount, notes.

It seems the driving usage or function for the apps are different. MiGun's usage seems to be based around tracking critical and important information that can be used for reporting stolen weapons or recalling what you paid for a gun, and related uses.

Gun Log was developed around the idea of "shooting". Because both apps store gun descriptions there is some overlap in functionality.

Not only can you take store a picture of your gun, you can store a picture of each configuration of your gun. Also you can store a picture of your targets.

There are fields for group size, point of aim, point of impact, firing stance, and other related firing information.

There is a bullet drop estimator that gives you an idea of how to sight in your weapon and the path of the bullet.

There are reports for weapons, firing sessions, and ammunition.

So, two nicely priced apps, originating around a different usage model, and surely destined to become more and more alike.

Some screen shots of the Weapon Information stored...





But Gun Log is about shooting, recording your results and weapon/ammo failures, maintenance logs, and the relationships of how certain configurations, ammo (including hand loads), all work together.

The goal of Gun Log is to go shooting! These are the results:

Buy the app the fits your needs. At the price the apps cost, get them both!
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Not me. I guess I'm paranoid. But, a paper log works perfectly fine for me - and I don't have to worry about "hackers", "trackers", or gun-haters from California gathering my gun information on devices they create.
At the price the apps cost, get them both!

No kidding; the cheap price of apps is a blessing. Compare to desktop apps costing typically $30 or more. Apple's App Store has eliminated layers of middlemen (distributors) making it possible to sell these programs so cheaply. :cool:

When there are half a dozen apps that serve a purpose I need very much, I won't hesitate to buy several and then compare them. I'm only out maybe $10 for the entire lot! What else can I buy that's that cheap ? A single router bit can cost $50 or more.

When I read user reviews of apps, I'll sometimes come across a review from some ingrate who is downgrading the app (as in, 1 star) because it sells for $0.99 instead of for free. :rolleyes: Astonishing.