New Gun Log app for the iPhone

I really like this app...a lot...and kudos to TFL for helping spread the word! Now if you or someone could develop a shot-timer / course-time analysis app??? :D
Just purchased Gun Log +P for my iPhone. Looking forward to trying it out and giving you feedback. How are you coming along with your sales goal for your new toy purchase?
There have been a few releases of Gun Log and Gun Log +P since the last post.
Passcode added, all kinds of things.

I finally decided that a comparison needed to be done on some apps, so I made a comparison/review blog.

The apps sell consistently and are often in the top 10 of what's hot in the Sports category on iPad.

How are you coming along with your sales goal for your new toy purchase?

As for the funds going to my next toy, as I posted earlier to the forum, I got my Browning 1911 A1 22 that I had been saving for and looking for.

Thank you all that helped make it so.
Gun Log 5.1 was just released. All of you Gun Log users should upgrade! The upgrade is free as usual. No ads, no in-app purchase for new features, you get it all. Enjoy the app.

Gun Log +P will be updated with the new functionality later this summer.
I just got the app a few days ago mainly as a way to catalog my inventory and track serial numbers. One thing I noticed when adding my guns is a lot of redundancy in the options. Things like the option of selecting "S&W" and also "Smith and Wesson" as a make. Same thing with the options of "9mm", "9x19mm", and "9mm Parabellum". Too many redundant choices available.
If you have Gun Log, the new release allows you to enter your own values for the pickers.

The pickers do not have to be used, the fields can be typed into directly. I was just trying to save you all some aggravation trying to type on an iPhone or iPod Touch. It is much easier to type on the iPad. I figured I would take a few hours and type it all in for you all instead of everyone having to do it. Did you notice how many powder types I put in there! :eek:
I just got a message from a valued user that the update crashed and lost his data.
Of course I am freaking out over this. It seems that the Apple App store is having issues.

I posted immediately to the support site:

From CNET:
"We are aware of the issue related to apps crashing after update. We are currently working on resolving the issue. Stay tuned for updates."

In addition to this statement, Apple has contacted developers by e-mail to notify them that should customers have crashing problems, they can be instructed to contact Apple, which will then determine if the problem is its fault or from a bug in the program:

If a customer reports receiving an error when downloading your app from the App Store, he or she can receive direct help from the iTunes Store Customer Support team:

If the iTunes Store Customer Support team determines that the issue lies with your app and not with the App Store or the customer's account, Apple will contact you to resolve this issue.

Please let us know if you need additional assistance regarding your app.

I got this message from Apple Support:

Thank you for contacting App Store Developer Support regarding the App Store.

We appreciate your report of the issue you have experienced with your app and the App Store. Please know that the iTunes team is aware of the issue and is working to correct the problem as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve this issue.

I am sorry. If you have any issue contact me.


If you are not having issues, please contact me. I do not know how wide spread is the problem.
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I'm not sure if my iPhone has automatically updated me to 5.1 (I have GunLog +P, so possibly not), so this may have been fixed already, but when I'm in the "ammo" screen and try to change the "quantity" field, the touchtone-phone type keypad that pops up completely covers the field I'm trying to change, and the keypad doesn't have a "Done" or "Enter" button. I have to click somewhere off the keypad to make it disappear before saving my changes.

Also, if I'm understanding correctly, the "quantity" entry in the ammo page isn't how much I currently have on-hand, it's a grand total of how much I've bought or made since I started using the program. That figure, while interesting, could probably afford to be buried in a report, and it would make checking/updating my inventory much easier if I could just make the quantity entry in the ammo page match what I currently have on-hand.

Overall, I'm liking the app a lot, which is probably why I'm nitpicking about the small things that still bother me, rather than just discarding the app entirely like I've done with others.

The "quantity" field... do you mean round count?
There should be a dismiss keypad button on the top right of the app.

The update issue is with Gun Log, not Gun Log +P.

The view scrolls, so if the field is covered, just drag it into view.

The round count is how much you have on hand when you start tracking usage with the app. You don't decrement the round count when you shoot some, unless you didn't track it with a firing set.
The round count is how much you have on hand when you start tracking usage with the app. You don't decrement the round count when you shoot some, unless you didn't track it with a firing set.

The "round count" in the ammo page doesn't decrement automatically when I enter a firing set, but I do need to manually increment it when I buy/make more ammo, right? That's why I was asking if it's a grand total of all of that particular round that I've ever bought/made, because that's how it appears to behave.

And thanks for the tip about the scrolling fields and the "collapse keypad" button - can't believe I missed that.
The "round count" in the ammo page doesn't decrement automatically when I enter a firing set, but I do need to manually increment it when I buy/make more ammo, right?

Right. Go to the reports section to see current available rounds, rounds fired, stuff like that.
Apple has fixed the problem and all apps that were affected by the issue will show up in the App store with an "update" available. I know for certain Gun Log was affected because all of my devices show an update pending for Gun Log.

Please backup your data. This time the issue may have been Apple's mistake, the next time it could be mine.

Apple Says It Has Fixed Server Bug That Led to Crashing Apps

“We had a temporary issue that began yesterday with a server that generated DRM code for some apps being downloaded,” Apple said in a statement to AllThingsD.

If Gun Log 5.1 crashes on launch after the update, do not delete the app. Check and see if there is another update available. Also, if you have backed up the database, secure that backup. If you don't have a backup, and have not deleted the app to reinstall it, the data is still there, so do a backup as described below.

Here are some more links concerning the issue:



LA Times

I apologize to the users that are effected by this situation. If you do not have backups of your data then the data is lost.
v5.3 is available.

I updated both apps today.

Gun Log +P (GL+P) got a major overhaul. It is now using the updated database that Gun Log (GL) uses.

The focus was on pickers, so you can now enter custom values and do not have to wait for me to update the app with a new powder or weapon manufacturer.

The next focus was on ballistics. This is a shooting app. Yes it does inventory better than most (I think better than any), but it is a shooting app first and foremost. You can now save drop tables with a weapon config and ammo specified and don't have to enter it every time.

Also you can save a drop table without associating it with a weapon and ammo. Just enter sight height, muzzle velocity, ballistic coefficient (G1), and zero distance. This is very handy, especially when a friend asks me to do a calculation for them.

Thank you to the moderators of "The Firing Line" for allowing this thread. The app is completely developed by just me, no others helping. The proceeds have paid for my lifetime NRA membership, ammo, and various other shooting related products and activities. Thank you for supporting me while I provide an app that is useful for those that are "into" iOS apps and tracking their shooting. For the rest of you, a note pad still works just fine. :)