New Gun Log app for the iPhone


New member
I received an "OK" from the moderators to post about my new iPhone app called Gun Log.

It is a general purpose app that could be used to store information about your BB guns, Pistols, Revolvers, Rifles, and even Shot Guns. The range information is not really geared towards shotguns.

There are four areas (four tabs at the bottom of the app) the Weapons, Ammo, Sessions, and Reports areas.

I wrote this app for me back in April and decided to put it on the App store. I use all the areas of the app but you can use the areas independently if you want.

Maybe you trade guns a lot. In the Weapons section you can keep specific information include purchase information and notes. You could have handy what you paid for it, from whom you bought it, etc.

Being a programmer I am a bit cautious when it comes to data theft. The app doesn't use the GPS or location manager. If you don't lock your iPhone or iPod Touch then I don't recommend entering the weapon's serial number. If you are concerned (and that is your business) then don't enter the Make of the weapon, just give the Weapon a nick name that means something to you and use that.

The ammo area allows you to keep track of "off the shelf" ammo or hand loads. Maybe you just want to keep some details of your hand loads so that when you are at the range or in the field you can look at your box of ammo and see the lot number you have placed on it and look up the ammo and see what powder, primer, etc., that was used and when you made the ammo. If you have used the ammo you can see how it performed as well.

I hate typing on these little devices, so I went to a bit of effort and gathered information on weapons manufacturers, ammunition makers, reloading supplies, etc., and put them in what are known as "pickers" so you don't have to type that stuff in. I typed it once so I (and you) won't have to type it again.

The firing session area allows you to create a session, like a day at the range. Then in that session you can create multiple firing sets. So, today at the range I shot my Browning Hi-Power, my PPK/S, and my Ruger Mk II. In the firing set you associate a weapon, a weapon configuration (weapons can have multiple setups), and an ammo to firing data such as group size, point of impact, and other info.

In the reports area you can browse so that you can understand how things are performing. For instance, which weapons have had failures? It would be a pain to go through all of the firing sets and look for them. In the reports area you can easily and quickly find failures. You can see firing sets for a weapon sorted by group size so you can see which set gave you the tightest grouping and you can navigate directly to the firing set and review.

I have made tutorials that show in great detail what the app does and a video showing the flow. I don't want anyone to just take a risk and buy an app. You should have a fair idea of what you are buying before you buy it.

Here are the links that show the app. There is even a users group for discussion on future features or issues. The blog shows how to use all of the features of the app. I want you to know how the app works.

If you do decide to purchase the app, please rate it on the app store.

Since I am a gun guy I hope to use the proceeds towards the purchase of an FN SCAR, or if it doesn't make much my NRA dues, and if nothing else a Double Filet O' Fish with extra tartar sauce. :-)

Thank you.

I just down-loaded it. Will let you know what I think. Glad to see move gun and range apps being developed!
Thank you for your interest in the Gun Log app.

Please let me know what you think. There is a blog and a users group, that way this forum doesn't end up being a support forum. I will watch the forum for comments and respond.

An Android version? The only thing stopping me from doing an Android version is deciding it would be worth it. I regularly program in Java, C#, C++, Objective C, so nothing stopping an android version other than is it worth it to me. The iPhone version was for myself, sense I have iOS devices. The Android version would have to seem promising and be a strictly for profit venture.

All of you Android users, email me, PM, or something, and I will tally it all up and see if it is worth it. I have several iPad apps in mind, but if my queue empties up the geek in me loves to code to new devices so I might get to it next year about this time. Two of my "gun buddies" are also programmers, I will see if they want to do an Android version, if so I will give them the schema to the database to help them get rolling.

So long answer converted to short answer, no Android app anytime soon.
So long answer converted to short answer

answer = (short) long_answer;


I corrected my list to move the Gun Spot app from Record Keeping to Range and Shop Locators.

I also added another record keeping app.
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Awesome app, it really helps me keep track of everything. You really can't beat it, especially for the price.

I don't know how hard it would be to add, but maybe some way to add pictures of weapons or quantity of ammo on hand could be useful.
Thanks for using Gun Log.

I just submitted an update to the App Store.

The update includes a new report for rounds fired. Also it contains new fields in weapon configuration and ammo. In weapon config you can specify sight height, twist rate, and the distance at which the rifle was zeroed. In ammo you can specify muzzle velocity and ballistic coefficient.

Also it fixes the problem where hand load info for bullet maker doesn't save, and makes the data pickers, keyboards, and keypads behave better when you don't dismiss them.

It can take a while for an app to be reviewed, but it should be there in about 10 days or so.
Well, I am generally not a member of the “tin foil hat” club, but since Apple has been caught tracking peoples movements utilizing this device could they access your gun information. Again, just an observation well let me go I have to re-stock my bomb shelter. ;)
but since Apple has been caught tracking peoples movements utilizing this device could they access your gun information.

That’s not true. Apple is not tracking you, but the iPhone was building a database of wifi hotspots around your current location to make it easier to provide apps your current location more quickly than can be ascertained with GPS. I’ve got about 20 apps that use that information to provide me information based on my current application:

Camera stamps location information on photos. Traffic programs start with my current location, UrbanSpoon identifies nearby restaurants. Wells Fargo can tell me where the nearby ATMs are.

What you’re suggesting is that more specific information with your personal locations was being uploaded to Apple with your name attached. I don’t think that’s true.

I suppose the potential is there, but that is true of any cell phone with GPS.

I think you’re right about your needing a tinfoil app, though.
Please go to iTunes and rate the app. It needs enough reviews to show an average. I am not saying how to rate it, be honest on how you feel.

I am not going to be online as much for a few weeks. Got some serious things to do. Go shooting, go fishing, take a nap or too... ;-) Really at work (the real day job that pays the bills) there is a major software release coming out and I am under a lot of pressure and the stress is building.

Or post on the blog

or on the users group

Thanks again. I hope version 2.3 will make you all glad you got in early!
Please review Gun Log 2.4

If you have bought the app, I ask a favor...

Someone did a "one star" review of the app by mistake. It is a mistake because the features mentioned are not features of Gun Log. If you click the reviewer's name link to see the other reviews you will see where he had reviewed a different range log application which does advertise the features that are complained that do not work. An honest mistake. But "one star" sure wipes out the Gun Log. Bad luck for me.

So, if you haven't reviewed the app, please do so. If you give it one star that is fine, just make sure you are giving one star to the right app! :-)


Just checked again, Apple pulled the one star rating! Whew. If I get one star I want to earn it for myself, not because of a mistake.
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How many of the people who use these gun log applications are the same people who spend countless hours blacking out the serial numbers of their guns when they post a picture of them on the internet?

Its stupid, ludricrious moronic to put a list of your weapons onto a device thats very popular for theives to take. when the phones get taken the theives go through it looking for your "convenient' banking applications to get your banking/credit card data so they can go buy the yacht theyve always wanted.
and anything labelled "gun log" would always be stolen. and when they realize you got a musueam of all weapons ww2, they will come do a stop and rob on your house, and then if you put in the names of the people you got anything from, or sold to, those people would be next.

its like giving a pedophile a lsit of all the young children in your neighborhoods with names and photos and addresses and when theyll be home alone.
How many of the people who use these gun log applications are the same people who spend countless hours blacking out the serial numbers of their guns when they post a picture of them on the internet?

Its stupid, ludricrious moronic to put a list of your weapons onto a device thats very popular for theives to take. when the phones get taken the theives go through it looking for your "convenient' banking applications to get your banking/credit card data so they can go buy the yacht theyve always wanted.
and anything labelled "gun log" would always be stolen. and when they realize you got a musueam of all weapons ww2, they will come do a stop and rob on your house, and then if you put in the names of the people you got anything from, or sold to, those people would be next.

its like giving a pedophile a lsit of all the young children in your neighborhoods with names and photos and addresses and when theyll be home alone.

They might just do what you describe. Other factors, such as where you live, might mitigate the problem. Another possible outcome is that after they look at all the data on your phone they decide not to come to your house because they might just get greeted by the muzzle of gun. Who's to say what someone else might do. But I do understand the concern.

My father-in-law had his gun and coin collection stolen. Guess who did it! Youngest daughter's boy friend. (I did not marry the youngest daughter! It wasn't me.)
Just released Gun Log version 2.5

The Gun Log Blog specifies the release details.

What's New in Version 2.5

Bullet Drop Estimator. In a Firing Set or from a Report the bullet drop can be estimated. In a weapon's configuration specify the sight height in inches above the bore axis and the zero range in yards. In the ammo's details specify the ballistic coefficient (typically a number between .2 and 1.0) and the muzzle velocity. With that data a "drop table" can be calculated that estimates the bullet's vertical position and time of flight. The calculations are based on the G1 ballistic coefficient with the standard assumptions of sea level and other variables.