Never go unarmed again

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Never heard of a CO being attacked off duty by a former inmate they were charged with babysitting while the former inmate was free in public.
A couple of observations.

1. "Never heard of X" is evidence of the ignorance (in terms of the straight up definition of ignorance, not in an insulting sense of the word) of the person making the assertion. It is not evidence of the fact that "X" does not occur, is rare, has never occurred, is unlikely to occur, etc. The exception would be if the person making the comment is an established expert on the topic or is able to establish himself as an expert on the topic.

2. When one makes a statement it is incumbent on the person making the statement to provide evidence supporting it, not on others to provide evidence that it is false. Attempting to shift the burden of proof is considered a logical fallacy and also poor form in a debate.

Finally, it does appear that corrections officers are sometimes targeted by former inmates on the outside.

He says they must have been doing too good a job, because on March 5th a man Johnson recognized as a former inmate broke down the door of his home and shot him six times in the chest and abdomen.​

COOKEVILLE -- A Putnam County jail corrections officer suffered bruises and other minor injuries Tuesday when a former jail inmate attacked him, officials said. Now that former inmate, Marcus Wright, 24, of Cookeville, is once again an inmate, charged with assault and resisting arrest.​

WAYNE COUNTY — A former inmate has been charged with the murder of a prison guard. Chardan Whitehead, 24, assaulted corrections officer Edward Pounds during an anticipated use of force, Goldsboro Police said.​

A State Correctional Officer in New York is shot at off duty in an attempted hit
The combat commanders are just too big, plus I don't like cocked and locked concealed on my hip IWB.

That's funny. Mine feels just heavy enough to let me know it's there and how comforting it is.:D

Have to admit, though, that my Kimber CDP2, with it's light weight, is starting to gain some favor----when I carry a 1911.

Most of the time I'll have a Sig. P220 or P229 .40. The weight feels just fine.;)

I was considering that option. Simply Rugged makes a speed loader holder for concealment, that looks ok. Maybe two of them.


I have to wonder what good having a gun would have been at that moment. I had carpel tunnel surgery on the 24th and my hand was stitched and wrapped. Still isn't healing right.

"Never heard of X" is evidence of the ignorance

Funny how I hear of murder, rape, car jacking, home invasion, etc pretty regularly yet never this. While it may not be evidence it certainly makes it less common.

When one makes a statement it is incumbent on the person making the statement to provide evidence supporting it, not on others to provide evidence that it is false. Attempting to shift the burden of proof is considered a logical fallacy and also poor form in a debate.

No it is incumbent upon the person making the initial claim to do so. In this case it was alleged that OC's are at a high risk of being attacked while offduty by former inmates now free while out in public. Until that is proven then your burden of proof has not yet shifted to me. We do agree that it is poor debate form. Remember I asked why and asked for proof. I was given links to CO's being attacked but not by former inmates.

The links you provided were somewhat unhelpful. One occured while the CO was on duty in the prison.

Correctional Officer Edwards Pounds succumbed to injuries sustained two months earlier when he was assaulted by an inmate at the Neuse Correctional Institution. He was struck several times by the inmate and sustained serious injuries on November 17, 2009.

another was a hit ordered by an active inmate via cell phone. The other seems to be a former inmate wanting the OC's gun while the OC was on duty escorting an inmate to the DR.

Look I'm not saying that it can't or doesn't happen. It does appear to be rare just by the diffuculty you guys are having in finding actual accounts of it happening. Sixteen links provided and still little or no proof.

Why haven't you asked the others to prove it? I believe it is because it is reasonable to ASSUME that this is the case. It sounds logical to be so concerned. Still until it is proved it is unnecessary to disprove.
One sentence threw this post way off topic and polarized it. Probably time to close the door on it.


With two family members as CO's you have my respect and understanding.

You came on here with a very legitimate concern and there's been a few 'off topic' ignorant statements made. Consider them for what they are as unfortunately there are some that have zero concept of the character of many that float in and out of the penal system in which you work in daily.

You have every right to be concerned.

So, back on topic.

Are you locked into either a 9mm or 40cal. in a semi auto?

Also, what least capacity weapon would you feel comfortable with?
I used to wear a fanny pack often until I realized that it takes too darn long to present from the pack. You can carry IWB a G21, I know, I do it everyday.
You came on here with a very legitimate concern and there's been a few 'off topic' ignorant statements made. Consider them for what they are as unfortunately there are some that have zero concept of the character of many that float in and out of the penal system in which you work in daily.

Ignorant statements made? Again there has been virtually zero evidence to back up the OP's concerns and you call me ignorant. Thats real intelligent.

I also expressed my respect for the job CO's do. I don't have the testicular fortitude to do the job myself.

That said I will not be called ignorant and other names for simply asking a question. Especially when my question was valid.

You have every right to be concerned.

As does every American citizen. Seems we are far more likely to be victimized by a recidivist former inmate than the CO who watched over them in the prison.

That said CO's are citizens just like us and are just as likely to be victimized by a recidivist former inmate that they NEVER guarded.

I used to wear a fanny pack often until I realized that it takes too darn long to present from the pack. You can carry IWB a G21, I know, I do it everyday.

I have carried my 21 in the small of my back IWB. I couldn't sit without pain though.....very uncomfortable.

My uncle mikes side kick pack is easy to get to the gun. Heck with good situational awareness its faster than most carry methods. I just pop open the gun compartment and slip my hand onto the gun without anyone the wiser.

Heck if not for my fanny pack I would probably carry a little gut popper with some of my Florida clothing.
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