Never go unarmed again

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Yep, and when you imply that (potential) victims are somehow to blame for whatever trouble may find them, they take it personally as well

Sorry you took it like that. I was simply asking a question and giving the only reason I would have (if I was incarcerated) for wanting to get back at someone doing their job as an CO.

I suspect that the danger of an ex inmate seeking revenge on a recognized CO in public is very low. This is why we have only one account (and here-say at that) of this actually happening. We have many more (here-say) reports to the contrary, reports of released inmates being polite.

The evidence provided in fact does suggest that CO's are just as likely as regular civilians to be victims of crime. This alone is reason enough to justify carrying everywhere.

GarryC's encounter which ended his going to town unarmed seems more to do with the up tick in crime and gangs than it does with animosity due to the CO job as evidenced by the vast majority of former inmates who do nothing after release.

As to answer the OP's question.....
What say you to a KAHR CW9 or CW40?

I owned a CW9 and it was a good little gun. I currently own a PM9 and it fits a good niche. That said if I was facing potential gang threat I would opt for a hi capacity firearm like my G19. Since gangs often hang out in numbers the higher capacity could come into play.

It would be unnecessary to change anything as far as preparation against an ex inmate who does wish to exact revenge as I would already be prepared for the gang risk. This provided that I already use excellent situational awareness and remain in condition yellow as often as possible.
Sorry you took it like that. I was simply asking a question and giving the only reason I would have (if I was incarcerated) for wanting to get back at someone doing their job as an CO.

Yes, but you are thinking like a straight person.

Someone that thinks like you is despised and seen only as a "mark", victim, or other terminology in the mind of a criminal. They really don't think like you and the non-criminal world. It's a very warped, self-centered, way of thinking that occupies the criminal mind.

Kindness is a weakness.

Biker, I understand what you are saying. Kinda like trying to understand why a serial killer does what they do. If your brain isn't disfunctional its hard to understand.

Someone that thinks like you is despised and seen only as a "mark", victim, or other terminology in the mind of a criminal.

Now this suggests that I don't fully understand what criminals are capable of. Remember my question of why, followed by my answer of abuse, in no way means I don't think that bad guys do crap for no reason. As I said in my entire life, much of which has been spent dealing with guns and less than stellar pawn clientel, I don't recall ever hearing of a CO being targeted by a released inmate simply because they remembered them from inside. No evidence to indicate otherwise has been presented. I'm left wondering why all the worry by off duty CO's about this particular threat?

BTW to date I have yet to be victimized by those you speak of.

It seems that you are a "thinker". Be careful, or they will promote you to warden.

I don't much care about the why, as it holds no interest to me. I would much rather deal with the here and now and then move on. There were a few cases of CO's being targeted on the outside, IIRC, in the links I posted. Not that there isn't a "bad apple" in the CO Barrel now and again, I just don't think abuse or being "dirty" is the reason for a lot of things inmates do to staff on the inside or the outside.

I've managed to make enemies on the inside. Thinking like a straight person, I don't think anyone is after me. That does not mean however that an ex-inmate won't take the time to settle the score on the outside if the opportunity presents itself.

All one can do LEO, CO, or John Q Public is to be prepared as best they can. Given the nature of the people CO's are around daily increases the danger and liklihood of something happening, even if it never comes to fruition.

Unfortunately, unlike a cop, I have to follow all the restrictions. Fact is, off duty I'm in more danger than a cop. A lot more criminals know me by face.

Why would any former jailbird want to harm the guards after they have been released? The only reason I can think of is to get paybacks for abuse.

Or perhaps paybacks for perceived "abuse". Perhaps Billy the ex-con has a grudge against Mr. CO becuase Mr. CO confiscated his Playboys or because Mr. CO is the one that caught him with the weapon that got another few years tacked on to his sentence. What you or I are willing to get violent about and what the average inmate is willing to get violent about are probably very different things. Remember, these are people who have already demonstrated that they have trouble being a productive member of society (hence the high percentage of repeat offenders). What you and I would probably perceive as Mr. CO just doing his job might very well be perceived by Billy the ex-con as having been "wronged". Whether you intended it that way or not, your initial statement did come off as a veiled accusation.

I suspect that you're thinking the same as I do: if I were an ex-con, the last thing I'd want to do is something that will get me sent back to prison. Indeed, this is how most normal people think, but then again most normal people don't get thrown in the slammer to begin with.
I don't recall ever hearing of a CO being targeted by a released inmate simply because they remembered them from inside.

Who said "targeted", target of opportunity maybe.

Back to the subject, I'm taking a shine to this:

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I carry a Colt Combat Commander in .45 ACP. In it there are eight rounds counting the most important one that's up the snoot. The load is a 200gr Hornady HP-XTP, 6.1gr of Winchester-231 and a CCI LP primer. I've chronographed this load at 832 fps. I don't care how big the bad guy is, two of these just above the belt buckle and he will be a gut holding, quivering mass for a little while. Then he will be real quiet, just like a good boy should be.

There are three rules to follow. Your better judge by twelve than carried by six. Do it right and there will only be one liar in court. Your number one job is to go home at night.

Do it right. :):):)
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I've carried the commander in a jackass rig, or my GP-100. That requires an outer garment, which I don't like to wear if I don't have to. I'm a T-shirt and jeans type. That and the jackass rig takes a minute to put on, I want to just tuck and go.

Likely I'll get it them Ruger will come out with an SR40c, the way it works
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Who said "targeted", target of opportunity maybe.

Garryc, Never heard of a CO being attacked off duty by a former inmate they were charged with babysitting while the former inmate was free in public.

Hope thats better for you.

There were a few cases of CO's being targeted on the outside, IIRC, in the links I posted

Nope. There was a single case in which a former inmate did a drive by shooting. Problem here is officials were unsure whether is was due to the CO's job or the pending testimony someone else in the house was about to give.

Be careful, or they will promote you to warden.

Biker, I wouldn't do your job for anything in the world. I made a trip as a high school student to Raiford Penitentiary for a criminal justice field trip. It was the spookiest thing I have ever done. We witnessed the carnage via photos of the violence they do to each other (and I'm sure you guys as well). They showed us the improvised weapons used. We toured a cell block with guys whistling and wanting to have a piece of your angus.

Between this experience and some reality tv shows depicting prison life, I would never voluntarily place myself in that environment for any amount of pay.

While I suspect your concern over inmates coming after you (in society) is over rated I commend your courage and watermelon sized man jewels for being able to do a job so dangerous.

Remember I have no skin in this game. This started as a question I asked. Then I was attacked with name calling and such. What started as a simple question has become a quest to prove that I'm not the things posted and in fact am correct in my opinion. It was not intentional on my part to insult anyone.
Get More and never go hungry again!

I live in the midwest so we have alot of variation in our clothes over the year. I need to carry deeply concealed for my specific scenario so my requirements may be different from your and I need different tools for the job.

Best way to break it down is get at least 3 pistols over time tailored to your needs.

1. Sub-Compact:
For those summer days you want a muscle shirt and shorts.
Good Options - KelTec P380, Ruger LCP. Throw these in your back pocket in a Nemesis holster and you'll forget you have it (looks just like your wallet).

These things are smaller and lighter than most of our wallets and .380 with 7 shots is better than nothing. Revolvers would be in the 38 Spcl size here.

2. Compact: For fall and spring when I'm wearing pullovers throughout the day. Typically I'm going to carry IWB and not in a pocket so i can afford a little thickness. Good Options - Just about any Compact under the size of a full size combat pistol...Glock 23 etc, 1911 Officer Type. You can go full size here but I'm more about comfort so shave an inch off the barrel, mag, and lose 10 oz. Ruger SP 101 is an awesome revolver in here.

3. Full Size: For Late Fall through early spring. I know i'm going to have lots of layers to comfortably carry concealed OWB.

Full size Glock 22 etc, 1911 Full Size, you name it. These can be stowed away under T-shirts and the like during summer even, but for me this is just a break down of what I'm comfortable with. Break out that Anaconda and practice your best "that's not a gun, this is a gun" line.

Point is, if you have the right tool to fit different applications that fit YOUR needs, you will be more likely to use it day in and day out. You can't drive a nail with a screwdriver, you need a hammer for that...know what I mean?

Never got into the pocket pistols "shoot and run", 32's and 25's. I'd rather just run.
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I have a 3" GP-100 stainless. It does seem to tuck well even without a holster. So, what about that gun in a Cross Breed Holster? Does that holster tend to flatten things out?

It has a black sight held on with a drive pin. I wonder if I can get orange for it. It's not a regular GP-100 sight.
At my age and with 2 kids and a pretty wife, I could care less what others say. My coworkers rib me also BTW. I have found that it is the most comfortable and convenient way to carry no matter the attire. Plus it holds all my money, coins, id, credit cards, so meds, checkbook, and the all to important spare mag. It takes literally 5 seconds to bring all the above with me. Access is both fast and discreet should you need to access without spooking someone.

Once I got past the ribbing its been wonderful. Plus I get to carry larger than normal guns given some attire.

BTW, I have only been "made" twice in over 15 years.
Best way to break it down is get at least 3 pistols over time tailored to your needs.
+1. I'd say that a majority eventually feel this way. Personally I have 4 in my rotation. Seems nothing is ever "best for everything," though my Kimber UCDP comes close.

And I even have a use for the fanny pack. Vacationing without one is a non-starter for me. My carry piece and wallet both go in it in front of me. Takes pickpockets out of the equation.
I'm figuring the 3" gp100 when I'm wearing a coat and so is he likely. The SR9c in spring and fall when jackets are worn. Then the P 64 in the heat of summer.

Being stuck with FMJ in the 9x18 concerns me a little. HP's expand at he cost of penetration, gang bangers tend to be real tight when they get out of prison. I was watching one work out awhile back and I was wondering how much of that bullet energy would be eaten up getting through that chest muscle.
I was watching one work out awhile back and I was wondering how much of that bullet energy would be eaten up getting through that chest muscle

I had one like that.

Made me go back to the 125 grain JHP for a spell. The load puts out 624 foot pounds of energy out of a 4" barrel. I might lose a little energy with the 3" barrel, but it's still more energy than any other caliber I care to carry.

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