Never go unarmed again

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I live in a small northern Ohio city. To our north east there is a city that has fallen into ruin. To our south east is another well on that path. Gangs are running wild.

In my town there has never been problem. As of late I've been seeing more and more persons wearing gang style clothing. Recently I've seen some gang graffiti.

Yesterday I came out of a small store and ran into one of these types. He obviously knows me from the prison. He had some lip, but being alone he did nothing. I find myself wondering the what if's. What if he had his posse? What if my wife was with me?

I never bothered going armed in my town, that has now changed. I will pack always. I'm looking at my P63 and thinking that it's a little inadequate. The combat commanders are just too big, plus I don't like cocked and locked concealed on my hip IWB.

What say you to a KAHR CW9 or CW40?
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Are you a corrections officer? I bet that could potentially lead to some problems with the local misguided yoots.

The Kahrs are good, but they have single-stack mags. Are you only interested in a Kahr? A Sig 229, Glock 23/19 or Springfield XD-series will give you a significant number of extra rounds in a similar sized gun.
Over 9 years inside the wire, and I NEVER go unarmed outside. I have great difficulty understanding staff who do not carry off duty, considering the inmates we have inside are fewer than the inmates in training that are outside the gates. Sorry to see it come home like that, but you got a wake up call that didn't cost you anything, use it.
I've been in corrections 17 years. It was only a matter of time before you had that problem, having something on your hip when it happens is very comforting.
Anything you carry will be better than nothing, but if you go single stack an extra mag would be nice.
Unfortunately, unlike a cop, I have to follow all the restrictions. Fact is, off duty I'm in more danger than a cop. A lot more criminals know me by face.
The CW9 is a great gun for the money. Light, easily concealed, accurate, and easy to shoot. I carried one for a while before going to a 9mm 1911 CCO (I carry a 9mm 1911 on duty) and never had a bit of trouble with it. If I had a need I wouldn't hesitate to get another.

Personally I don't consider mag capacity much of an issue, as I said I carry 1911's. Still, I always carry a spare mag or two, as much because they're the thing most likely to fail in any auto pistol as for the spare ammo.
Skip the slim single stacks and go directly to a higher capacity gun. Chances are high that if you have a run-in with an ex-inmate, he will have gang ties and he will probably have others with him at the time. You want all the firepower available. I'd say carry a gun with a minimum of 10+1 rounds. Plus an extra mag. It's much easier to carry a gun like that than you might think.
What if he had his posse?

What say you to a KAHR CW9 or CW40?
I'd say skip the sub-compact single stack guns and carry something at least Glock 19 size.

Something easy to shoot and having good capacity.
I don't think the answer is to buy a large capacity gun. Perhaps you should invest in a better neighborhood? Neighborhoods change over time...

I live in a town of 12,000 and we've only had 2 murder in the past 3 years. The place is clean, low crime rate and great schools. So there is the solution, move to a nicer area with a lower crime rate. I feel perfectly safe in my town to only carry a 5 shot snub nose revolver, and have never had to use it or come anywhere near close to it despite my many midnight walks. Having a competent police department, competent local government, and an affluent community that won't tolerate disorder goes a long way towards giving you peace of mind, much more than a tactical high capacity gun ever will.
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... I think his primary concern is the fact that the <person> in question has gang ties, and is one of the prisoners the OP used to supervise at the prison in his work as a CO.

Additionally, while living in nicer neighborhoods is always preferable, it's not always affordable. I've had CO friends, but in general they can't afford to pack up and move at will. The pay isn't that high, and it's not so easy to sell a home in today's environment, even for those with higher pay levels.

(Then again, my cousin is a LT in the Massachusetts corrections system, and I don't know that he could afford to move at will, either.)

So, while moving might be a fantastic option, a CCW is much more affordable and might be the most practical measure.
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Ruger and kimber also have new single stacks out. Only 9mm though. Pick something you will carry all the time. A high cap duty gun is useless if you don't have it when you need it.
Sig P6/P225's are nice and slim. They're used, but only cost around $300. I have one and it shoots like a champ. 8+1 9mm
SW40VE. Carries like a G23, gobbles any ammo, 15 rounds of substantial power and it's safe in any sane carry mode. Learn to shoot it; dress around it. Mine works great under a tail-out T-shirt in a Safariland 27.

I live a couple of miles outside a nice, little rural town of 450 and in the last three years, we had one murder, not to far from my house. Not to mention a few other things going on.

It really doesnt matter where you live. When trouble comes, you only get to deal with it with what you have on you when it arrives, and thats got to sustain you till its done.

Some of us also dont have the police protection that many seem to take for granted and expect. We have no local cops here (we only just got 911 a couple years ago, and some still dont have it), and have to rely on a few state police, who have to cover a large area. Our response time could be a couple of minutes to half an hour or more, depending on where people are when the call goes out, and assuming they can find the house when they get here.

I'll keep my Glock 17 with its double reload (and many times, its smaller sibling) with me and be happy. :)
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I just got a stoager cougar 8000f. Fits my hand like a glove, and shoots really nice. A bit heavier than most peoples every day carry, but i have it tucked in a belly-band with a homemade kydex insert right now. No problems yet, about 1000 rounds through it. Havent had any ft-anything problems. a couple hundred of those various defense rounds.
Wow AK103K, that is rough. Reminds me of a place I used to live at in central Florida that refused to incorporate because people were too cheap to pay taxes. As a result we had no police or fire protection and the place became a gathering place for rapists, drug dealers and human traffickers. After a few bad incidents around my neighborhood I sold at a loss and got the hell out of there as fast as I could legally drive down the road.

Am pretty happy where I am living at now, but I understand not everyone can afford to pick up and relocate like that. Stay safe!
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