NAA mini-revolver

... nice thread ... just the one I was looking for ... particularily glad about Texas' post ... I purchased a Black Widow recently (with the regular thick rubber grips) ... looked at it, felt it, fitted into my jeans pocket, had to have it ... although when tested it shot high and left (3 shooters), I still wanted it - waiting for a swap at the moment ... the 2 other shooters testified that they had shot Black Widows before and the results were similar to the ones Texas showed us ... so, I'm glad having made the right decision after all ... the other NAA's I found too small to handle ...

... what I'd really like to know: do you carry them (regularily or not)? ... if yes, how and when? ... do you/would you rely on them in a real threat scenario?

... thanx to all posters ...

cheers and beers
LetsFetz -

Sometimes carry my 1 5/8"er with .22 mag cylinder in it as second gun, rarely as the only one. Clip-on holster that came with it works great for me inside draw-string shorts or top inside of cowboy boot.

This time of year I keep .22LR cylinder full of shot loads as I do quite a bit of work outside on private property in semi-rural area. Pretty handy for snakes and certain Texas bumblebees that decide to "hover" and dare me to come into "their territory". Effective range there only about 6 feet. (For "serious" work, I've found that CCI .45 shot loads will - amazingly - cycle in Glock 36! :p :p :p . Get's expensive in a hurry tho.:( ) But, I digress ...

With eye protection, NAA unit with shot loads has also been quite handy when needing to stop and retrieve wounded game birds that somtimes want to play hide and seek in the bush. Again, not as effective as bigger calibers, but cheap, easy to carry and a hoot to shoot - a lot. :)

Mine is my always, carried in a pocket holster.

Threat-based carry (fairly safe place, Vermont), and it's so small it's always always always with me.
The correct application is at contact range: eye, ear, spine, neck, joints, etc.

Of course, I noticed I had my 1911 (Caspian, of course) with me yesterday, too..........
... I'm also considering a pocket holster ... which ones do you recommend and where can I get them ...

... should work for wide, sloppy trousers, too ... i.e. I wouldn't like to stand there with the pocket turned inside out and the first shot katapulting the holster towards the target :D ...

I have tried a couple different ways of carrying it but so far, in the pocket is the easiest for me.

I cludged together a cheap imitation of a pocket holster so I could try the carry out before plunking down some cash.

I used a leather business card case (the kind that fold), cut it in half and sewed one half to the other in a "T" shape.

In the horizontal part, I keep a few business cards to help disguise the outline. In the verticle part, I sewed the long opening shut and cut open the "top" so I could insert the pistol. Took me about 20 minutes and it sits vertically in my pocket, centered becasue of the horizontal half and disguises well, even in wranglers.

Like I said, a jury-rig to see if that is how I wanted to carry it. So far so good.
I have one of the first .22 short versions made in Newbury Park, Ca. Very nice little miniature revolver. I have put some CB caps through it, but to tell the truth, I'd be hard pressed to shoot myself in the foot with it! It's just too small to do anything with other than admire.

Still, it's a nice little wheelgun, and well proportioned.
Thanks for the great info, ordered a NAA that is supposed to be here in a few days and just reading up as much as I can. Shot a friends years back and always wanted one, Ordered the magnum with a 22lr conversion cylinder in 1 5/8. Any good new 22 mag carry ammo options other than the speer gold dots? Mostly an around the house/yard gun.
Holy Lazarus Thread!

I had a NAA .22 mag mini revolver 1 5/8" a while back. it was a well made gun and has some small usage as an Onion Fields gun or loaded with snake shot for when you have one drop in your boat.
Holy Lazarus Thread!

I had a NAA .22 mag mini revolver 1 5/8" a while back. it was a well made gun and has some small usage as an Onion Fields gun or loaded with snake shot for when you have one drop in your boat.
yeah, snake shot seemed to pattern really well out of these from what i had seen. This thread had some back a couple times. did some searching around and it was the main one for the NAA I could find on here so back it came.
When you get to the magnum-sized mini revolvers, you are getting into .32/.380 auto territory. I would much rather have either than the .22 WMR. The best thing .22 magnum does out of a 2" barrel is "Loud."
I have 2 .22 short NAAs from the late 1970s. I carried one of them for many years, as it was the ONLY gun small enough for me to conceal at the time-due to circumstances.
NAA started out with the smallest, so all they can do is make them bigger-and they have.
Why carry a 2" barreled, single action, 5 shot gun in .22 magnum, when you can carry a 7 or 8 shot, double action .32/.380 in the same size package? I believe my P32 is lighter than the magnum minis, too.
I think I paid ~$125 for mine 20ish years ago? You can count the number of times I've carried it in that time on one hand.

Still, I like looking at it. :)
When you get to the magnum-sized mini revolvers, you are getting into .32/.380 auto territory. I would much rather have either than the .22 WMR. The best thing .22 magnum does out of a 2" barrel is "Loud."
I have 2 .22 short NAAs from the late 1970s. I carried one of them for many years, as it was the ONLY gun small enough for me to conceal at the time-due to circumstances.
NAA started out with the smallest, so all they can do is make them bigger-and they have.
Why carry a 2" barreled, single action, 5 shot gun in .22 magnum, when you can carry a 7 or 8 shot, double action .32/.380 in the same size package? I believe my P32 is lighter than the magnum minis, too.
yes, 32 or 380 would be a better choice, although 380 is getting bigger. I went with the NAA mainly because i have wanted one for a long time, since i shot my friends. also because i already have 22lr, and i have a soft spot for 22 mag and plan to get a 22 mag rifle again at some point. 380 is too expensive to shoot and not that much smaller than my LC9s. I like 32 and will probably get one eventually, but i just like the NAA's more.
I ordered this grips from these guys it really makes a difference. They also cell the rubber ammo pods that holds 5 22lr or 22 mag and can be used like a speed loader.
i have been looking at those grips, still undecided. gun is supposed to get here later this week and i want to shoot it and get comfortable with it before i decide if i need to change it up. I feel like it will add too much size to the gun. Not against it, just undecided for now.
WOW!! A thread from 2002 - this is a first for me to comment on such an ancient thread. But, on-topic, I shoot .22 WRF thru my short-barreled NAA in .22Mag. I have only fired it in an indoor range, so I don't know how it would sound outside (it's near-deafening inside!). Accuracy is awful because all of the WRF (CCI) bullets keyhole at 5-yd, but I'm sure it would make a nasty hole in ... ahem ... a potential target. Wouldn't trade it for anything - I really like it.
It won't add as much as you think and will improve your accuracy tremendously. On occasion I have carried it in my shirt pocket when I wear a vest.
Well, I'll jump on the zombie. Since I didn't have a Mini Revolver way back when this thread was alive.
I just don't see a reason to take a tiny little revolver, and make it bigger with an out of proportion grip.
Mine is the miniest of Minis, the 22 Short model. It's loads of fun just as is. As for any practical carry use, why? When multi shot semis in 32 or 380 are so easy to conceal.
I plan on adding a Mini Revolver in 22 longrifle, and another in 22 WMR. Just 'cause those tiny little revolvers are so cool. If they stay tiny that is.
Putting big, out of proportion grips on them is like buying a Smart Car, and putting a Ram truck cab on it.:eek:
I bought a 22S because it looked so cute. Like a baby gun. I don't see adding bigger stocks on the guns. They are what they are for being as little as possible as a BUG or NPE carry.